

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:27

iphone Programming Glossary: understood

How to use iOS Reachability


to send async requests to my server and get responses but I will soon move to work with ASIHTTPRequest library I understood that with this kind of apps apps that requires internet connection I should must use Reachability. After searching the web.. or do I need also reachabilityForLocalWiFi and reachabilityForInternetConnection One more thing I understood apple can reject apps that use the network and don't use Reachability. What are the must do methods I should implement Will..

OpenCV.Framework does not compile for the armv7s architecture


Ld build MyProject.build Debug iphoneos MyProject.build Objects normal armv7s MyProject normal armv7s 1 failure As I understood this is due to the new armv7s architecture. OpenCV is apparently it is not compiling with armv7s. How can I fix this issue..

Convert Seconds Integer To HH:MM, iPhone


display in a label in HH MM format. I have searched the internet for ages and found some answers but either not fully understood them or they seem like an odd way of doing what I want. If someone could help me out on this one that would be great Bear..

Drawing incrementally in a UIView (iPhone)


incrementally in a UIView iPhone As far as I have understood so far every time I draw something in the drawRect of a UIView the whole context is erased and then redrawn. So I have to..

Xcode 5 and iOS 7: Architecture and Valid architectures


the 32 bit runtime on iOS 6 and later and that supports the 64 bit runtime on iOS 7. From the documentation what i understood is Xcode can create both 64bit 32bit binaries for a single app but the deployment target should be iOS7. They are saying..

iPhone: Minimum OS, Deployment Target & Base/Active SDK


store that have 3.1.2 as the min OS they all say 3.0. I read several things on here before I built it and I thought I understood everything Basically my app doesn't use any code that only exists in 3.0 so I would like the minimum OS to be 3.0. My build..

How to implement UIScrollView with 1000+ subviews?


update contents. For example at the start there are 3 frames at different x offsets 0 320 640 from the screen as understood by UIScrollView. Once user moves to 3rd page how do I make sure I am able to add 4th page and remove 1st page and yet UIScrollView..

iPad doesn't trigger resize event going from vertical to horizontal?


true else Do stuff. javascript iphone ipad resize web applications share improve this question If I understood you correctly you want to do something when the user tilts the iPad. Here you go window.onorientationchange function var..

Why animating custom CALayer properties causes other properties to be nil during animation?


but I'm stuck with no clue. Anyone knows iphone animation properties calayer nil share improve this question If I understood your question correctly it goes like this. When you add an animation to a CALayer it creates a so called presentation copy..

iPhone: How to get local currency symbol (i.e. “$” unstead of “AU$”)


@ lcl displayNameForKey NSLocaleCurrencySymbol value @ AUD NSLog @ @ fmtr currencySymbol Both NSLogs return AU . As I understood from Apple development documentation there are at least two currency symbols for each currency these symbols could be the..

Purpose of @ Symbol Before Strings?


of @ Symbol Before Strings I've been using Objective C for a while now but have never really understood what the purpose of the @ symbol before all strings is. For instance why do you have to declare a string like this NSString..

Gaussian filter with OpenGL Shaders


filter with OpenGL Shaders I am trying to learn Shaders to implement something in my iPhone app. So far I have understood easy examples like making a color image to gray scale thresholding etc. Most of the examples involve simple operations in..

Can you make the settings in Settings.bundle default even if you don't open the Settings App


the first time the user opens the Settings app. Any ideas iphone cocoa touch share improve this question If I understood you correctly you want to avoid having default values specified twice once as DefaultValue keys in your Settings.bundle..

Is there any framework to highlight text on pdf file after rendering on the iphone


samples to search a word on pdf those are fastsamplepdf from github random ideas MY WORK I seen fastsample pdf code I understood only the parsing of the pdf to text using MFDocumentManager documentManagerWithFilePath NSString filePath and NSString wholeTextForPage..

applicationWillTerminate when is it called and when not


questions on SO about applicationWillTerminate getting called and not getting called. I wanted to summarize what I understood as there are several posts that speak differently. For IOS without multitasking it is called always when home button is..

how to insert only one username and password in sqlite database


application.Please help me in solving this problem.Thanks iphone objective c share improve this question If I understood your requirement correctly You can follow the below guideline. Before inserting the data to the table You can check if any..

How to deal with non-visible rows during row deletion. (UITableViews)


self.tableView endUpdates iphone cocoa touch uikit share improve this question I am not sure I have understood correctly what you mean but you can try the following. NSMutableIndexSet indexes NSMutableIndexSet indexSet Each time you..