

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:17

iphone Programming Glossary: indexpaths

Add a row to UITableView for adding new item?


BOOL editing animated BOOL animated ... where I call the UITableView's method insertRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray indexPaths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimation animation to insert a new row My understanding is that this call may add a new..

UITableView add cell Animation


share improve this question You can use the following UITableView method void insertRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray indexPaths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimation animation Example with self.dataSource being a mutable array and your table only..

UITableView row animation duration and completion callback


... CATransaction setCompletionBlock ^ Code to be executed upon completion tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths indexPaths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic tableView endUpdates CATransaction commit share improve this answer..

select multiple rows from uitableview and delete


to a selector called deleteRows in your deleteRows method iterate through the selectedRows set building up an array of indexPaths delete these rows from your data model then call with your preferred animation type self.myTableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths..

Update UITableViewCell without reload


iPhone: How to allow multiple selection in tabelview for a custom cell?


ivar selectedIndexPaths in this case to hold the items that are selected. In didSelectRowAtIndexPath add or remove indexPaths to this array. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if self.selectedIndexPaths..

reload spefic UITableView cell iOS


share improve this question For iOS 3.0 and above you just have to call void reloadRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray indexPaths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimation animation To reload row 3 of section 2 and row 4 of section 3 for example you'll..

Getting visible cell from UITableView pagingEnabled


to this question next I'll provide you with the answer you were looking for. UITableView will provide you with the indexPaths you are looking for and then UITableView will happily provide you with the cells that match those index paths UITableView.. those index paths UITableView tableView self.tableView Or however you get your table view NSArray paths tableView indexPathsForVisibleRows For getting the cells themselves NSMutableSet visibleCells NSMutableSet alloc init for NSIndexPath path in..

How to deal with non-visible rows during row deletion. (UITableViews)


indexes array removeObjectAtIndex indexPath.row if array count indexes addIndex indexPath.section Determine all of the indexPaths related to the rows to be deleted then update the tableView as follows tableView beginUpdates tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths.. to the rows to be deleted then update the tableView as follows tableView beginUpdates tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths indexPaths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationFade tableView deleteSections indexes withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationFade..