

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: unanswered

Cross compiling FreeTDS to iPhone


compiling FreeTDS to iPhone Since this question is unanswered and I spent the majority of a semester figuring it I thought I would post how to Cross compiling FreeTDS 0.91 to iPhone..

How to send add friend request (to facebook user) from iOS application?


but none of those have satisfactory answers. Again I am not so confident about help as 2 of my last 3 questions are unanswered. Well Still ma question is Is there any way we can send friend request to any facebook user from one iOS application Of..

Drifting yaw angle after moving fast


share improve this question Not the definitive solution but at least a workaround for my own question I leave it as unanswered to invite you . It turned out that at least DeviceMotion.gravity is not affected by the bug. So I decided to redesign this..

iPhone: In landscape-only, after first addSubview, UITableViewController doesn't rotate properly


I have set the UIInterfaceOrientation in the plist file to UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft. Probably related and unanswered SO questions here and here . iphone landscape share improve this question I think I figured out a way possibly the..

iPhone Safari Web App opens links in new window


new window in Safari and lose full screen functionality . How can I prevent it I couldn't find any help only the same unanswered question. iphone safari iphone standalone web app share improve this question I found JavaScript solution in iWebKit..

Call objective c method from javascript with parameter


a parameter....can anyone help javascript iphone objective c share improve this question Noticing that this is unanswered I have a little project that simplifies the calling of Objective C from UIWebViews. It provides a small Javascript function..

Using custom fonts in interface builder


custom fonts in interface builder I've searched this site but I just found unanswered questions. I've loaded a custom font into my xcode project. A UIFont fontWithName @ Laconic Light size 19 works. But interface..

How can I crop an Image with mask and combine it with another image (background) on iPhone? (OpenGL ES 1.1 is preferred)


make Mask of required format such as transparency for Background and white for Sprite if needed. P.S. There's another unanswered question of same kind Possible to change the alpha value of certain pixels on iPhone iphone objective c ios opengl es cocos2d..

JavaScript on iOS: opening an HTML select element


element.dispatchEvent evt simulateMouseEvent mousedown select UPDATE I've asked a related but different and similarly unanswered question on select boxes here Is there a DOM event that fires when an HTML select element is closed javascript iphone html..

Unhiding a view is very slow in CTCallCenter callEventHandler


slow in CTCallCenter callEventHandler Reposting with more concise and focused question after original question went unanswered. Also adding more insight into the problem after another day of research In my app delegate didFinishLaunching I set up..

iPhone Device Debugging


machine. In any case it works now... Thanks for all the help. Also I'm unsure if it's better to leave this question unanswered or pick the most helpful answer... iphone debugging gdb breakpoints share improve this question Yes just use a device..