

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:26

iphone Programming Glossary: underneath

Display clearColor UIViewController over UIViewController


somebody for help and here is what he said When presenting a view controller modally iOS removes the view controllers underneath it from the view hierarchy for the duration it is presented. While the view of your modally presented view controller is.. the duration it is presented. While the view of your modally presented view controller is transparent there is nothing underneath it except the app window which is black. iOS 7 introduced a new modal presentation style UIModalPresentationCustom that.. iOS 7 introduced a new modal presentation style UIModalPresentationCustom that causes iOS not to remove the views underneath the presented view controller. However in order to use this modal presentation style you must provide your own transition..

Xcode 5 and iOS 7: Architecture and Valid architectures


64 bit what happens when I run my app on 64 bit iPhone or iOS Simulator I know it works I'm just curious what hapens underneath Can you explain big mess with new 64 bit architecture iphone ios xcode ios7 share improve this question Set the architecture..

White Text in UITextField = Invisible text in iPhone copy/paste select. Fix?


requires a transparent background you'll have to fake it ”by using a background image containing the graphics underneath the text field. You may do it manually ”by taking a screenshot of your interface and cropping it ”or programmatically like.. interface and cropping it ”or programmatically like this #import QuartzCore CALayer.h ... `view` contains the graphics underneath the text field UIGraphicsBeginImageContext textField.bounds.size CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGPoint..

Offset on UIWindow addSubview


when it doesn't. Here's the deal If you create your view controller and its view in the same NIB and you nest the view underneath the view controller it will adjust the view's frame automatically. If you create your view controller and its view in the..

Core Data data model: attribute type for UIColor


on Non standard Persistent Attributes in the Core Data Programming Guide an other read. A transformable attribute is underneath the covers a binary data attribute but Core Data will automatically use the NSValueTransformer of your specification to..

iPhone subview flip between 2 views


view. When the user clicks this subview I want the subview to FlipFromRight to another view same size . The main view underneath should stay. viewHot and viewCold are the subviews viewMain is the main one. Is this possible iphone objective c subview..

Iphone SDK dismissing Modal ViewControllers on ipad by clicking outside of it


the modal view...I have seen a bunch of apps doing this ebay on ipad for example but i cant figure out how since the underneath views are disabled from touches when modal views are displayed like this are they presenting it as a popover perhaps ...anyone..

How to erase part of an image as the user touches it


picture goal is to have a grey field over an image and then as the user rubs on that grey field it reveals the image underneath. Basically like a lottery scratcher card. I've done a bunch of searching through the docs as well as this site but can't..

iPhone UITableViewCell layer shadow


on the iPhone iPad. Use something like the following code to set a shadow path it removes the need to blur the layers underneath your tableviewcell's to create a high quality shadow. CGRect shadowFrame cell.layer.bounds CGPathRef shadowPath UIBezierPath..

How to disable touch input to all views except the top-most view?


a subview the subview expands in size to cover most of the screen but some of the other subviews are still visible underneath. I want my app to ignore touches on the other subviews when one of the subviews is expanded like this. Is there a simple..

UITableViewCell dynamic height :/


it wich is going to contain a tweet. So it needs to be a dynamic height. There also is a timeAgo label that has to fit underneath the tweet label. I'm trying stuff with frames en sizes but i can't get the perfect solution.. I do this in the UITableViewCell..

Can not freez the table header while scrolling the rows? [duplicate]


and UITableViewDataSource and have a UILabel at the top of the UIViewController 's nib and a UITableView underneath the UILabel . This will have the effect of having the UILabel staying put in its position with the UITableView still able..

Advantages of using Core Graphics


performance. This isn't just limited to 2 D animations but can extend into some simple 3 D work as well. OpenGL ES is underneath the drawing of everything you see on the screen for an iOS device although this is not exposed to you. As such it provides..

How can I erase UIBezierPath lines drawn on a transparent view above an image?


Customize the MKAnnotationView callout


NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed identifier owner self options nil prevent the tap and double tap from reaching views underneath UITapGestureRecognizer tapGestureRecognizer ... return self To be able to push another view controller from the callout..