

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: ultimate

Iphone Game Development


iPhone Game Development Developing 2D 3D games in Objective C a good start. OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide the ultimate guide to learn ES. iPhone OpenGL ES Tutorial Series great contains specific information about games. share improve this..

Proper AVAudioRecorder Settings for Recording Voice?


with very low data rates. You can stomp all over a voice recording yet still have a useful file. Therefore your ultimate use for these recordings will guide your decisions on these settings. First you need to choose the audio format. Your choice..

What type of webservice works best with iOS?


ipad ios share improve this question Given the way you've asked multiple questions you probably realize that the ultimate solution you use will be a balancing act between competing goals. 1 You need to define performance better. I'm assuming.. referring to network transmission time which means keeping server latency low and number of bytes transmitted low. The ultimate is probably a custom binary wire protocol that's also been analyzed for compressibility and compression applied where appropriate..

Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework


to eg 8 you can throw these precalculated values into any fft function that uses resolution 2^8. So unless you want ultimate memory optimisation just create one set for the highest resolution you're going to need and use it for everything. Now the..

iPhone FFT with Accelerate framework vDSP


1. How do I put the audio data into the FFT Question 2. How do I get the output data out of the FFT Question 3. The ultimate goal is to check for low frequency sounds. How would I do this OSStatus open CFURLRef inputURL OSStatus result 1 result..