

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: un

UIView Animation Inconsistent Result


afterwards just nothing happens. Although lets say I call this again after a 2 second NSTimer the animation does run but then when i scroll my UIScrollView the view I just animated jumps back to its previous CGRect. Hope you can help its.. my UIScrollView the view I just animated jumps back to its previous CGRect. Hope you can help its all feeling very un explanetory Ill post more code if it isn't making any sense thanks. iphone objective c animation uiview share improve.. objective c animation uiview share improve this question Your storyboard has autolayout enabled. When autolayout runs it sets the frames of your views based on the constraints you set up or that were automatically set up for you in the storyboard...

iPhone web service calls to WCF Service with Certificate Authentication


an iPhone application that needs to make secure web services calls to obtain data for the app. To ensure secure communiations we have enabled SSL on our web servers. But this does not ensure the service can only be consumed by authorized apps... I have spent many hours searching the internet for examples but to no avail. I HAVE been able to successfuly call an un secure WCF service with no issues. I have also done a lot of research on the WS Security and WS Trust communications standards... call an un secure WCF service with no issues. I have also done a lot of research on the WS Security and WS Trust communications standards. I believe I understand how this should work. I am just having trouble piecing together the steps objects..

Resolving html entities with NSXMLParser on iPhone


relating to this problem but i still cannot find a solution to it so here i am. I have an HTML web page wich is not under my control and i need to parse it from my iPhone application. Here it is a sample of the web page i'm talking about HTML.. mydiv SPAN class myclass something about you SPAN SPAN class anotherclass A href http www.google.it Bye Bye egrave un saluto A SPAN DIV LI BODY HTML I'm using NSXMLParser and it is going well till it find the è html entity. It calls.. A SPAN DIV LI BODY HTML I'm using NSXMLParser and it is going well till it find the è html entity. It calls foundCharacters for Bye Bye and then it calls resolveExternalEntityName systemID with an entityName of egrave . In this method..

Properly displaying and dismissing fullscreen MPMoviePlayerController in iOS 3.2 (iPad)


a fullscreen movie in my iPad app and then allowing the user to dismiss it with either the Done button or the un fullscreen button on the player controls. Initially I was using MPMoviePlayerViewController for the movie presentation but.. doing it myself. I can make the movie appear fullscreen although the transition is janky but when either the Done or un fullscreen buttons are pressed no action is taken by the player. I've posted my code below void startPlayingMovieWithURLString.. playbackFinished name MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification object nil NSURL movieURL NSURL fileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ tron ofType @ mov self.movieController MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL..

iPhone - Draw transparent rectangle on UIView to reveal view beneath


Draw transparent rectangle on UIView to reveal view beneath I currently have two UIViews one of a red background and the other blue. The blue view is a subview of the red view. What I would like to do is be able to cut out rectangles.. right the the i icon . You also have to set the top view to be non opaque either with the following code snippet or by un checking the Opaque checkbox in the view's properties in Interface Builder you'll find it in the View section of the view's.. view's properties in Interface Builder you'll find it in the View section of the view's attributes and set its background color's opacity to 0 background color is set in the same section . topView.opaque NO topView.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor..

UTF8 character decoding in Objective C


the utf8 conversion is not working the way it should or am I doing something wrong Here is apart of the feed est un r u00c3 u00aave en noir Here is the code I have written to convert the above NSString str1 @ est un r u00c3 u00aa ve en.. of the feed est un r u00c3 u00aave en noir Here is the code I have written to convert the above NSString str1 @ est un r u00c3 u00aa ve en noir NSString str NSString stringWithUTF8String str1 cStringUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSLog.. NSUTF8StringEncoding NSLog @ Converted UTF @ str This is the output that I am getting Converted UTF est un r ª ve en noir The expected output should be Converted UTF est un rêve en noir When I checked the UTF table and used a utf..

What are the Dangers of Method Swizzling in Objective C?


whether it is worth it for what they are trying to do. E.g. Naming Collisions . If the class later entends its functionality to include the method name that you have added it will cause a huge manor of problems. Reduce the risk by sensibly.. be used to write better more efficient more maintainable code. It can also be abused and lead to horrible bugs. Background As with all design patters if we are fully aware of the consequences of the pattern we are able to make more informed decisions.. choose to use singletons though. The same can be said about swizzling. You should form your own opinion once you fully understand both the good and the bad. Discussion Here are some of the pitfalls of method swizzling Method swizzling is not..

Requesting iPhone location whilst in background?


iPhone location whilst in background Simple question ... I have an application that records a users location at 30second intervals using an NSTimer it works.. ... I have an application that records a users location at 30second intervals using an NSTimer it works perfectly until the application goes inactive and the NStimer stops. As a consequence I am looking for options to maintain my location.. accurate location data within 100m accuracy . Option_001 Brute Force Let CLLocationManager startUpdatingLocation run all the time using UIBackgroundModes location . Not recommended drains battery. Regularity upon request Accuracy approx...

In-app Purchase “ready to submit”, but won't let me submit it


purchase section. All of the in app purchases say Ready to Submit but the Submit for Review button is greyed out and un clickable. When apple reviews the actual application will they also just review the in app purchases for it Or am I doing.. or by waiting 30 minutes or so but it enabled me to submit my in app purchases for review. iphone in app purchase itunesconnect share improve this question I was having the same problem. It would not let me submit my In app purchases to.. had to reject the binary then follow the directions below to add the IAP to the app version before uploading. Go to iTunes Connect Click on Manage your applications Click on the App Click View Details button Scroll down until you see an In App..

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl with UITabBarController


seen are to set the hidesBottomBarWhenPushed property to NO which would make sense however this doesn't seem to work unless I am doing something wrong . For clarity my code is as follows MyVC aView MyVC init aView.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl.. been asked many times but as you note never sufficiently answered. Many solutions give an acceptable solution if it is unimportant whether e.g. a lower toolbar curls up as well. Others have provided a solution using UIView animations CoreAnimation.. an answer that mimics Apple's solution in the Maps app i.e. using UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl but leaving an un curled UIToolbar at the bottom of the screen . I will continue in this tradition of incomplete answers since you ask about..

How to detect “IAP crackers”?


to detect &ldquo IAP crackers&rdquo I found out that many users use so called IAP crackers instead of purchasing the items in in app purchase IAP . I also learned.. seems to be verifying IAP transactions using an external server then sending back some sort of device specific key to unlock the paid item that can only be generated on that server. This isn't bulletproof but it should make your app highly resistant.. people using IAP Cracker Here's what you'd basically need to do Design your in app security solution some sort of a unique key that unlocks your added functionality. If the added functionality takes the form of an data file then this might..

How can I indent multiple lines in xcode?


iphone xcode code formatting share improve this question The keyboard shortcuts are kbd for indent and kbd for un indent. In Xcode's preferences window click the Key Bindings toolbar button. The Key Bindings section is where you customize..

Can I install an app to the simulator without the source code?


an app to the simulator without the source code I have a client who wants to just drag and drop the binary to run it in the simulator. I want to build the simulator app and email it to them. What can the client do to install this in the..