

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: uiwebviewnavigationtype

How to make image maps clickable using UIWebview in iphone?


park a map For Obj c BOOL webView UIWebView aWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSString absoluteUrl request URL absoluteString if absoluteUrl isEqualToString @ didTap button1 UIAlertView.. value park Obj C BOOL webView UIWebView aWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSString absoluteUrl request URL absoluteString if absoluteUrl isEqualToString @ didTap button1 UIAlertView..

how to intercept Button click inside UIWebview on IOS?


your UIWebViewDelegate BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType if request.URL.scheme isEqualToString @ inapp if request.URL.host isEqualToString @ capture do capture action..

UIWebView to view self signed websites (No private api, not NSURLConnection) - is it possible?


to see how this works. BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSLog @ Did start loading @ auth d request URL absoluteString _authenticated if _authenticated _authenticated..

Opening popup links in UIWebView, possible?


tried breakpointing on BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType and then selecting a link that would open a popup window and the breakpoint is never hit. Is there anything..

How to call Objective-C from Javascript?


in my ViewController BOOL webView UIWebView webView2 shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSString requestString request URL absoluteString NSArray components requestString componentsSeparatedByString..

UIWebView didFinishLoading fires multiple times


starts and finishes. BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSLog @ Loading @ request URL return YES void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView webView NSLog @ didFinish @..

Force a WebView link to launch Safari?


or Mail applications BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSURL requestURL request URL retain if requestURL scheme isEqualToString @ http requestURL scheme isEqualToString.. @ http requestURL scheme isEqualToString @ https requestURL scheme isEqualToString @ mailto navigationType UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked return UIApplication sharedApplication openURL requestURL autorelease requestURL release return YES As Randy..

UIWebView open links in Safari


would be relative links BOOL webView UIWebView inWeb shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest inRequest navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType inType if inType UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked UIApplication sharedApplication openURL inRequest URL return NO return..

Does UIGestureRecognizer work on a UIWebView?


this delegate callback BOOL webView UIWebView inWeb shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest inRequest navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType inType if inRequest URL absoluteString hasPrefix @ myscheme .. parse arguments return NO You can see in the PhoneGap code..

NSString in UIWebview


C inside the .m file too BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSString url request URL absoluteString static NSString urlPrefix @ myApp if url hasPrefix urlPrefix NSString..

iPhone UIWebView - Open new UIWebView Controller from a hyperlink


in your delegate class bool webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType You might need to set up a interceptLinks Bool since you don't want to intercept the initial loading of the..

Clicking a link in UIWebView pushes onto the NavigationView stack


is how I handle links BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSURL url request.URL NSString urlString url.absoluteString NSRange page urlString rangeOfString @ page URL..

iPhone - UIWebview - Get the URL of the link clicked


UIWebViewDelegate class BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType CAPTURE USER LINK CLICK. NSURL url request URL yourTextBox.text url absoluteString return YES share improve..

Is it possible for a UIWebView to save and autofill previously entered form values (e.g., username & password)?


what I did SETTING DATA BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType save form data if navigationType UIWebViewNavigationTypeFormSubmitted grab the data from the page NSString.. NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType save form data if navigationType UIWebViewNavigationTypeFormSubmitted grab the data from the page NSString username self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString @ document.myForm.username.value..

How to download files from UIWebView and open again


Use the method BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType in your UiWebView's delegate to determine when it wants to load resource. When the method get's called you.. a quick code example BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType if navigationType UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked NSURL requestedURL request URL ...Check if the URL.. NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType if navigationType UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked NSURL requestedURL request URL ...Check if the URL points to a file you're looking for... Then load the file..

iOS UIWebView Javascript - insert data -receive callbacks?


webViewDelegate method BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSLog @ passed data from web view @ request URL query if request URL query isEqualToString @ clickedOnLineNo..

Specifying HTTP referer in embedded UIWebView


made by the user. BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType NSDictionary headers request allHTTPHeaderFields BOOL hasReferer headers objectForKey @ Referer nil if hasReferer..