

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uiwebview

How to intercept touches events on a MKMapView or UIWebView objects?


to intercept touches events on a MKMapView or UIWebView objects I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong but I try to catch touches on a MKMapView object. I subclassed..

Reading ePub format


content. Some pointers if you're just starting out parse xml unzip To display content just use a UIWebView for now. Here's a high level step by step for your code 1 create a view with a UIWebView 2 download.. use a UIWebView for now. Here's a high level step by step for your code 1 create a view with a UIWebView 2 download the EPUB file 3 unzip it to a subdirectory in your app's documents folder using the zip library.. NSURL using fileURLWithPath where the path is the full path from 7c . Load this request using the UIWebView you created in 1 . You'll need to implement forward backward buttons or swipes or something so that..

How to call Objective-C from Javascript?


JavaScript. Does someone know how I can do this I have this code in my ViewController BOOL webView UIWebView webView2 shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType.. BOOL webView UIWebView webView2 shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSString requestString request URL absoluteString NSArray components requestString.. happens. iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question The standard workaround for UIWebView is to set a UIWebViewDelegate and implement the method webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest navigationType..

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


has been many Questions recently about drawing PDF's. Yes you can render PDF's very easily with a UIWebView but this cant give the performance and functionality that you would expect from a good PDF viewer. You..

How to determine the content size of a UIWebView?


to determine the content size of a UIWebView I have a UIWebView with different single page content. I'd like to find out the CGSize of the content.. to determine the content size of a UIWebView I have a UIWebView with different single page content. I'd like to find out the CGSize of the content to resize my parent.. loaded so we put the code into the webViewDidFinishLoad delegate method. void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView aWebView CGRect frame aWebView.frame frame.size.height 1 aWebView.frame frame CGSize fittingSize aWebView..

Change User Agent in UIWebView (iPhone SDK)


User Agent in UIWebView iPhone SDK I have a business need to be able to customize the UserAgent for an embedded UIWebView... UIWebView iPhone SDK I have a business need to be able to customize the UserAgent for an embedded UIWebView. For instance I'd like the server to respond differently if say a user is using one version of the app.. of the app versus another. Is it possible to customize the UserAgent in the existing iPhone SDK's UIWebView control the way it is say for an embedded IE browser in a Windows app iphone cocoa touch share improve..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


the PayPal API through a native iPhone app It seems the only way to stay in app is to give them a UIWebView of the paypal mobile site and let them complete the transaction there otherwise the user would need.. theConnection is NULL After this you need to parse the response grab the session key and create a UIWebView to take them to the mobile paypal site. Paypal lets you specify a return URL which you can make anything..

Reading HTML content from a UIWebView


HTML content from a UIWebView Is it possible to the raw HTML content of a web page that has been loaded into a UIWebView If not is.. from a UIWebView Is it possible to the raw HTML content of a web page that has been loaded into a UIWebView If not is there another way to pull raw HTML content from a web page in the iPhone SDK such as an equivalent.. in the fetch. You should check the contents of error after the fetch. Going the other way from a UIWebView is a bit trickier but is basically the same concept. You'll have to pull the request from the view then..

How to call Objective-C from Javascript?


event document.location myapp myfunction param1 param2 But nothing happens. iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question The standard workaround for UIWebView is to set a UIWebViewDelegate..

How to make a transparent UIWebView


opacity to zero in IB but it didn't help. Can you help me Thanks in advance iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question I recommend webView.opaque NO webView.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor..

How to determine the content size of a UIWebView?


sizeThatFits unfortunately just returns the current frame size of the webView. iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question It turned out that my first guess using sizeThatFits was not completely..

Stop UIWebView from “bouncing” vertically?


for me http www.iphonedevsdk.com forum iphone sdk development 996 turn off scrolling bounces uiwebview.html http forums.macrumors.com showthread.php t 619534 http stackoverflow.com questions 173786 how do.. 173786 how do i stop a uiscrollview from bouncing horizontally Thanks Brad iphone objective c uiwebview share improve this question for id subview in webView.subviews if subview class isSubclassOfClass..

Return to app behavior after phone call different in native code than UIWebView


the user to be redirected back to my application after completing a phone call iphone objective c uiwebview share improve this question Behavior does differ between calling UIApplication openURL with a tel..

