

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uiviewcontrollers

hiding TabBar when rotating iPhone device to landscape


TabBar when rotating iPhone device to landscape So here is what i have A UITabBarController that handles different UIViewControllers. In one of the UIViewController i am trying to switch the view being displayed when the device rotates to landscape. the..

remoteControlReceivedWithEvent not Called in appDelegate


How to add an UIViewController's view as subview


How to: Save order of tabs when customizing tabs in UITabBarController


tabs' indexes in an array in NSUserDefaults . On app's launch in applicationDidFinishLaunching method I reordered the UIViewControllers using following code void applicationDidFinishLaunching UIApplication application NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults..

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


all these circumstances. It is my intend with this CW post to provide sort of a FAQ for others having issues with UIViewControllers in Landscape mode. Please provide feedback and help improve the quality of this Post by incorporating any related observations...

Detecting rotation to landscape manually


rotation to landscape manually I am working on an iPhone application based on UITabBarController and UIViewControllers for each page. The app needs to run in portrait mode only so every view controller app delegate goes with this line of code..

How to restrict my app to landscape mode?


out GM is already out In order to recreate the bug just use SplitView template and override above method in any of the UIViewControllers RootViewController or DetailViewControllers UPDATE2 I have found a work around. See UPDATE3 for the complete work around..

UIScrollView with multiple UIViewControllers


with multiple UIViewControllers i have one scrollview and 4 UIviewcontrollers with xib files now i want to add 4 viewcontrollers to scrollview and also..

MPMoviewPlayerController fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only (rotation disallowed)


mode only rotation disallowed Hallo I have a simple application which does contain UITabBarController with two UIViewControllers. Both UIViewControllers are portrait only no rotation allowed . One UIViewController's UIView does contain MPMoviePlayerController's.. disallowed Hallo I have a simple application which does contain UITabBarController with two UIViewControllers. Both UIViewControllers are portrait only no rotation allowed . One UIViewController's UIView does contain MPMoviePlayerController's view to allow.. allow rotation to allow landscape playback too. Rotation doesn't work because UITabBarController disallows it and both UIViewControllers too . So I tried two approaches but none of them does work as expected. 1 Subclassed UITabBarController I did add property..

Am I abusing UIViewController Subclassing?


instead by custom controllers which happen to control views which are subclasses of simple NSObject. In this case UIViewControllers should only be directly to the Window or UINavigationController UITabBarController etc Are you guaranteed to get the UIVC..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


cgi bin index.php Lecture 08 is related to an assignment to build a UINavigationController based app that has multiple UIViewControllers pushed onto the UINavigationController stack. That's how the UINavigationController works. That's logical. However there.. works. That's logical. However there are some stern warnings in the slide about communicating between your UIViewControllers. I'm going to quote from this serious of slides http cs193p.stanford.edu downloads 08 NavigationTabBarControllers.pdf Page.. class file in my code is the correct place When I want to affect some piece of data value of an iVar in one of my UIViewControllers when I am in a different UIViewController what is the right way to do this Give that we can only have one delegate set at..

iOS: Device orientation on load


that your application supports Portrait home button at the bottom landscape left and landscape right. Then in your UIViewControllers you will need to override the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation method to return YES when the..

How can I manually switch between UIViewControllers in storyboard?


can I manually switch between UIViewControllers in storyboard All I need is to view a UIView controller in same storyboard file manually with code. I use storyboard to..

`[super viewDidLoad]` convention


does. Though you shouldn't have to know super's implementation to write yours. Of course this goes for all of UIViewControllers delegate methods willAppear didAppear etc... Any thoughts iphone objective c cocoa cocoa touch share improve this question..

UINavigationController Force Rotate


orientation. My views are contained within a UINavigationController which apparently is the cause of this issue. All UIViewControllers except one have this BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation Return YES.. their phone and it becomes portrait again and locks to portrait . It seems orientation locking is allowed between UIViewControllers however auto rotation programmatically changing the orientation is somehow blocked. How do I force the phone to update to..