

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:27

iphone Programming Glossary: undesirable

Xcode: Display Login View in applicationDidBecomeActive


does work I can call a method in viewDidAppear which shows an alert view to allow the user to log in. However this is undesirable and I would like to have a login text box and other ui elements. If I do not call my login method nothing happens and the..

How to tell if UIViewController's view is visible


controller EDIT Invoking the view method causes the view to load if it is not loaded which is unnecessary and may be undesirable. It would be better to check first to see if it is already loaded. I've added the call to isViewLoaded to avoid this problem...

Using html5 video events on the iPhone, how do I tell “Done” button click from a simple pause?


called both from the Done button and when the user taps the pause button in the playback controls. The second case is undesirable I only want the first case but the events don't seem to be giving me enough information. Does anyone know of a way to tell..

UISlider and UIScrollView


if your press and hold for a second the slider activates and you can then adjust the slider value. This behavior is undesirable. What is the best way to make the UISlider responsive when loaded into a UIScrollView I've thought about adding a blocker..

tabBarController and navigationControllers in landscape mode, episode II


to override shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. However if i simply return YES in the implementation the following undesirable side effect arises every controller in every tab is automatically put in landscape mode when rotating the iPhone. Even overriding..

Moving a Stick figure, anchorpoints, animation, or something else…?


Furthermore rotation or scaling will always be centered on the anchorPoint. Modifying the anchorPoint can result in undesirable behavior when rotating or scaling nodes. Let's assume an odd worst case but entirely possible scenario where the anchorPoint..

How do you shrink a UIPickerView on the iPhone?


view and applying a scaling transform to that view. Applying a transform directly to the UIPickerView leads to undesirable drawing artifacts. However the kind of resizing you're looking for would be best served by creating a custom control. share..