Using HTML and Local Images Within UIWebView


image and using that and it still doesn't show up in the web view. Any ideas iphone html uikit uiwebview share improve this question Using relative paths or file paths to refer to images does not work..

Reading HTML content from a UIWebView


the iPhone SDK such as an equivalent of the .NET WebClient openRead Thanks in advance html iphone uiwebview share improve this question The second question is actually easier to answer. Look at the stringWithContentsOfURL..

How to intercept touches events on a MKMapView or UIWebView objects?


to intercept touches events on a MKMapView or UIWebView objects I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong but I try to catch touches on a MKMapView object. I subclassed it by creating the following class #import UIKit UIKit.h..

Reading ePub format


to parse the manifest and then to display the relevant content. Some pointers if you're just starting out parse xml unzip To display content just use a UIWebView for now. Here's a high level step by step for your code 1 create a view with a UIWebView 2 download the EPUB file 3 unzip it to a subdirectory in your app's documents.. just starting out parse xml unzip To display content just use a UIWebView for now. Here's a high level step by step for your code 1 create a view with a UIWebView 2 download the EPUB file 3 unzip it to a subdirectory in your app's documents folder using the zip library linked above 4 parse the XML file at META INF container.xml.. 3 plus the base directory of the OPF file in 6 8 create an NSURL using fileURLWithPath where the path is the full path from 7c . Load this request using the UIWebView you created in 1 . You'll need to implement forward backward buttons or swipes or something so that users can move from one chapter to another. Use the spine to..

How to call Objective-C from Javascript?


a WebView and I want to call a view in Objective C from JavaScript. Does someone know how I can do this I have this code in my ViewController BOOL webView UIWebView webView2 shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSString requestString request URL absoluteString.. know how I can do this I have this code in my ViewController BOOL webView UIWebView webView2 shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSString requestString request URL absoluteString NSArray components requestString componentsSeparatedByString @ if components count.. myapp myfunction param1 param2 But nothing happens. iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question The standard workaround for UIWebView is to set a UIWebViewDelegate and implement the method webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest navigationType . In your JavaScript code navigate to some fake URL that..

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone iPad iOs tips and hints There has been many Questions recently about drawing PDF's. Yes you can render PDF's very easily with a UIWebView but this cant give the performance and functionality that you would expect from a good PDF viewer. You can draw a PDF page to a CALayer or to a UIImage . Apple..

How to determine the content size of a UIWebView?


to determine the content size of a UIWebView I have a UIWebView with different single page content. I'd like to find out the CGSize of the content to resize my parent views appropriately. The obvious sizeThatFits.. to determine the content size of a UIWebView I have a UIWebView with different single page content. I'd like to find out the CGSize of the content to resize my parent views appropriately. The obvious sizeThatFits unfortunately.. Of course we have to wait until the content has been loaded so we put the code into the webViewDidFinishLoad delegate method. void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView aWebView CGRect frame aWebView.frame frame.size.height 1 aWebView.frame frame CGSize fittingSize aWebView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero frame.size fittingSize aWebView.frame..

Change User Agent in UIWebView (iPhone SDK)


User Agent in UIWebView iPhone SDK I have a business need to be able to customize the UserAgent for an embedded UIWebView. For instance I'd like the server to respond differently if say.. User Agent in UIWebView iPhone SDK I have a business need to be able to customize the UserAgent for an embedded UIWebView. For instance I'd like the server to respond differently if say a user is using one version of the app versus another. Is it possible to customize the UserAgent.. to respond differently if say a user is using one version of the app versus another. Is it possible to customize the UserAgent in the existing iPhone SDK's UIWebView control the way it is say for an embedded IE browser in a Windows app iphone cocoa touch share improve this question With iOS 5 changes I recommend the following..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app It seems the only way to stay in app is to give them a UIWebView of the paypal mobile site and let them complete the transaction there otherwise the user would need to use their API key. Does this sound right and has anyone got.. data retain self displayConnectingView else NSLog @ theConnection is NULL After this you need to parse the response grab the session key and create a UIWebView to take them to the mobile paypal site. Paypal lets you specify a return URL which you can make anything you want. Just keep checking the UIWebview in the delegate..

