

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: ui_appearance_selector

Custom iOS UIDatepicker using UIAppearance


And i want to create my own custom UIDatePicker . I tried to change the appearance of the DatePicker but looking for UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR in the UIDatePicker returns nothing . Meaning that its not possible to change any values as per the docs To support appearance.. a class must conform to the UIAppearanceContainer protocol and relevant accessor methods must be marked with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR. How can change my UIDatePicker 's appearance iphone ios ios5 uidatepicker uiappearance share improve this question .. yourself using a UIPickerView rather than using UIDatePicker. As the UIDatePicker or UIPickerView don't have the UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR and even you can't change UIDatePicker contents' appearance as its UIControl and not having any delegate so it has its native..

iOS 5: Curious about UIAppearance


do something like You look in the header of the class and the headers of all the superclasses . Any method that has UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR next to it is supported for use with the UIAppearance proxy. UITableView appearance setBackgroundColor mytableViewColor.. proxy. UITableView appearance setBackgroundColor mytableViewColor The backgroundColor property is not decorated with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR in UIView.h . Thus it is not technically supported for use with the appearance proxy. It will probably work but given the.. a class must conform to the UIAppearanceContainer protocol and relevant accessor methods must be marked with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR . note and relevant accessor methods must be marked... emphasis added b Is there a list of all properties that are manipulatable..

What properties can I set via an UIAppearance proxy?


iphone ios ios5 ios6 uikit share improve this question Properties that can be set via UIAppearance are tagged with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR in the corresponding header file. To generate a list of properties tagged with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR you can use the following.. are tagged with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR in the corresponding header file. To generate a list of properties tagged with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR you can use the following unix commands in a terminal cd Applications Xcode.app Contents Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform.. Platforms iPhoneOS.platform Developer Œâ€ SDKs iPhoneOS5.1.sdk System Library Frameworks UIKit.framework Headers grep H UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR . sed 's __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING __MAC_NA __IPHONE_5_0 UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR ' Here is a list that I compiled using the..