

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uiviewcontroller's

Where to determine UIView size


CGRect frame method. This sets the frame for the newly created UIView. This method could be called from the UIViewController's loadView method if that view controller's view is requested. The documentation of UIViewController states with respect to..

When should I release objects in -(void)viewDidUnload rather than in -dealloc?


itself still contains its own outstanding retaining references to those objects as well. Releasing the UIViewController's additional ownership of these objects ensures they will be deallocated as well to free memory. The objects that you release.. be deallocated as well to free memory. The objects that you release here are usually recreated and set again when the UIViewController's view is re loaded either from a Nib or through an implementation of loadView . Also note that the UIViewController's view..

What happens if I don't retain IBOutlet?


loading code using setValue forKey . The important ones to note here are the top level view that will be set to the UIViewController's view property which will retain this top level view and your UITextField which will also be retained. If it is simply set..

When is UIViewController viewDidUnload called?


viewDidUnload called Note This question is outdated code viewDidUnload is deprecated iOS 6. When does UIViewController's viewDidUnload automatically get called Yes I know when the view unloads. But when does that happen automatically How can..

How to add an UIViewController's view as subview


to add an UIViewController's view as subview I have a ViewController which controls many subviews. When I click one of the buttons I initialize another.. bounds of the frame for subview and infact fills the entire screen. What could be wrong I presume the problem is that UIViewController's view has a frame 0 0 320 460 and hence fills the entire screen though it receive's touch events only when touched within..

Communication between view controllers


It needs just a few hundred bytes for its instance variables. The memory intensive part are the views themselves. And UIViewController's view loading unloading mechanism will take care to unload the memory intensive view when needed i.e. if it receives a memory..

MPMoviePlayerController fullscreen movie inside a UIWebView


Youtube MPMoviePlayerViewController but the web view will do something hackish it will add a subview to the root UIViewController's view make it full screen and play the movie there. Make your main UIViewController's view a view of your own and intercept.. it will add a subview to the root UIViewController's view make it full screen and play the movie there. Make your main UIViewController's view a view of your own and intercept didAddSubview and willRemoveSubview . This way you'll be able to detect when the player..

How to tell if UIViewController's view is visible


to tell if UIViewController's view is visible I have a tabbar application with many views. Is there a way to know if a particular UIViewController is..

Simulate memory warnings from the code, possible? [duplicate]


and call the applicationDidReceiveMEmoryWarning method on the App Delegate and all UIViewController's IBAction performFakeMemoryWarning #ifdef DEBUG_BUILD SEL memoryWarningSel @selector _performMemoryWarning if UIApplication..

iOS — how do you control the size of a modal view controller?


share improve this question You can modify the frame of the view controller but if you're using UIViewController's presentModalViewController animated method the view behind will be unloaded once your modal view is finished animating onto.. want to show a view over part of the screen you should instead add the UIView no UIViewController to your current UIViewController's view as a subview and then animate it onscreen yourself. I think something like this would work in your UIViewController..

iPhone: How to set UIViewController frame?


How to set UIViewController frame I have a root UIViewController that I am adding other UIViewController's as subviews. Currently each of the subviews are too low down covering up my custom build tabbar . When I try to so something..

MPMoviewPlayerController fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only (rotation disallowed)


UITabBarController with two UIViewControllers. Both UIViewControllers are portrait only no rotation allowed . One UIViewController's UIView does contain MPMoviePlayerController's view to allow video playback inside this view with possibility to make it..

UIView and initWithFrame and a NIB file. How can i get the NIB file loaded?


subclass then Phonitive is correct bundle it together with the UIViewController subclass .xib file and use the UIViewController's viewDidLoad to do final initialization. But if you want your View class to be a subcomponent reused multiple times in different..

How In-Call status bar impacts UIViewController's view size ? (and how to handle it properly)


In Call status bar impacts UIViewController's view size and how to handle it properly I'm trying to understand how the view associated to a UITabBarController UINavigationController..

Handling touches inside UIWebview


inside the UIWebView subclass iphone uiwebview share improve this question I have an UIWebView as a child of UIViewController's view. The solution that worked for me for tab gesture is this UITapGestureRecognizer tap UITapGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget..