

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: unarchived

What happens if I don't retain IBOutlet?


The details are spelled out in the Memory Management Programming Guide . The basic gist is when your NIB objects are unarchived the nib loading code will go through and set all of the IBOutlets using setValue forKey . When you declare the memory management..

iPhone - archiving array of custom objects


problems. If savedGames is nil you are saving an object not an array to the file. That means on the next run the unarchived object will not be an array as you expect. Unarchived arrays are immutable. Declaring the type to NSMutableArray doesn't.. matter if you archive a mutable array you will get an immutable one on unarchive. You need to call mutableCopy on the unarchived array if you want to modify it. I'm not sure about the exception exactly but fix the above problems and either it will go..

Put a UIView into a UITableView Header


class is set to point to the UIView object in the .xib. When this .xib file is loaded the UIView object is unarchived and becomes a living UIView object with all of the properties and settings recorded in the .xib. That's the unarchiving.. have been set to the new objects loaded from the XIB file. also this method returns an array of all objects unarchived from the xib. If you don't care about setting any owner's outlets you can just search this list for your objects by class..

viewDidLoad and awakeFromNib timing


that awakeFromNib will always be called before viewDidLoad. So I have a subclass of a UITableViewController which is unarchived from a xib file. I defined these two methods inside void awakeFromNib super awakeFromNib NSLog @ awake from nib void viewDidLoad..

Save OpenGL Drawn item as a Image


viewRenderbuffer context presentRenderbuffer GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES The GL view is stored in the nib file. When it's unarchived it's sent initWithCoder id initWithCoder NSCoder coder CGImageRef brushImage CGContextRef brushContext GLubyte brushData..

Record the drawing as a m4v video file - OpenGL


viewRenderbuffer context presentRenderbuffer GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES The GL view is stored in the nib file. When it's unarchived it's sent initWithCoder id initWithCoder NSCoder coder CGImageRef brushImage CGContextRef brushContext GLubyte brushData..