Reading HTML content from a UIWebView


HTML content from a UIWebView Is it possible to the raw HTML content of a web page that has been loaded into a UIWebView If not is there another way to pull raw HTML content from a web page.. HTML content from a UIWebView Is it possible to the raw HTML content of a web page that has been loaded into a UIWebView If not is there another way to pull raw HTML content from a web page in the iPhone SDK such as an equivalent of the .NET WebClient openRead Thanks in advance html.. www.google.com and error will contain any errors encountered in the fetch. You should check the contents of error after the fetch. Going the other way from a UIWebView is a bit trickier but is basically the same concept. You'll have to pull the request from the view then do the fetch as before NSURL requestURL yourWebView request..

How to call Objective-C from Javascript?


navigation works as expected. And in Javascript function store event document.location myapp myfunction param1 param2 But nothing happens. iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question The standard workaround for UIWebView is to set a UIWebViewDelegate and implement the method webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest..

How to make a transparent UIWebView


behind the UIWebView. I've tried to set the UIwebView's opacity to zero in IB but it didn't help. Can you help me Thanks in advance iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question I recommend webView.opaque NO webView.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor setting these properties in Interface Builder will work..

How to determine the content size of a UIWebView?


to resize my parent views appropriately. The obvious sizeThatFits unfortunately just returns the current frame size of the webView. iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question It turned out that my first guess using sizeThatFits was not completely wrong. It seems to work but only if the frame of the webView..

Stop UIWebView from “bouncing” vertically?


at the following possible solutions but none of them worked for me http www.iphonedevsdk.com forum iphone sdk development 996 turn off scrolling bounces uiwebview.html http forums.macrumors.com showthread.php t 619534 http stackoverflow.com questions 173786 how do i stop a uiscrollview from bouncing horizontally Thanks Brad.. showthread.php t 619534 http stackoverflow.com questions 173786 how do i stop a uiscrollview from bouncing horizontally Thanks Brad iphone objective c uiwebview share improve this question for id subview in webView.subviews if subview class isSubclassOfClass UIScrollView class UIScrollView subview .bounces NO ...seems..

Return to app behavior after phone call different in native code than UIWebView


instead of a UILabel in situations where I really wanted the user to be redirected back to my application after completing a phone call iphone objective c uiwebview share improve this question Behavior does differ between calling UIApplication openURL with a tel URL and clicking a link to the same URL in a UIWebView . Using..

Using HTML and Local Images Within UIWebView


bundle. I've tried using NSBundle to get the full path of the image and using that and it still doesn't show up in the web view. Any ideas iphone html uikit uiwebview share improve this question Using relative paths or file paths to refer to images does not work with UIWebView. Instead you have to load the HTML into the view..

Reading HTML content from a UIWebView


another way to pull raw HTML content from a web page in the iPhone SDK such as an equivalent of the .NET WebClient openRead Thanks in advance html iphone uiwebview share improve this question The second question is actually easier to answer. Look at the stringWithContentsOfURL encoding error method of NSString it lets..

How to intercept touches events on a MKMapView or UIWebView objects?


to intercept touches events on a MKMapView or UIWebView objects I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong but I try to catch touches on a MKMapView object. I subclassed it by creating..

Reading ePub format


display the relevant content. Some pointers if you're just starting out parse xml unzip To display content just use a UIWebView for now. Here's a high level step by step for your code 1 create a view with a UIWebView 2 download the EPUB file 3 unzip.. To display content just use a UIWebView for now. Here's a high level step by step for your code 1 create a view with a UIWebView 2 download the EPUB file 3 unzip it to a subdirectory in your app's documents folder using the zip library linked above.. in 6 8 create an NSURL using fileURLWithPath where the path is the full path from 7c . Load this request using the UIWebView you created in 1 . You'll need to implement forward backward buttons or swipes or something so that users can move from..

How to call Objective-C from Javascript?


in Objective C from JavaScript. Does someone know how I can do this I have this code in my ViewController BOOL webView UIWebView webView2 shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSString.. in my ViewController BOOL webView UIWebView webView2 shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSString requestString request URL absoluteString NSArray components requestString componentsSeparatedByString.. param2 But nothing happens. iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question The standard workaround for UIWebView is to set a UIWebViewDelegate and implement the method webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest navigationType . In your JavaScript..

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


and hints There has been many Questions recently about drawing PDF's. Yes you can render PDF's very easily with a UIWebView but this cant give the performance and functionality that you would expect from a good PDF viewer. You can draw a PDF page..

