

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: unacceptable

Hardware accelerated h.264 decoding to texture, overlay or similar in iOS


only to find at the end that the relevant API is not available for third party developers and what I want to do is unacceptable for iTunes store deployment. This is what my friend told me but I can't seem to find anything relevant in the app development..

Indoor navigation hardware/software requirements for iOS


a private API which is disallowed by the iPhone SDK Agreement. c http redpin.org faq.html Does it mean that RedPin is unacceptable in AppStore so I can't use it 3 Does Navizon I.T.S. requires some specific hardware equipment except standart routers Thank..

What should I learn: Quartz or OpenGL ES? [closed]


even in games they should look at Core Animation first and go to OpenGL ES only if Core Animation's performance is unacceptable. Core Animation lets you do a lot with just a little code and there are now plenty of great references out there on the..

Prevent caching of .css files in UIWebView loaded from disk


to load the new file whenever I change it. I've once changed the name of the file just to get it to reset but that's unacceptable in the long run. Is there a way to prevent caching of the CSS file in a UIWebView Or even better is there a way to say when..

How to create a custom keyboard


different. I can't find any example and the best I've found is to filter characters with existing keyboard which is an unacceptable solution. iphone objective c ios keyboard share improve this question I think you're looking for the Text Web and Editing..

How do I use a UIWebView in a Table Cell?


should always practice lazy loading on the iPhone. Putting UIWebviews in a UITableView will come with a potentially unacceptable performance hit. You will need to use other means to accomplish your goal. Unfortunately NSAttributedString is unavailable..

Is it possible to use only region monitoring + GSM and to get not more than 5 km horizontalAccuracy?


GSM without using GPS There's a sample of Apple code with proper use of region monitoring here however there are some unacceptable things there 1 They state that sample code works only for iPhone4 though Apple docs state that both region monitoring and..

Core Data's NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType and sharing objects between threads


dispatch_get_main_queue ^ void Class firstObject results objectAtIndex 0 do something with firstObject still unacceptable since I'm sharing my results array objects between the bg queue and the main queue Do I still need to use the managed object..