

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:15

iphone Programming Glossary: indexl

Memory Management in Objective-C [duplicate]


Library for Caching Web Pages on iPhone?


sample code. Specifically a program called URLCache http developer.apple.com iphone library samplecode URLCache index.html Description URLCache is a sample iPhone application that demonstrates how to download a resource off the web store it in..

Need content in UIWebView to display quickly


URLCache sample app as it may be relevant to their work https developer.apple.com iphone library samplecode URLCache index.html Except having just looked at it now it says This application does not use a NSURLCache disk or memory cache so our cache..

Show/Hide TabBarController in iphone


John Smith is correct. The URL for that sample is http developer.apple.com iphone library samplecode TheElements index.html The code that does this is in AtomicElementViewController.m and the line that achieves this effect is in the init method..

UIWebView display locally stored website (HTML, images, Javascript)


NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath path NSURLRequest request NSURLRequest requestWithURL url self loadRequest request index.html has a bunch of script type text javascript src somescript.js None of the JS code gets executed iphone objective c uiwebview..

Location permission alert on iphone with phonegap


the string is VERY ugly something like this var mobile Applications 157EB70D 4AA7 826E 690F0CBE0F appname.app www index.html . Someone having an idea iphone core location phonegap share improve this question You need to do the geolocation after..

iphone uiwebview download complete page with CSS and Images


this question There is no easy way. Regex the HTML using RegexKitLite http regexkit.sourceforge.net RegexKitLite index.html and snag all the urls to .jpg .gif .png and .css and .js and whatever all else you need. alternately call NSString imgUrls..

iPhone reachability checking


project. You must download Reachability from Apple http developer.apple.com iphone library samplecode Reachability index.html And add both .h and .m files to your project. Update You noted you have Reachability. But looking at the most recent version..

NSString in UIWebview


in UIWebview I have an NSString and a webView in my project Objective C for iPhone I have called index.html in webView and inside it I inserted my script javascript . How can I pass the NSString as a var in my script and viceversa..

Reachability Guide for iOS 4


I have implemented Reachability like this. Download https developer.apple.com iphone library samplecode Reachability index.html and add Reachability.h and .m to your project. Add the SystemConfiguration framework to your project. #import Reachability.h..

Architectural and design question about uploading photos from iPhone app and S3


HTTP POST method with the json policy file as described here http docs.amazonwebservices.com AmazonS3 2006 03 01 dev index.html UsingHTTPPOST.html . With this the flow would be something like 1 iPhone makes request to my server asking for policy file..

How to detect in iOS webapp when switching back to Safari from background?


function alert onfocus script head body Main text body html According http www.quirksmode.org dom events index.html Safari iPhone does not fire the event when the window gains the focus. So my question is still how to detect by using javascript..

Is there a library for iPhone to work with HMAC-SHA-1 encoding


with HMAC SHA 1 Signature http en.wikipedia.org wiki HMAC http docs.amazonwebservices.com AWSFWS latest DeveloperGuide index.html SummaryOfAuthentication.html . I'm working under asp.net backend and there is no problems. Problem is in the iPhone application...

How do you implement swipe-able image stacks like the Photo app using the iPhone SDK?


How can I write an iPhone app entirely in JavaScript without making it just a web app?


fullPath Now any files you have added as resources to the project are available for use in your web app. I've got an index.html file including javascript and css and image files with no problems. The only limitation I've found so far is that I can't..

iphone: How to add Email functionality in iPhone Ebook App


to put the email functionality which email send the contents of particular chapter. Now by using webview i show the index.html and in that i have created UIActionSheet which will show the Email button. Please suggest me that how can i identify the..

How do you optionally use iPhone OS 3.0 features in a 2.0 compatible app?


app that uses MFMailComposeViewController.... http developer.apple.com iphone library samplecode MailComposer index.html the answer involves compiling with the 3.0 SDK setting the deployment target to 2.x ensuring that the 3.0 frameworks are..