

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: unavailable

objc_setAssociatedObject unavailable in iPhone simulator


unavailable in iPhone simulator In the 3.1 SDk Apple added support for associated objects. However the simulator will not compile code..

Data Formatters temporarily unavailable


Formatters temporarily unavailable Im trying to use Date Formatters NSDateFormatter but I keep getting this error Program received signal œEXC_BAD_ACCESS Data.. NSDateFormatter but I keep getting this error Program received signal œEXC_BAD_ACCESS Data Formatters temporarily unavailable will re try after a 'continue'. Unknown error loading shared library Developer usr lib libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib iphone..

Program received signal: ???? Data Formatters temporarily unavailable


received signal Data Formatters temporarily unavailable I'm working on an iPad app that downloads a CSV file from the web and parses the file into a NSMutableArray. I'm using.. perfectly but when I run on the device I get the following error Program received signal Data Formatters temporarily unavailable will re try after a 'continue'. Unknown error loading shared library Developer usr lib libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib gdb..

locationServicesEnabled test passes when they are disabled in viewDidLoad


denied by user Do something... break case kCLErrorLocationUnknown Probably temporary... errorString @ Location data unavailable Do something else... break default errorString @ An unknown error has occurred break UIAlertView alert UIAlertView alloc..

differences between uiwebview and mobile safari


iAd error “Ad inventory unavailable”


error &ldquo Ad inventory unavailable&rdquo I'm adding iAd to my app. Now in simulator it works well but when I load it on a device v4.1 the ADBannerViewDelegate.. with this description on the error.userInfo ADInternalErrorCode 3 NSLocalizedFailureReason Ad inventory unavailable I think my iAd Network setup is correct. Have I to add an ad by myself or iAd Network automatically sends test ads as in..

Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'


Formatters temporarily unavailable will re try after a 'continue' Here is the error message I get ContactsWithPN start loop Program received signal Data Formatters.. Here is the error message I get ContactsWithPN start loop Program received signal Data Formatters temporarily unavailable will re try after a 'continue'. Unknown error loading shared library Developer usr lib libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib Here..

iAd error “Ad inventory unavailable” (Apple Sample code also not working)


error &ldquo Ad inventory unavailable&rdquo Apple Sample code also not working I tried to include an ADBannerView into my application. But the ADBannerView always.. the same error. 11 5 10 5 46 33 PM BasicAdBanner 12072 ADInternalErrorCode 3 NSLocalizedFailureReason Ad inventory unavailable Can someone please explain to me how I can get iAd to work in the Simulator and on my testing device iphone iad share..

Jailbroken iPhone 3G with iOS 4.2.1 can't be debugged with XCode


enabled breakpoints application can't start it stucks on 'Default.png' screen and I get Data Formatters temporarily unavailable will re try after a 'continue'. Can't find dlopen function so it is not possible to load shared libraries. message in GDB...

iPhone GPS Development - Tips + Tricks [closed]


information from GPS. Lots of people still use pre 3g iPhones that don't have GPS and even on a 3g phone GPS may be unavailable in many cases if the person is indoors for example . In those cases the phone will attempt to triangulate based on cell..

Can use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput at the same time?


addInput assetWriterInput we need to warn the input to expect real time data incoming so that it tries to avoid being unavailable at inopportune moments assetWriterInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime YES ... eventually ... assetWriter startWriting assetWriter..

How to target 4.2 version with XCode 4


app will support. It is important to understand this note on the Deployment Target setting Framework APIs that are unavailable in earlier versions will be weak linked your code should check for null function pointers or specific system versions before..

How to list only online users on facebook with xmpp framework


NSXMLElement presence NSXMLElement elementWithName @ presence presence addAttributeWithName @ type stringValue @ unavailable self xmppStream sendElement presence iphone facebook graph api xmpp xmppframework share improve this question finally..

How do I use a UIWebView in a Table Cell?


Will Apple accept Apps with deprecated code? [closed]


the App Store with deprecated code iphone apple xcode4.2 share improve this question Yes. Deprecated doesn't mean unavailable or disallowed if it did it would be called something else or those methods would simply be removed from the API. Deprecation..

Xcode not compiling any project? 'clang failed with exit code 255'


what it says in the little error box clang error unable to execute command posix_spawn failed Resource temporarily unavailable clang error clang frontend command failed due to signal 1 use v to see invocation Command Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform..

release method deprecated


there... Anyone care to explain why I get an error now that I release my memory The error message is 'release' in unavailable not available in automatic reference counting mode ARC forbids explicit message send of 'release' iphone objective c ios5..