

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:27

iphone Programming Glossary: unexpected

C# iPhone push server?


Only I keep receiving a exception A call to SSPI failed see Inner exception Inner Exception The message received was unexpected or badly formatted. Does anyone have any idea whats going wrong here c# iphone push notification share improve this question..

NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler not catch all errors on iPhone


@ @ GTMStackTraceFromException exception UIAlertView alert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle NSLocalizedString @ Error unexpected @ Info Can't save record message GTMStackTraceFromException exception delegate nil cancelButtonTitle NSLocalizedString @..

Trying to Write NSString sha1 function, but it's returning null


of the method takes the SHA1 buffer and tries interpret this data as an UTF 8 C string which might crash or give any unexpected result. First the buffer is not a UTF 8 string. Secondly it's not null terminated. What you want is to convert the SHA1..

Best Practices for Error Logging and/or reporting for iPhone


info TRC_ALT @ Really important trace something bad is happening TRC_ERR @ Error this indicates a coding bug or unexpected condition TRC_EXIT Example trace output 2009 09 11 14 22 48.051 MyApp 3122 207 ENTRY MyClass myMethod 2009 09 11 14 22 48.063.. bad is happening 2009 09 11 14 22 48.063 MyApp 3122 207 ERROR MyClass myMethod Error this indicates a coding bug or unexpected condition 2009 09 11 14 22 48.073 MyApp 3122 207 EXIT MyClass myMethod Our trace definitions #ifndef TRC_LEVEL #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR..

How to add a contact to the iPhone's Address Book from a Web Page?


to mention here based on my experiences using this technique on HTML5 web apps Using the cache manifest I had some unexpected behaviour problems serving the the calendar file iphonecontact.ics if it had been cached I just couldn't get it to work..

iPhone: how to get safari to recognize a vcard?


to mention here based on my experiences using this technique on HTML5 web apps Using the cache manifest I had some unexpected behaviour problems serving the the calendar file iphonecontact.ics if it had been cached I just couldn't get it to work..

Implementing Unit Testing with the iPhone SDK


failed 0.000 seconds . Test Suite 'LogicTests' finished at 2010 01 04 21 05 06 0000. Executed 1 test with 1 failure 0 unexpected in 0.000 0.000 seconds Test Suite ' Users james Desktop FYP 3D Pool build Debug iphonesimulator LogicTests.octest Tests.. Debug iphonesimulator LogicTests.octest Tests ' finished at 2010 01 04 21 05 06 0000. Executed 1 test with 1 failure 0 unexpected in 0.000 0.002 seconds Developer Tools RunPlatformUnitTests.include 448 error Failed tests for architecture 'i386' GC OFF..

How to convert ASCII value to a character in Objective-C?


is how you can work with ASCII values and NSString . Note that since NSString is working with unichars there could be unexpected results for a non ASCII string. NSString to ASCII NSString string @ A int asciiCode string characterAtIndex 0 65 ASCII to..

Build fat static library (device + simulator) using Xcode and SDK 4+


environment variables in build log if you're using a custom build output directory for XCode4 then XCode puts all your unexpected files in the wrong place. Build the project Click on the last icon on the right in the top left area of Xcode4. Select the..

UISlider and UIScrollView


I have a UISlider as part of a view that is loaded into a UIScrollView with paging enabled. I've noticed an unexpected behavior. If the user tries to use the slider quickly i.e. press and move it activates the scroll view causing the page..

Can you use cancel/isCancelled with GCD/dispatch_async?


ship construction. The only concern I have with your implementation of the CHECKER macro is that it implements an unexpected return . As such you have to be careful about memory leaks. If you've set up your own NSAutoreleasePool on the background..

iPhone UINavigation Issue - nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar


in corrupted navigation bar 2011 04 02 14 55 23.729 AppName 42430 207 Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted. 2011 04 02 14 55 23.729 AppName 42430 207 Finishing up a navigation.. subview tree might get corrupted. 2011 04 02 14 55 23.729 AppName 42430 207 Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted. Here is what I am doing. From a view controller I call the following..

iPhone SDK: what is the difference between loadView and viewDidLoad?


How to compare two NSDates: Which is more recent?


the dates of two files. One is on my dropBox account and one is on my iPhone. I came up with the following but I get unexpected results. I guess I'm doing something fundamentally wrong when comparing the two dates. I simply used the operators but I..

CoreData error driving me crazy… CoreData: Serious application error. An exception caught from delegate of NSFetchedResultsController


in the result set here not 3 . By the time it gets to the endUpdates line it has refreshed its fetch and found an unexpected insert. The NSFetchedResultsController delegate methods are really designed to update UI in place while you are making changes..

Error in Xcode getting debugging info from 5.0.1 iphone


end although it does not move beyond 'copying file 2 of 9'. After it's done I get the message Xcode has encountered an unexpected error 0xC002 No such file or directory at SourceCache DTDeviceKit DTDeviceKit 867 DTDeviceKit DTDeviceKit_Utilities.m 864..

UINavigationController and autorotation


mode and the user presses the back button which calls popViewControllerAnimated the first view will appear rotated unexpected . If the user rotates the device back to portrait orientation the view will rotate and then be stuck in portrait mode as..

-JSONValue failed. Error is: Unexpected end of input


JSONValue failed. Error is Unexpected end of input I got the JSON result as JSONValue failed. Error is Unexpected end of input . Please direct me in right way... JSONValue failed. Error is Unexpected end of input I got the JSON result as JSONValue failed. Error is Unexpected end of input . Please direct me in right way. I am new in parsing . I have to get Data from the server by POST method. I..

Integrating iPhone Application with Shibboleth


responseData encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding if responseString rangeOfString @ SAMLResponse .length 1 console setText @ Unexpected response n n stringByAppendingString responseString return NSString relayState ConsoleViewController substringFromString..

Can we use UI Automation tools with the iPhone Simulator?


the app folder in ~ Library Application Support iPhone Simulator etc. ”but I get an error message when I try to run it Unexpected error in UIATarget_0x5a1e3b0 frontMostApp SourceCache UIAutomation_Sim UIAutomation 37 Framework UIATargetElements.m line..

Iphone Http request response using json


which it's throwing an exception JSONValue failed. Error trace is Error Domain org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code 11 Unexpected end of string UserInfo 0x4e2dd70 NSLocalizedDescription Unexpected end of string Can anyone pls help me.... My code NSMutableURLRequest.. Error Domain org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code 11 Unexpected end of string UserInfo 0x4e2dd70 NSLocalizedDescription Unexpected end of string Can anyone pls help me.... My code NSMutableURLRequest request NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL NSURL URLWithString..

How can I manually switch between UIViewControllers in storyboard?


view controller in IBAction self.view pushViewController LoginViewController animated YES But it makes an error Unexpected interface name ˜LoginViewController expected expression It took a lot of time to figure out what is wrong but I had not succeed...