

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indicated

idleTimerDisabled not working since iPhone 3.0


get playing seemed to solve the problem. Just setting it to YES was insufficient.. and subsequent queries had always indicated the correct YES value.. so it appears the Apple code ignores the setting of the value IF there is a current piece of music..

When should I release objects in -(void)viewDidUnload rather than in -dealloc?


objective c ios cocoa touch memory management share improve this question In addition to what has already been indicated I wanted to elaborate more about logic behind viewDidUnload . One of the most important reasons for implementing it is that..

gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 iphone


The code introduced a line as such CGContextAddArcToPoint c minx miny midx miny ROUND_SIZE This gave an error indicated that it wasn't declared so I added to my .h file the following under import uikit #import UIKit UIKit.h #define ROUND_SIZE..

iOS 6 shouldAutorotate: is NOT being called


be used the way you were using it anyway. EDIT Response to repeated downvotes. Please explain why using the method I indicated is not an to quote OP indication that a rotation is about to occur. The content of the question and the title are mismatched...

iPhone GPS in background never resumes after pause


works fine as long as user moves around. When user stops and CLLocationManager pauses after 10 20 minutes or so. It is indicated by this notification void locationManagerDidPauseLocationUpdates CLLocationManager manager And this is also fine with me...

A complete solution to LOCALLY validate an in-app receipts and bundle receipts on iOS 7


in the receipt corresponds to your app version identifier. You should hardcode the app version for the same reasons indicated above. Check the receipt hash to make sure the receipt correspond to the current device. The 5 steps in code at a high level..

How do I stream video from iPhone acting as a server?


file out of them and that movie can then be streamed to an iOS device by HTTP Live Streaming I suppose . As I already indicated my app i.e. the video capturing server device has one or multiple clients connected to it and needs to send the video frames..

Core Data cannot resolve faults when object has “description” attribute?


problem else if object isMemberOfClass A class someVar object.propertyFromA Question problem the line indicated with problem crashes. EDIT See below for resolution but would still like an explanation. The NSLog call above yields 2010..

Enable iPhone accelerometer while screen is locked


is locked So apparently it is possible to keep the processor going processing stuff while the screen is locked as indicated here http stackoverflow.com questions 1551712 running iphone apps while in sleep mode However after testing with the example..

How can I truncate an NSString to a set length?


Is there a calendar control we can use for iPhone apps? [closed]


is a great looking control that looks just like the antive control in the Calendar app. I contacted the author and he indicated that it doesn't use any private APIs and he says that it has been successfully included in apps that passed App Store review...

Why is my CLLocationmanager delegate not getting called?


is on both Sim iPod touch 2nd Gen iPhone 3 all running 4.1 Location notifications are allowed in my app both as indicated in Settings and because I clicked allow in the alert. I've used CLLocationManager successfully before in many shipping apps..

Compensating compass lag with the gyroscope on iPhone 4


property I don't need pitch nor roll for my purposes yaw ranges from 0 to PI when the phone is pointing downwards as indicated by deviceMotion.gravity.z and swinging counterclockwise and 0 to PI when swung clockwise when the device is pointing upwards..

Why does viewDidAppear in UITabBarController exec before the view appears?


but strangely the view only appears after this method has been processed completely When I set breakpoints 1 and 2 as indicated the processing upon selecting the tab stops whilst the previous tab is still showing. Only when clicking continue after..

What determines the presence of the iPhone Location Services icon in the status bar?


Could not load NIB in bundle


Titanium. I have created a sample module and dragged the JREngage folder to the sample module xcodeproj as indicated in the Jainrain's documentation. Now I give build command to this project then execute the . build.py and then finally I..

image clicked from iPhone in Portrait mode gets rotated by 90 degree


If the image has associated metadata such as EXIF information however this property contains the orientation indicated by that metadata. For a list of possible values for this property see œUIImageOrientation. Availability Available in iOS..

How to convert NSData to byte array in iPhone?


correct size you must free byteData when you're done and copy the bytes into it. You could also use getBytes len as indicated by others if you want to use a fixed length array. This avoids malloc free but is less extensible and more prone to buffer..

How to Install Older iOS Simulators in XCode 4.2.1 (SDK5.0)


So I went on clicking the More Simulators... I click Install for all items and a while passed and when I came back it indicated as Installed . But when I go back to my XCode there are still just Simulators 5.0 in the list. So how do I go about installing..

How can I get a precise time, for example in milliseconds in Objective-C?
