

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: unaffected

Boundry detect paper sheet opencv


image is blurred after draw lines on edge How I can draw lines on edges of paper sheet so my image quality remain unaffected. what I am Missing.. My code is below. Many thanks. void forOpenCV if imageView.image nil cv Mat greyMat self cvMatFromUIImage..

UITableViewCell transparent background (including imageView/accessoryView)


but it doesn't work. It puts a tiny box around the icon but doesn't expand to fill the left edge. The right edge seems unaffected by this. How can I fix this EDIT Here is the raw table cell code UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tv cellForRowAtIndexPath..

resize all subview in scrollViewDidZoom


inner view and label will be resized just scaled up down when rendering the mainView this is why their frame is unaffected. Just implement void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView in the delegate and print out the main view's frame bounds..

NSOperations or NSThread for bursts of smaller tasks that continuously cancel each other?


Understanding reference counting with Cocoa and Objective-C


one piece of code retains and then releases the object any other piece of code also referencing the object will be unaffected. What can sometimes be confusing is knowing the circumstances under which you should call retain and release . My general..

How to detect “IAP crackers”?


time in this when the crack is only available to jailbreak users so something like 90 of your potential customers are unaffected and most of the people installing it were unlikely to pay for your app anyway don't be scared by the sheer numbers of users..

CGContextStrokePath not working when zooming and drawing images


. The image is both blurred and displaced It can also be noticed that a part of the line drawn towards the end is unaffected and the phenomenon occurs for lines drawn back in time. I believe the reason for this is that the image size attributes..