

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:27

iphone Programming Glossary: understanding

How would I tint an image programatically on the iPhone?


do this in my ImageView's drawRect method right As always a code snippet would greatly aid in my understanding as opposed to a link. Update Subclassing a UIImageView with the code Ramin suggested. I put this in..

Declaration/definition of variables locations in ObjectiveC?


situations where I'd want to use these locations for my variables and perhaps correct my present understanding Here's a sample class .h and .m #import Foundation Foundation.h 1 What do I declare here @interface.. ivars 7 define methods and synthesize properties from both public and private interfaces @end My understanding of 1 and 4 is that those are C style file based declarations and definitions that have no understanding.. of 1 and 4 is that those are C style file based declarations and definitions that have no understanding whatsoever of the concept of class and thus have to be used exactly how they would be used in C. I've..

How do I manage building a Lite vs Paid version of an iPhone app?


But I was wondering if anyone else knows of any links resources they found good for understanding how to best manage this process What I'm specifically interested in is simplifying the process of managing..

Learning OpenGL ES 1.x


am concerned that it might not be the best approach because it focuses on 2.0 rather than 1.x. My understanding is that 2.0 is not backwards compatible with 1.x so I may miss out on some important concepts. Note..

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring


I still get value added to ifi_obytes and ifi_ibytes . May be I'm wrong in the implementation or understanding. Need someone to help me out. Edit Instead of AF_LINK I tried AF_INET sockaddr_in instead of sockaddr_dl..

Objective-C ARC: strong vs retain and weak vs assign


completely different are there any differences between strong vs retain and weak vs assign From my understanding the only difference here is that weak will assign nil to the pointer while assign won't which means..

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD


system to cache my images and where I need to go the extra mile and do it myself. My current basic understanding is that it's a simple NSMutableDictionary of UIImages referenced by filename. It gets bigger and when.. more than it should have been. whilst warning that On the speed front there is a general misunderstanding of what is going on. The biggest thing that imageNamed does is decode the image data from the source.. iPhone OS 2.x a bug prevents the cache from being shrunk when a memory warning is received. and My understanding is that the imageNamed cache should respect memory warnings on iPhone OS 3.0. Test it when you get a..

How would I tint an image programatically on the iPhone?


color value continuously. Follow up I would put the code to do this in my ImageView's drawRect method right As always a code snippet would greatly aid in my understanding as opposed to a link. Update Subclassing a UIImageView with the code Ramin suggested. I put this in viewDidLoad of my view controller self.lena setImage UIImage..

Declaration/definition of variables locations in ObjectiveC?


Could you folks helps me understand the best practice and situations where I'd want to use these locations for my variables and perhaps correct my present understanding Here's a sample class .h and .m #import Foundation Foundation.h 1 What do I declare here @interface SampleClass NSObject 2 ivar declarations Pretty much never used.. and properties here @end @implementation SampleClass 6 define ivars 7 define methods and synthesize properties from both public and private interfaces @end My understanding of 1 and 4 is that those are C style file based declarations and definitions that have no understanding whatsoever of the concept of class and thus have to be used.. from both public and private interfaces @end My understanding of 1 and 4 is that those are C style file based declarations and definitions that have no understanding whatsoever of the concept of class and thus have to be used exactly how they would be used in C. I've seen them used for implementing static variable based singletons..

How do I manage building a Lite vs Paid version of an iPhone app?


blog 2009 01 27 building_for_multiple_iphone_targets_in_xcode But I was wondering if anyone else knows of any links resources they found good for understanding how to best manage this process What I'm specifically interested in is simplifying the process of managing which files are included in the different versions of..

Learning OpenGL ES 1.x


I've found the book OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide but I am concerned that it might not be the best approach because it focuses on 2.0 rather than 1.x. My understanding is that 2.0 is not backwards compatible with 1.x so I may miss out on some important concepts. Note For answers about learning general OpenGL see http stackoverflow.com..

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring


if I'm connected to a WiFi network but am not using internet I still get value added to ifi_obytes and ifi_ibytes . May be I'm wrong in the implementation or understanding. Need someone to help me out. Edit Instead of AF_LINK I tried AF_INET sockaddr_in instead of sockaddr_dl . This crashes the application. iphone ios sockets share..

Objective-C ARC: strong vs retain and weak vs assign


and weak . Apart from copy which is obviously something completely different are there any differences between strong vs retain and weak vs assign From my understanding the only difference here is that weak will assign nil to the pointer while assign won't which means the program will crash when I send a message to the pointer..

