

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:27

iphone Programming Glossary: unexpectedly

How to restart app if it unexpectedly shutdown


to restart app if it unexpectedly shutdown Skype update text contains next App auto restarts if unexpectedly shut down How is possible to perform that via.. to restart app if it unexpectedly shutdown Skype update text contains next App auto restarts if unexpectedly shut down How is possible to perform that via SDK iphone ios sdk background restart share improve this question As..

SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h file not found


Simulator keeps crashing in Xcode 4.4


keeps crashing in Xcode 4.4 When ever I run my app in Xcode 4.4 the simulator fails to open iOS Simulator quit unexpectedly. It runs on perfectly on the device though. iphone ios simulator xcode4.4 share improve this question I solved by installing..

Is there a way to programmatically scroll to a PDF page within a UIWebView?


drag. One might drag a few pages and then touching the left or right arrow on the toolbar will cause the offset to unexpectedly move to a previous page. This solution uses UIWebDocumentView which is private and may likely cause app rejection. I think..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


deal with the NSDateFormatter locale &ldquo feature&rdquo It seems that NSDateFormatter has a feature that bites you unexpectedly If you do a simple fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss..

Core Data Crash: [__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil


message when my code ran NSManagedObjectModel mergedModelFromBundles nil . This happened after xCode crashed on me unexpectedly. Even when I reverted back to a known good version of my code I still had the same error that was due to some sort of corruption...

iOS5 data storage issue. Where to save files?


files to Caches folder and save only user generated files to the Documents folder. And caches folder may be deleted unexpectedly even when our app is not running on app updates or system restores. The deletion at an unexpected time is the one that worries..

jquery AJAX stopped working with iOS 5.0.1


requests are issued. This seems to be a related issue http spin.atomicobject.com 2012 01 20 mobile safari on ios 5 1 unexpectedly making cross origin resource sharing requests javascript jquery iphone ajax ios5 share improve this question The link..

jQuery on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry


is that most things will work but you need to test everything carefully. My experience is that changing the DOM is unexpectedly slow. Things that fly on the emulator can drag on the device. You mentioned you'd be using emulators do NOT trust performance..

Intermittent error accessing core data model / contacts database


iOS app. Frustratingly it is an intermittent error The task I am performing works 5 or 6 times in a row then crashes unexpectedly. The error log suggests an error opening a sqlite database presumably the core data model in my app. However Xcode shows..