

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:27

iphone Programming Glossary: unfamiliar

AFNetworking - How to setup requests to be retried in the event of a timeout?


This can be further referenced in this post Can an ASIHTTPRequest be retried This is AFNetworking if you are unfamiliar https github.com AFNetworking AFNetworking#readme I was unable to find an equivalent api in AFNetworking has anyone found..

SimpleXML way of parsing in Objective C for iPhone App


to parsing XML in Objective C for iPhone. Thanks in advance for the help Cheers Oonoo Update SimpleXML sample In case unfamiliar with SimpleXML it can be as easy as this xml simplexml_load_string xmlfilecontents echo xml user name for this example code..

Designing the iPhone interface in a nib or in code?


the iPhone SDK was back in beta around March 2008 and since I didn't come from a Mac Cocoa background I was somewhat unfamiliar with using it. This was not the major factor in my initial rejection of IB for iPhone development though Interface Builder..

presentModalViewController not working


controller. There's a starter project in Xcode that shows how to create a UINavigationController based flow if you're unfamiliar with it. One other thing to note if you haven't pushed the view controller onto a UINavigationController the .navigationController..

iPhone (iOS): copying files from main bundle to documents folder causes crash


if there was no error edit Also are you allowed to copy the entire contents of a subdirectory like that Again I'm unfamiliar with the iOS API just identifying possible sources of error based on what I know of other languages APIs share improve..

Point in Tilt Direction - iPhone


represented very well in the 'Tilt to Live' game on the app store. I want controls just like that. My sprite for those unfamiliar with cocos2d does have a rotation value if that helps. Thanks. iphone objective c cocos2d iphone rotation accelerometer..

iPhone indoor location based app


Museum of Natural History get away with using the same technology but still available on the app store if you're unfamiliar with American Museum of Natural History interactive tour app see here http itunes.apple.com us app amnh explorer id381227123..