

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: unchanged

cocos2d 2.0-rc2: end the director and restart


game is over I call CCDirector sharedDirector end . Most of the director setup is done in the appDelegate it's taken unchanged from the default Cocos2d template . I only put the CCGLView as a retained property into my MenuViewController because otherwise..

Core-Data iPhone: could not locate an NSManagedObjectModel


viewController.view Configure and show the window window makeKeyAndVisible The rest of CoreDataAppDelegete.m remains unchanged. In the MenuViewController when the button is clicked the following action takes place RootViewController modalViewController1..

Implementing Unit Testing with the iPhone SDK


This image is from my test build using 3.2.1. This one is from an older version 3.1.4 . The project for both was unchanged . Edit Image URLS updated. iphone xcode unit testing share improve this question Double click 'Run script' under 'Targets'..

MFMailComposeViewController image orientation


the stripping is going on it can really confuse things. If I run this code I now get the following results Things are unchanged in the imagePickerController code the image is captured as before. Flow of control goes on to the E Mailer code but now..

writeToFile fails on iphone but works on simulator


myfile atomically YES In case of simulator 'fileName.plist' is modified but in case of iphone device file remains unchanged. There is no exception seen either. Is the above code expected to work fine on both iphone and simulator Also in the debugger..

CALayers didn't get resized on its UIView's bounds change. Why?


bounds animated then the view itself gets shrinked I checked it with a backgroundColor but the sublayers' size remains unchanged . How to solve this I've just started Googling but haven't found any useful. Thanks in advance. iphone ios objective c..

change width of UIAlertView in iPad


delegate method void willPresentAlertView UIAlertView alertView but even then the width of the Alertview remained unchanged. And I think a small Alertview in iPad will not make sense. And I guess there must be a way to achieve it at least in iPad...

Counterpart to -application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:


apps The only problem is how do I invoke this mechanism on the side of the calling app UIApplication openURL seems unchanged and does not offer any way to pass a property list along with the URL. Do you know how a calling app could do that with..

How to steal touches from UIScrollView?


is that if you drag your finger over the picker view the scroll view will scroll and the picker view will remain unchanged. The first thing I tried was to override BOOL touchesShouldCancelInContentView UIView view and simply not allow the UIScrollView..

PVR textures versus PNG in OpenGL ES


decompression needed. Almost instant texture upload because it's an internal hardware format will go through drivers unchanged. fast rendering because of smaller memory bandwidth usage. Pixel rendering speed is mostly limited by other factors when..

What are the Dangers of Method Swizzling in Objective C?


There's a simple solution &mdash use the alternative swizzling technique defined above. The arguments will remain unchanged The order of swizzles matters The order in which methods get swizzled matters. Assuming setFrame is only defined on NSView..

iPhone DropBox API: How to load a file?


NSLog @ Loaded metadata void restClient DBRestClient client metadataUnchangedAtPath NSString path NSLog @ Metadata unchanged void restClient DBRestClient client loadMetadataFailedWithError NSError error NSLog @ Error loading metadata @ error So..

Moving a Stick figure, anchorpoints, animation, or something else…?


250 100 . Let's say you move the anchorPoint to 0.1f 0.1f ._______. . . ° ° ° ° The position of the sprite remains unchanged at 250 100 . The anchorPoint position also doesn't change. What changes is how the texture is centered around that point...

write into plist file using NSDictionary object


atomically YES the result is I really saw a updated value pop up on the second text box but the plist file remain unchanged. The following are the break down of my questions and my guess for the problem I try to use NSDictionary not NSMutableDictionary..