How to determine the content size of a UIWebView?


to determine the content size of a UIWebView I have a UIWebView with different single page content. I'd like to find out the CGSize of the content to resize my parent.. to determine the content size of a UIWebView I have a UIWebView with different single page content. I'd like to find out the CGSize of the content to resize my parent views appropriately... content has been loaded so we put the code into the webViewDidFinishLoad delegate method. void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView aWebView CGRect frame aWebView.frame frame.size.height 1 aWebView.frame frame CGSize fittingSize aWebView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero..

Change User Agent in UIWebView (iPhone SDK)


User Agent in UIWebView iPhone SDK I have a business need to be able to customize the UserAgent for an embedded UIWebView. For instance I'd like.. User Agent in UIWebView iPhone SDK I have a business need to be able to customize the UserAgent for an embedded UIWebView. For instance I'd like the server to respond differently if say a user is using one version of the app versus another. Is.. is using one version of the app versus another. Is it possible to customize the UserAgent in the existing iPhone SDK's UIWebView control the way it is say for an embedded IE browser in a Windows app iphone cocoa touch share improve this question..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app It seems the only way to stay in app is to give them a UIWebView of the paypal mobile site and let them complete the transaction there otherwise the user would need to use their API key... else NSLog @ theConnection is NULL After this you need to parse the response grab the session key and create a UIWebView to take them to the mobile paypal site. Paypal lets you specify a return URL which you can make anything you want. Just..

Reading HTML content from a UIWebView


HTML content from a UIWebView Is it possible to the raw HTML content of a web page that has been loaded into a UIWebView If not is there another way.. HTML content from a UIWebView Is it possible to the raw HTML content of a web page that has been loaded into a UIWebView If not is there another way to pull raw HTML content from a web page in the iPhone SDK such as an equivalent of the .NET.. errors encountered in the fetch. You should check the contents of error after the fetch. Going the other way from a UIWebView is a bit trickier but is basically the same concept. You'll have to pull the request from the view then do the fetch as..

UIWebView to view self signed websites (No private api, not NSURLConnection) - is it possible?


used to render a webpage complete with CSS images and everything else that would be great Cheers Stretch. iphone ios uiwebview share improve this question Finally I got it What you can do is this Initiate your request using UIWebView as normal...

How to call Objective-C from Javascript?


function store event document.location myapp myfunction param1 param2 But nothing happens. iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question The standard workaround for UIWebView is to set a UIWebViewDelegate and implement the method..

iPhone : can we open pdf file using UIWebView?


one has implemented this then plz help me... any code snippet or any weblink help... thanks in advance... iphone ios uiwebview share improve this question Yes this can be done with the UIWebView. If you are trying to display a PDF file residing..

UIWebView open links in Safari


bundle. I would like any links in the web view to open in Safari instead of in the web view. Is this possible iphone uiwebview share improve this question Add this to the UIWebView delegate edited to check for navigation type. you could also pass..

Remove gradient background from UIWebView?


it doesn't removes it. How can this be done note not the same question as http stackoverflow.com questions 655225 uiwebview underside ios iphone uiwebview share improve this question Aha yes terminology fail. I wouldn't call that a shadow.. can this be done note not the same question as http stackoverflow.com questions 655225 uiwebview underside ios iphone uiwebview share improve this question Aha yes terminology fail. I wouldn't call that a shadow at all but c'est la vie. Here is..

How to make a transparent UIWebView


to set the UIwebView's opacity to zero in IB but it didn't help. Can you help me Thanks in advance iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question I recommend webView.opaque NO webView.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor setting these properties..

NSString in UIWebview


var in my script and viceversa This is an example but I don't understand it very well. javascript iphone objective c uiwebview uiwebviewdelegate share improve this question Send string to web view webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString.. script and viceversa This is an example but I don't understand it very well. javascript iphone objective c uiwebview uiwebviewdelegate share improve this question Send string to web view webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString @ YOUR_JS_CODE_GOES_HERE..

How to determine the content size of a UIWebView?


The obvious sizeThatFits unfortunately just returns the current frame size of the webView. iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question It turned out that my first guess using sizeThatFits was not completely wrong. It seems..

iPhone Development - Setting UIWebView font


the display font. If i can't control the font please let me know other alternatives to UIWebView. Thanks iphone uiwebview share improve this question Reference a css style sheet in your HTML document or put the style information into the..

