

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indirectly

Difference between NSOperation and NSInvocationOperation?


class . An operation queue executes its operations either directly by running them on secondary threads or indirectly using the libdispatch library also known as Grand Central Dispatch 3.Which one is the best I think the word Best may vary..

How to achieve concurrent task through NSOperation? [closed]


to any of them. An operation queue executes its operations either directly by running them on secondary threads or indirectly using the libdispatch library You can read more about NSOperation here and read more about NSOperationQueue here share..

iPhone viewWillAppear not firing


being displayed. The problem is that they don't describe how to do this. What the hell does directly mean. How do you indirectly add a view. I am fairly new to Cocoa and iPhone so it would be nice if there were useful examples from Apple besides the..

Why won't my awakeFromNib fire?


self self initWithNibName @ AlignmentViewController bundle nil I notice I am calling initWithNibName bundle indirectly. Is this bad practice The AlignmentViewController.xib file defines my view hierarchy. But I'm not really using initWithNibName..

MonoTouch CoreGraphics PDF memory issues with CGPDFDocument and CGPDFPage


that MonoTouch really doesn't free up the CGPDFDocument and CGPDFPage objects and when I try to free them manually or indirectly by removing the views which contain them I get the above error. This sucks big time and it is a real possibility now that..

Slicing up a UIImage on iPhone


from the original image. I tested by displaying the full image both directly UIImage imageWithCGImage finalImage And indirectly UIImage imageWithCGImage CGImageCreateWithImageInRect finalImage CGRectMake 0 0 320 320 In both cases the display worked...

iPhone — is initWithCoder an exception to the usual designated initializer design pattern?


inherits its own designated initializer. Through messages to self other init... methods in the same class directly or indirectly invoke the designated initializer and the designated initializer through a message to super invokes the designated initializer..

What happens to an iPhone app when iPhone goes into stand-by mode?


when is the dealloc method called?


hasn ™t been reused yet . You never send a dealloc message directly. Instead an object ™s dealloc method is invoked indirectly through the release NSObject protocol method if the release message results in the receiver's retain count becoming 0 ...

Memory leaks destroying my application?


leak is when you don't release an object after you're done with it. A leak won't directly cause a crash . Leaks can indirectly cause crashes if you run out of memory as a result of not releasing lots of objects. However if your crashes are happening..

UIView addsubview after orientation change: Tell view to resize


is no view controller in the NIB XIB you need to take over its post load duties. Calling layoutSubviews directly or indirectly via setNeedsLayout or layoutIfNeeded won't do you much good because the default implementation does nothing. Assuming you..

Using Core Graphics/ Cocoa, can you draw to a bitmap context from a background thread?


just before I drew into the bitmap context I was doing some preparation on some other objects. It turns out that indirectly the calls to those other objects where leading to setNeedsDisplay being called on some views By separating the part that..

Device orientation - change in legal way (iOS 4.0+)


animated void setOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation orientation @end Also some say that you can call these methods indirectly using performSelector to get around Apple's static code analysis as you can read in the comments here . share improve this..

Why should a self-implemented getter retain and autorelease the returned object?


until the next release of the current autoreleased pool without being hurt by the release of the instance variable indirectly generated by the release of its container aLocalVar aContainer getAnInstanceVar aContainer release doSomething aLocalVar..

Xcode save a PDF as Image?


but can you save a PDF as well tank you in advance iphone image share improve this question If you try to do it indirectly and some one has tried it you can't view it. https discussions.apple.com thread 2479252 Camera Roll is for Photos. iBooks..

iphone error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before ' 'foo'


question Your problem is that you are compiling SpeakHerePortAppDelegate.m which is an Objective C file but it is indirectly including MeterTable.h which is a C header file. Rename it to SpeakHerePortAppDelegate.mm double m so that it is compiled..