

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:26

iphone Programming Glossary: underline

Font With Strike through it


Underline text in a UITextView


text in a UITextView How can I underline text in a UITextView . I understand that I would need to create a subclass of UITextView but what would go under drawRect..

italic, bold and underlined font on iPhone


bold and underlined font on iPhone How do you set a font to be both bold and italic. There is a boldSystemFontOfSize and italicSystemFoneOfSize.. but I can't see the way to set a font to be both italic and bold. As a second question is there a way to set an underline on a font or do you simply draw a line under text. iphone fonts share improve this question You have to actually ask..

iPhone: How to Display Underlined Text in a Button?


ID in my view such that clicking the mail ID should open the mail composer view. I want to display the button text as underlined to show it is a hyperlink and for the button click event to call the mail composer view. At present I am not able to show.. and for the button click event to call the mail composer view. At present I am not able to show the button text underlined. I thought of placing a label above the button and adjusting the label property to get the underlined text but that did.. the button text underlined. I thought of placing a label above the button and adjusting the label property to get the underlined text but that did not work. Is there a different way to get the appearance and behavior I want iphone uibutton uilabel..

Draw underlined / strikethrough text ( MULTILINE STRING )?


underlined strikethrough text MULTILINE STRING I have to draw underlined multiline text with all types of text alignment. I have.. underlined strikethrough text MULTILINE STRING I have to draw underlined multiline text with all types of text alignment. I have searched on forums and got some results like http davidjhinson.wordpress.com.. of text alignment. I have searched on forums and got some results like http davidjhinson.wordpress.com 2009 11 26 underline text on the iphone http forums.macrumors.com showthread.php t 561572 But all draw text for single line only. while i have..

underline text in UIlabel


text in UIlabel How can I underline a text that could be multiple lines of string I find some people suggest UIWebView.. text in UIlabel How can I underline a text that could be multiple lines of string I find some people suggest UIWebView but it is obviously too heave a class.. of each line when it is center justified and right justfied I am new here so thank in advance. iphone text uilabel underline share improve this question You may subclass from UILabel and override drawRect method void drawRect CGRect rect CGContextRef..

Is it possible to force ignore the :hover pseudoclass for iPhone/iPad users?


only some css properties trigger the two click behavior e.g. display none but not background red or text decoration underline I'm using jQuery. iphone ipad mobile safari iphone web pseudo class share improve this question I found that hover..

How Can I Underline the Button Text of UIButton?


I Underline the Button Text of UIButton The text is coming form a database. I would like to use it for a button and underline the text of the button. How can I do that iphone objective c cocoa touch ios4 share improve this question For this..

iPhone - Convert CTFont to UIFont?


Underline UILabel text [duplicate]


UILabel text duplicate This question already has an answer here underline text in UIlabel 12 answers I have UILabel whose string is being set at runtime. The text in UILabel is centrally aligned... I have UILabel whose string is being set at runtime. The text in UILabel is centrally aligned. I want to display an underline below the label text. But the line should have X same where the text begins consider center alignment and width equal to.. should have X same where the text begins consider center alignment and width equal to text width not label width . For underline I have created a UIView and have set its background color. But I am not able to fix length of underline as I want. Below..