Stop UIWebView from “bouncing” vertically?


but none of them worked for me http www.iphonedevsdk.com forum iphone sdk development 996 turn off scrolling bounces uiwebview.html http forums.macrumors.com showthread.php t 619534 http stackoverflow.com questions 173786 how do i stop a uiscrollview.. questions 173786 how do i stop a uiscrollview from bouncing horizontally Thanks Brad iphone objective c uiwebview share improve this question for id subview in webView.subviews if subview class isSubclassOfClass UIScrollView class..

Return to app behavior after phone call different in native code than UIWebView


I really wanted the user to be redirected back to my application after completing a phone call iphone objective c uiwebview share improve this question Behavior does differ between calling UIApplication openURL with a tel URL and clicking a..

Keyboard not Appearing when Tapping Text Box in UIWebView


in my App unless I first display and dismiss a UIAlertView in the first tab. What could possibly be wrong iphone uiwebview uitextview uikeyboard share improve this question Solved I accidentally removed window makeKeyAndVisible share improve..

Using HTML and Local Images Within UIWebView


the full path of the image and using that and it still doesn't show up in the web view. Any ideas iphone html uikit uiwebview share improve this question Using relative paths or file paths to refer to images does not work with UIWebView. Instead..

iPhone UIWebView local resources using Javascript and handling onorientationChange


so I've put it in anyway. You would be holding your phone upside down if it did work. p div div body html iphone uiwebview iphone web share improve this question The answer can be traced from the warning I was getting in XCode warning no rule..

How do I install this script into PhoneGap for iOS


.location NSNotFound subviewWhichIsPossibleFormView removeFromSuperview Thank you iphone ios xcode uiwebview phonegap share improve this question I have come across the need to do this myself. I am an IOS developer but needed..

UIWebView - How to identify the “last” webViewDidFinishLoad message?


in the page has been loaded. Is there a way to determine that all loading of content is done iphone objective c uiwebview share improve this question Interesting I wouldn't have thought it would work like that. Although I'm sure there are..

Handling touches inside UIWebview


is not handling the touch events. Is there any method to handle the touch events inside the UIWebView subclass iphone uiwebview share improve this question I have an UIWebView as a child of UIViewController's view. The solution that worked for..

Reading HTML content from a UIWebView


from a web page in the iPhone SDK such as an equivalent of the .NET WebClient openRead Thanks in advance html iphone uiwebview share improve this question The second question is actually easier to answer. Look at the stringWithContentsOfURL encoding..

How to make image maps clickable using UIWebview in iphone?


to make image maps clickable using UIWebview in iphone I am looking how to get 'one' and 'park' string value which is image_map coordinates clickable spot on UIwebview's..

How to get UIImage from EAGLView?


get current URL of UIWebview


current URL of UIWebview I already tried getting the current url of my UIWebView with webview.request.URL . Unfortunately the NSURL was empty. Anything..

Does UIGestureRecognizer work on a UIWebView?


UIGestureRecognizer work on a UIWebView I am attempting to get a UIGestureRecognizer working with a UIWebview which is a subview of a UIScrollView. This sounds odd but when I have the numberOfTouchesRequired set to 2 the selector..

Iphone sdk support for playing mp3 files over the network


on a desktop to access and play mp3 files. Here is what I tried so far I have used MPMusicPlayerController and tried UIWebview to handle the audio file and it automatically plays after progressively downloading the file. There is no way to handle..

What's the best approach for parsing XML/'screen scraping' in iOS? UIWebview or NSXMLParser?


the best approach for parsing XML 'screen scraping' in iOS UIWebview or NSXMLParser I am creating an iOS app that needs to get some data from a web page. My first though was to use NSXMLParser..

How to delete the cache from UIWebview or dealloc UIWebview


to delete the cache from UIWebview or dealloc UIWebview Every time I load a new page with UIWebView the before loaded page is shown for a short time. How.. to delete the cache from UIWebview or dealloc UIWebview Every time I load a new page with UIWebView the before loaded page is shown for a short time. How can I clear that cache.. the before loaded page is shown for a short time. How can I clear that cache Another possibility would be to dealloc UIWebview . I tried that but than my UIWebView is always empty . How should the alloc and dealloc be done in this case I noticed that..

