

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: um

OpenGL ES iPhone - drawing anti aliased lines


glLineWidth 2.0f glVertexPointer 2 GL_FLOAT 0 points glEnableClientState GL_VERTEX_ARRAY glDrawArrays GL_LINE_STRIP 0 num_points glDisableClientState GL_VERTEX_ARRAY It looks good in the iPhone simulator but on the iPhone the lines get extremely.. an image example to explain Comparison with AA You can read a paper about this here http research.microsoft.com en us um people hoppe overdraw.pdf You could do something along this way Colors is a pointer to unsigned bytes 4 per color . Should..

Why does assert simply terminate a program compiled for iPhone?


to when does it break and when does it terminate. The code is not threaded all it does is done in event handlers. EDIT um and the question is why does this happen and how do I make vanilla assert behave like a conditional breakpoint it should..

Problemas com Parse XML - Iphone


a table view all I get are the chopped pieces. What can I do to solve this problem Original Senhores Estou realizando um conexão em um servidor web acessando um arquivo XML no seguinte formato xml version 1.0 encoding ISO 8859 1 programacao.. all I get are the chopped pieces. What can I do to solve this problem Original Senhores Estou realizando um conexão em um servidor web acessando um arquivo XML no seguinte formato xml version 1.0 encoding ISO 8859 1 programacao agenda data 17.. pieces. What can I do to solve this problem Original Senhores Estou realizando um conexão em um servidor web acessando um arquivo XML no seguinte formato xml version 1.0 encoding ISO 8859 1 programacao agenda data 17 02 data cidade Barueri cidade..