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD


to make a reasoned decision about where I can trust the system to cache my images and where I need to go the extra mile and do it myself. My current basic understanding is that it's a simple NSMutableDictionary of UIImages referenced by filename. It gets bigger and when memory runs out it gets a lot smaller. For example does anyone.. but for the convenience which has probably magnified the problem more than it should have been. whilst warning that On the speed front there is a general misunderstanding of what is going on. The biggest thing that imageNamed does is decode the image data from the source file which almost always significantly inflates the data size.. dynamically as you request more images via imageNamed . On iPhone OS 2.x a bug prevents the cache from being shrunk when a memory warning is received. and My understanding is that the imageNamed cache should respect memory warnings on iPhone OS 3.0. Test it when you get a chance and report bugs if you find that this is not the case...

How would I tint an image programatically on the iPhone?


would put the code to do this in my ImageView's drawRect method right As always a code snippet would greatly aid in my understanding as opposed to a link. Update Subclassing a UIImageView with the code Ramin suggested. I put this in viewDidLoad of my view..

Declaration/definition of variables locations in ObjectiveC?


the best practice and situations where I'd want to use these locations for my variables and perhaps correct my present understanding Here's a sample class .h and .m #import Foundation Foundation.h 1 What do I declare here @interface SampleClass NSObject.. SampleClass 6 define ivars 7 define methods and synthesize properties from both public and private interfaces @end My understanding of 1 and 4 is that those are C style file based declarations and definitions that have no understanding whatsoever of the.. @end My understanding of 1 and 4 is that those are C style file based declarations and definitions that have no understanding whatsoever of the concept of class and thus have to be used exactly how they would be used in C. I've seen them used for..

@property and retain, assign, copy, nonatomic in Objective-C


is the default. In the setter that is created by @synthesize the value will simply be assigned to the attribute. My understanding is that assign should be used for non pointer attributes. retain is needed when the attribute is a pointer to an object...

Behaviour for significant change location API when terminated/suspended?


manager object is populated with the most recent location object even before you start location services. So my understanding is that if your app terminates and I assume if you don't call stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges from applicationWillTerminate.. In the process of writing this up I think I may have just answered my own question but it would be great to have my understanding of this confirmed by someone more knowledgeable. iphone cllocationmanager share improve this question Since I asked..

CGContextDrawImage draws image upside down when passed UIImage.CGImage


onto knowledge of the orientation while the CGContextDrawImage method gets the underlying raw image data with no understanding of orientation. Note that you'll run into this problem in many areas but one specific example is dealing with address book..

What are the Dangers of Method Swizzling in Objective C?


looks recursive Difficult to debug These points are all valid and in addressing them we can improve both our understanding of method swizzling as well as the methodology used to achieve the result. I'll take each one at a time. Method swizzling.. safety measure you can take is to only swizzle in load . Like many things in programming it can be dangerous but understanding the consequences will allow you use it properly. 1 Using the above defined swizzling method you could make things thread..

How do I manage building a Lite vs Paid version of an iPhone app?


But I was wondering if anyone else knows of any links resources they found good for understanding how to best manage this process What I'm specifically interested in is simplifying the process of managing which files are..

iOS: Movement Precision in 3D Space


having the phone in the correct position in 3D space. I don't need anyone to lay out some coding just give me a brief understanding if with some hard work this could even be possible. Thanks Derek iphone ios4 gps accelerometer gyroscope share improve..

What exactly does delegate do in xcode ios project?


does delegate do in xcode ios project I have just been learning iPhone apps development but I have a hard time in understanding what delegate actually means Can anyone tell me with example what it does and how important it is Thanks for any helps ..

Learning OpenGL ES 1.x


Guide but I am concerned that it might not be the best approach because it focuses on 2.0 rather than 1.x. My understanding is that 2.0 is not backwards compatible with 1.x so I may miss out on some important concepts. Note For answers about learning..

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring


am not using internet I still get value added to ifi_obytes and ifi_ibytes . May be I'm wrong in the implementation or understanding. Need someone to help me out. Edit Instead of AF_LINK I tried AF_INET sockaddr_in instead of sockaddr_dl . This crashes..

NSOperation on the iPhone


for some concrete scenarios for when NSOperation on the iPhone is an ideal tool to use in an application. To my understanding this is a wrapper around writing your own threaded code. I haven't seen any Apple demo apps using it and I'm wondering if..