NSString in UIWebview


in UIWebview I have an NSString and a webView in my project Objective C for iPhone I have called index.html in webView and inside it..

How to delete all cookies of UIWebView?


to delete all cookies of UIWebView In my application I have a UIWebview that loads linkedin auth page for login. When user logs in cookies saves into the application. My app has a logout button..

Convert UIWebview contents to a UIImage when the webview is larger than the screen


UIWebview contents to a UIImage when the webview is larger than the screen Very similar to this question and also this answer I'm..

Display local UIImage on UIWebview


local UIImage on UIWebview My setup I have a webview in my iPhone app going to www.mysite.com. Trials If I set backgroundcolor uicolor clearcolor..

How do I use a UIWebView in a Table Cell?


was to use Three20 which can give you styled text as well. What you are attempting currently can't be done with UIWebview. Preloading won't help this would slow down the UI when UIWebviews are being rendered offscreen you should always practice.. What you are attempting currently can't be done with UIWebview. Preloading won't help this would slow down the UI when UIWebviews are being rendered offscreen you should always practice lazy loading on the iPhone. Putting UIWebviews in a UITableView.. the UI when UIWebviews are being rendered offscreen you should always practice lazy loading on the iPhone. Putting UIWebviews in a UITableView will come with a potentially unacceptable performance hit. You will need to use other means to accomplish..

iPhone - Opening word,excel, and PDF files without using UIWebview


Opening word excel and PDF files without using UIWebview Is it possible to open word and excel file in iphone iPad with out using UIwebview iphone objective c share improve..

UIWebview and IPhone content does not postback (ASP.NET Browser Capability issues)


and IPhone content does not postback ASP.NET Browser Capability issues I have a simple page it's structure is as follows..

app rejected from apple app store because UIWebview, need some advice


rejected from apple app store because UIWebview need some advice So this is the message I got from them We found that the experience your app provides is not sufficiently..

iPhone UIWebview: How to force a numeric keyboard? Is it possible?


UIWebview How to force a numeric keyboard Is it possible I'm experimenting with PhoneGap to develop some iPhone apps. PhoneGap basically..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


mobile paypal site. Paypal lets you specify a return URL which you can make anything you want. Just keep checking the UIWebview in the delegate method for this address and then you know the transaction is complete. Then you send one more HTTP Post..

Convert UIWebview contents to a UIImage


UIWebview contents to a UIImage I am using a UIWebView to display HTML formatted text. I am not loading a webpage just supplying.. convert the contents of the UIWebViews to UIImages and animate them instead. So my questions are How do you convert UIWebview contents to a UIImage or CGImageRef My UIWebViews have transparent bacgrounds will the transparency be carried over to the..

Handling touches inside UIWebview


touches inside UIWebview I have created a subclass of UIWebView and have implemented the touchesBegan touchesMoved and touchesEnded methods. but..

Persisting cookie for iPhone UIwebview mobile web app


cookie for iPhone UIwebview mobile web app I'm using MVC4 forms auth. My mobile web app runs in full screen UIwebview on iphone. I have a home screen.. cookie for iPhone UIwebview mobile web app I'm using MVC4 forms auth. My mobile web app runs in full screen UIwebview on iphone. I have a home screen icon for my mobile web app. The app needs to launch external links. Those launch in Safari..

Highlite Select Text in UIWebview


Select Text in UIWebview i want to Select text using gesture and highlite that text.i had done display html page in UIwebview but uiwebview does not fire touch begin event So how can i do. 1 when user select text i.e user select text i Know uesr..

iPhone - Opening word,excel, and PDF files without using UIWebview


excel and PDF files without using UIWebview Is it possible to open word and excel file in iphone iPad with out using UIwebview iphone objective c share improve this question You have two options. For iOS 4.0 or later you can use the QLPreviewController..

UIwebview without Cache


without Cache I want to load a webview without cache Create a URL object. NSURL url NSURL URLWithString urlAddress URL..

Show keyboard in contenteditable UIWebView programmatically


Is there any work around method Thanks. iphone ios ipad uiwebview contenteditable share improve this question UIwebview is not editable and you can not make it first responder. Where as you can use javascripts for that purpose try out this..