

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:27

iphone Programming Glossary: understands

Thumbnail view of images


Added Using an image's built in thumbnail There's a nice function called CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex that understands built in thumbnails in certain image data formats. You can see some useful sample code for this under Creating a Thumbnail..

MPMoviePlayerController and HTTP Live Streaming


for an HTML page which the movie player doesn't understand. That is why it does work in UIWebView since a web browser understands HTML . If you want more information about what's wrong you can check the error doing the following quoted from Apple's documentation..

iOS: Select a GIF from the photo library, convert to NSData for use in multipart/form-data


@ error library autorelease So you create an ALAssetsLibrary ask it to find you the asset with the URL specified it understands the assets library URL scheme then when you get the asset you grab its default representation and use that to feed you the..

Crash using Aggregate Operation: “ALL” in a Core Data iOS Application


with the contactUid variable. If it has no value or a value that does not cleanly convert to a string that NSPredicate understands then it will cause the crash. E.g. NSString contactUId NSPredicate p NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ ALL contacts.uid..

Obj-C @synthesize [duplicate]


Retain Cycles: Why is that such a bad thing?


usually try to avoid cycles. This becomes more important on big projects with many programmers where no one person understands the whole system. If there were cycles the programmers would have to watch out and spend a long time studying each others..

Change iPhone navigation bar's height


Guidelines and your application may be rejected from the App Store because of it. Please make sure your client understands this risk before proceeding. Pointing out rejection risks is usually a good way to convince clients against making nonsense..