Objective-C ARC: strong vs retain and weak vs assign


obviously something completely different are there any differences between strong vs retain and weak vs assign From my understanding the only difference here is that weak will assign nil to the pointer while assign won't which means the program will crash..

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD


I can trust the system to cache my images and where I need to go the extra mile and do it myself. My current basic understanding is that it's a simple NSMutableDictionary of UIImages referenced by filename. It gets bigger and when memory runs out it.. magnified the problem more than it should have been. whilst warning that On the speed front there is a general misunderstanding of what is going on. The biggest thing that imageNamed does is decode the image data from the source file which almost always.. via imageNamed . On iPhone OS 2.x a bug prevents the cache from being shrunk when a memory warning is received. and My understanding is that the imageNamed cache should respect memory warnings on iPhone OS 3.0. Test it when you get a chance and report bugs..

Xcode: Conditional Build Settings based on architecture (Device (ARM) vs Simulator (i386))


here are substantially correct I ended up having to go elsewhere to truly understand and then fix the problem. Step 1. Understanding the issues This blog post does a great job of explaining the overall issue. It gives start to finish instructions for solving..

Why isn't my String comparison working in iOS 6? [duplicate]


isn't my String comparison working in iOS 6 duplicate Possible Duplicate Understanding NSString comparison in Objective C I've used this simple code for several releases of an app and until iOS 6 the string..

Understanding iOS 6 Interface orientation change


iOS 6 Interface orientation change ADDED I see that my question is viewed often without upvotes so I decided that you guys..

Taking time to load the image from URL to UIImageview


iphone ios objective c path uiimageview share improve this question The answers given to me on my own question Understanding the behaviour of NSData dataWithContentsOfURL URL inside the GCD block does makes sense.So be sure that if you use NSData..

Can I show/hide a certain cell in an UITableView depending on the state of another cell?


that the API can be a bit daunting but take the time to read through it and understand what the various calls do. Understanding how the UITableView uses its datasource and delegate as well as the chain of events that occur when cells are selected deleted..

Does my application “contain encryption”?


under Category 5 Part 2 of the EAR based on the guidance provided by BIS at encryption question . The Statement of Understanding for medical equipment in Supplement No. 3 to Part 774 of the EAR can be accessed at Electronic Code of Federal Regulations..

Understanding NSHTTPCookieStorage for the iPhone


NSHTTPCookieStorage for the iPhone Maybe I'm missing something but from Apple's documentation for NSHTTPCookieStorage I..

iPhone Crash with “No Backtrace”


objective c crash dumps crash reports appstore approval share improve this question See Technical Note TN2151 Understanding and Analyzing iPhone OS Application Crash Reports. Symbolication would normally help you track down the source of a crash..

Understanding the memory consumption on iPhone


the memory consumption on iPhone I am working on a 2D iPhone game using OpenGL ES and I keep hitting the 24 MB memory limit..

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


release and reload the DocRef and any page Caches Other PDF Features Getting Links inside a PDF and here and here Understanding the PDF Rect for link positioning Converting PDF annot datestrings Getting the target of the link Getting the page number..

Understanding when to call retain on an object?


when to call retain on an object When should retain be used I understand that it increments the object references count..

Understanding @Protocols in Objective-C


@Protocols in Objective C I am a beginner to programming and a beginner to Objective C. I learned basic C and decided to..

Understanding iOS Instruments


iOS Instruments I am creating an iPhone app. Running into memory issues I started using Instruments to track down any memory..

Random EXC_BAD_ACCESS in a place that it cannot happen


Understanding reference counting with Cocoa and Objective-C


reference counting with Cocoa and Objective C I'm just beginning to have a look at Objective C and Cocoa with a view to..

Visual viewport vs Layout viewport on mobile devices


of the content relatively constant and controlled and the device then translates CSS pixels into device pixels. Understanding the difference between CSS pixels and device pixels may assist in the understanding and answering of your questions. The..

Understanding of UIAnimation


of UIAnimation I am trying to use following code to perform few animations void performSlidingfromX int xx fromY int yy..

Why is this code not recognising the NSString as being equal?


Additional Icon in App Name/Lable


ios emoji springboard share improve this question This is an Emoji character. See Emoji on Wikipedia and iOS Understanding emoji for more information about these. They are special unicode characters that are very popular in countries like Japan...