

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: uk

open google maps to bus directions


maps app ready for directions by doing something like this NSString urlString @ http maps.google.com maps saddr London UK daddr Birmingham UK UIApplication sharedApplication openURL NSURL URLWithString urlString But is there a parameter I can.. by doing something like this NSString urlString @ http maps.google.com maps saddr London UK daddr Birmingham UK UIApplication sharedApplication openURL NSURL URLWithString urlString But is there a parameter I can add to automatically.. beta. dirflg d Switches to driving directions. So your URL NSString urlString @ http maps.google.com maps saddr London UK daddr Birmingham UK Becomes NSString urlString @ http maps.google.com maps saddr London UK daddr Birmingham UK dirflg r..

CLGeocoder Only Returning One Placemark


NSError error NSLog @ array count i placemarks count Thank you for any help. I have used strings such as Piccadilly UK Union Street UK which have only returned one result. Now that I think about it putting UK on the end might be the contributing.. NSLog @ array count i placemarks count Thank you for any help. I have used strings such as Piccadilly UK Union Street UK which have only returned one result. Now that I think about it putting UK on the end might be the contributing factor. .. strings such as Piccadilly UK Union Street UK which have only returned one result. Now that I think about it putting UK on the end might be the contributing factor. iphone objective c nsarray clgeocoder share improve this question I dont..

iPod touch for iPhone development


The iPod touch is obviously cheaper than the iPhone and there is no contract necessary. However at least in the UK you can get a contract free iPhone and you should be able to do so soon on AT T in the USA. There are no extra costs besides.. There are no extra costs besides the 99 for application development which is a yearly fee We are developing from the UK. One issue to be aware of when you eventually sell your application is tax withholding Apple will retain 30 of your revenues...

How to add a contact to the iPhone's Address Book from a Web Page?


to a Google Map entry and extract the contact information from that Google Map entry requires weeks to attain in the UK . Whilst these are both viable solutions they are not what I would call user friendly and I tried unsuccessfully to get..

iPhone: how to get safari to recognize a vcard?


to a Google Map entry and extract the contact information from that Google Map entry requires weeks to attain in the UK . Whilst these are both viable solutions they are not what I would call user friendly and I tried unsuccessfully to get..

Web site exhibits JavaScript error on iPad / iPhone under 3G but not under WiFi


not reproduce the problem. I am currently suspecting this is a problem being introduced by my mobile operator in the UK O2 which is known to modify some content through a proxy cache such as downgrading image files. If you can confirm that.. wifi 3g share improve this question I've investigated this further and discovered that the problem is that the UK mobile operator O2 the original exclusive iPhone operator for Apple modifies web content before sending it to iPhones and..

iPhone App Localization - English problems?


this question iPhone localisations or is that localizations do not take any notice of the Region the user sets ie UK Aus NZ . There is only one English language translation available by default. However you can hack around with things to..

iOS MKMapView zoom to show all markers


zoom to bounds function. so all my points should be visible to the user. There will be around 10 points around the UK I'd like to show them all or if most of them were in the London area zoom to there. Is there a way to work this out programatically..

JSON POST Request on the iPhone (Using HTTPS)


to do this NEW EDIT This works with a non HTTPS request such as http maps.googleapis.com maps api geocode json address UK sensor true . So I guess the problem is getting the iPhone to send the POST properly over SSL I am also using these methods..

How to Parse XML File using xmlparsing on iphone?


CITY HOME Little Town WORK Anycity COUNTY HOME Anyshire WORK Anyshire POSTAL HOME as plain text WORK text COUNTRY HOME UK WORK UK PHONE HOME as text WORK text FAX HOME none WORK 555 MOBILE HOME 444 WORK 333 WEB HOME www.codehelp.co.uk WORK COMPANY.. Little Town WORK Anycity COUNTY HOME Anyshire WORK Anyshire POSTAL HOME as plain text WORK text COUNTRY HOME UK WORK UK PHONE HOME as text WORK text FAX HOME none WORK 555 MOBILE HOME 444 WORK 333 WEB HOME www.codehelp.co.uk WORK COMPANY Full..

Is there an official list of supported countries for iAd?


actually received iAds and where iAds are supported . So the actual list of supported countries is a lot smaller. USA UK France Germany Italy Spain and Japan are supported. It might be worth to mention that I have seen stats showing that other..

How could I write this if else code checking in a better way? [closed]


lang @ it else if countrySaved isEqual @ United States lang @ us else if countrySaved isEqual @ United Kingdom lang @ uk thanks for any help iphone ios objective c conditional share improve this question Store the language IDs in a dictionary.. dictionary NSDictionary languageIDs @ @ Brazil @ br @ Spain @ es @ Italy @ it @ United States @ us @ United Kingdom @ uk Then simply assign lang from said dictionary lang languageIDs countrySaved if lang lang languageIDs @ Italy Or the shorter..

Corelocation framework does not produce accurate distances


or Touch is just going to be worse I guess. If you can drop me a mail at andrew dot hawken at fiftyeggs dot co dot uk I will send you my raw iPhone logging software. It would be great if you can run it for a couple of trips and let me have..

iPhone:DatePicker dd/mm/yyyy


The locale property on UIDatePicker was deprecated in iOS 5 but I believe that you could do the following NSLocale uk NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_GB NSCalendar cal NSCalendar currentCalendar cal setLocale uk uk release myDatePicker.. NSLocale uk NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_GB NSCalendar cal NSCalendar currentCalendar cal setLocale uk uk release myDatePicker setCalendar cal This should work. If it doesn't please file a bug and I'll fix it. share improve.. NSLocale uk NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_GB NSCalendar cal NSCalendar currentCalendar cal setLocale uk uk release myDatePicker setCalendar cal This should work. If it doesn't please file a bug and I'll fix it. share improve..