

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:26

iphone Programming Glossary: uncompressed

Looking for a way to encode mp3 on iPhone


SDK has APIs to write out .caf and .aiff but I didn't find any support for mp3. Since I'm uploading to a server these uncompressed formats are way too big hence my interest in mp3. I took a look at the open source LAME library which is available for Mac..

Writing video + generated audio to AVAssetWriterInput, audio stuttering


appending samples in a different way Is it something to do with the AAC compression It doesn't work if I try to use uncompressed audio it throws . As far as I can tell I'm calculating the PTS correctly. Why is this even required for the audio channel..

phonegap offline storage and compression


here. Scenario about my application it will need to be shipped containing some xml data 1000 xml blobs total 15MB uncompressed the user will be able to view and edit those xmls updates on the application should not overwrite the possibly edited xmls.. and Android hence the use of Phonegap. android iphone ios ipad phonegap share improve this question If it's 15 MB uncompressed it'll probably be too much to store in your app itself. You can store them in a database using the phonegap storage API's..

How do I save an UIImage as BMP?


and write them yourself BMP is quite a simple file format. All you have to do is write out the header and then the uncompressed data. The header is a structure called BITMAPINFOHEADER see MSDN . Getting the bitmap data of an UIImage is described in..

Supported Audio file formats in iPhone


for speech ALAC Apple Lossless iLBC internet Low Bitrate Codec another format for speech IMA4 IMA ADPCM linear PCM uncompressed µ law and a law MP3 MPEG 1 audio layer 3 The audio recording formats supported in iPhone OS are the following AAC on supported..

How can I record AMR audio format on the iPhone?


can I record AMR audio format on the iPhone A voice recorder doesn't need uncompressed Linear PCM audio. Compressed AMR would do fine. The iPhone framework built for recording audio is simple enough but the..

Compress/Decompress NSString in objective-c (iphone) using GZIP or deflate


seem to support the compression of dynamic responses yet long story so I decided to get around it by returning an uncompressed JSON package which contains a compressed using GZIP string. e.g Error null IsCompressed true Success true Value vWsAAB LCAAAAAAAB..etc.... easy to implement on the server but for the life of me I can't figure out how to decompress a gzipped NSString into an uncompressed NSString all the examples I can find for zlib etc are dealing with files etc. Can anyone give me any clues on how to do..

Is it possible to cache resources loaded in an iPhone UIWebView?


yui study which seems to indicate that the iPhone will cache 25k per item. The only thing referenced that is over 25k uncompressed is jquery packed but uncompressed it is 30k . Everything else should be cacheable. No request for anything referenced in.. that the iPhone will cache 25k per item. The only thing referenced that is over 25k uncompressed is jquery packed but uncompressed it is 30k . Everything else should be cacheable. No request for anything referenced in the page fetched is triggering a..

What Techniques Are Best To Live Stream iPhone Video Camera Data To a Computer?


basic understanding so far You can use AVFoundation to get 'live' video camera data without saving to a file but it is uncompressed data and thus I'd have to handle compression on my own. There's no built in AVCaptureOutput support for sending to a network..

What's the most efficient way of converting a 10 MB JSON response into an NSDictionary?


that provides all the necessary data as a single json response. This results in ~1.5MB compressed or roughly 8 MBs of uncompressed json formatted text. Not much of a problem it downloads in 10 30 seconds and we're using ASIHTTPRequest to write the whole.. seconds and we're using ASIHTTPRequest to write the whole response to disk. Now comes the fun part after reading the uncompressed file into a memory mapped string we use stig's json framework to convert it into an NSDictionary. This has worked very well..

What's the best way of live streaming iphone camera to a media server?


possible to get compressed data from iphone camera but as I've been reading in the AVFoundation reference you only get uncompressed data. So the questions are 1 How to get compressed frames and audio from iPhone's camera 2 Encoding uncompressed frames.. get uncompressed data. So the questions are 1 How to get compressed frames and audio from iPhone's camera 2 Encoding uncompressed frames with ffmpeg's API is fast enough for real time streaming Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks. iphone ios4.. images encoded in a specific pixel format. It is the Movie Writers and AVAssetWriter that do the encoding. 2 Encoding uncompressed frames with ffmpeg's API is fast enough for real time streaming Yes it is. However you will have to use libx264 which gets..

Did Apple change their app archiving method?


2 weeks ago we succeeded. It took a bunch of trial and error to get right but eventually we cut our app down to 27MB uncompressed which showed up in the store as 19.5MB. All seemed well until we did a minor code update to fix some bugs when suddenly.. until we did a minor code update to fix some bugs when suddenly the app store version of the app ballooned to the full uncompressed 27MB size I just checked the distribution archives and the newer binary is actually 2k smaller than the older one. Does.. In short open the .app bundle via right click Show Package Contents on Mac locate the executable file and remember its uncompressed size Size œA delete the executable from the bundle zip the bundle and remember the bundle ™s compressed size Size œB Size œC..

How to uncompress a gzip file and write that out to an uncompressed file, on iPhone


to uncompress a gzip file and write that out to an uncompressed file on iPhone I've got a file bigfile.gz in the bundle of my iPhone app. At app start I want to gunzip that file to my..

why [response expectedContentLength] always return -1
