

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uiwebview's

How to add controls beneath a UIWebView


size of its own content view. This size can be found using webView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero . If you did want to use UIWebView's privates to accomplish this I have a short code example of adding a view to the UIWebView's document view since I got it.. . If you did want to use UIWebView's privates to accomplish this I have a short code example of adding a view to the UIWebView's document view since I got it all worked out anyway void applicationDidFinishLaunching UIApplication application Override..

How to show UIWebView's scroll indicators


to show UIWebView's scroll indicators all I have UIWebView with some content And i need to make its scroll indicator visible for a short time..

How to save the content in UIWebView for faster loading on next launch?


library that allows you to cache a request to a URL. However because I am loading the web page in UIWebView by calling UIWebView's loadRequest those techniques are not really applicable. Any ideas how I can save a web page so that on next app launch I..

Mobile Safari-style back button for UIWebView?


I haven't been able to find any sort UIBarButtonSystemItem representing tha Back button in Mobile Safari. I want my UIWebView's controls to look just like the ones in Mobile Safari so it makes sense. Would the best solution be to just screenshot UIBarButtonSystemItemPlay..

iPhone Dev: UIWebView baseUrl to resources in Documents folder not App bundle


dirCSS style.css I can retrieve the full path to the dir X Users ....... dir X . However when passing that path to the UIWebView's baseURL such that webView loadHTMLString fileXMLString baseURL pathToDirX ... webView does not recognize the resources eg.. object for baseURL of a UIWebView. Although usually I use the typical Users ..... dir file in most cases loading using UIWebView's loadHTMLString baseURL needs a different approach. As described in http dblog.com.au iphone development loading local files..

What video/audio codec settings for playback on Android and iOS


share improve this question Android http developer.android.com guide appendix media formats.html iOS video UIWebView's don't actually play the videos they pass it off to another class http developer.apple.com iphone library documentation mediaplayer..

UIWebView gets cleared after dismissing a fullscreen modal


on viewDidLoad. It detects if the user clicks a link and display a modal view but when i close the modal view the UIWebView's html has gone If i use a FormSheet Modal Style the content stays behind its only fullscreen modals that cause this. Obviously..

Embed a JavaScript engine in an iOS application


js engine I was hoping to use for iOS google's V8 javascript engine mozilla's SpiderMonkey The alternative is to use UIWebView's Javascript callback interface but that requires loading the entire UIWebView into memory and the experiences I heard is..

Displaying Lots Of RichText : Choosing the best option


that is worse not better also as I need to display images hiding the webview's like he suggests wouldn't work . Also UIWebView's need to be created on the main thread or they break. Back to the UIWebView Annoyingly besides doing a pathetic cheat like..

How to download files from UIWebView and open again


isEqualToString @ png fileExtension isEqualToString @ jpg Get the filename of the loaded ressource form the UIWebView's request URL NSString filename theRessourcesURL lastPathComponent NSLog @ Filename @ filename Get the path to the App's Documents..

Where are an UIWebView's cookies stored?


are an UIWebView's cookies stored I'm building an iPhone app with cookies. Deleting cookies in the Safari settings doesn't delete them. Where..

Navigating a Pdf using UIWebview not working in IOS 5


5 and what can I do to rectify the problem iphone xcode4 uiwebview ios5 share improve this question You can use UIWebView's Scrollview for navigation as Javascript is no more supported Below is a my code worked fine for me. aWebView.scrollView..

How do you clear a UIWebView's cache?


do you clear a UIWebView's cache Essentially I need to know how to make a UIWebView erase everything when you terminate the app. Basically that includes..