

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: unarchiving

Do I need to release IBOutlets when using loadNibNamed: method?


these objects anywhere in my code and I don't synthesize these into getter setters. But I don't know enough about nib unarchiving to know whether I should be releasing these in my dealloc phase or not iphone objective c share improve this question..

Put a UIView into a UITableView Header


unarchived and becomes a living UIView object with all of the properties and settings recorded in the .xib. That's the unarchiving part . And then because of the connection in the .xib from File's Owner MyViewController class to the UIView object the..

this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key authView


You've probably got your File's Owner stuff messed up in your xibs. This exception is getting thrown during nib unarchiving as evidenced by UINib... in the backtrace . It's attempting to hook up your IBOutlets that you defined. One of your views..

Iterating through NSDictionary for null value


for ... in ... . if you are modifying the contents of the dictionaries you must use mutable dictionaries. If you are unarchiving from a property list there are options for creating mutable containers with immutable nodes which is probably what you want..

iOS and unarchiving xib files


and unarchiving xib files I'm finishing off an app for iOS 3.0 and up to run on the iPhone and iPod Touch. It's working fine on iOS4.0..