

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:16

iphone Programming Glossary: indexpathforcell

tableview will not update on phone


segue sender id sender BIDWODDetails destination segue.destinationViewController NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForCell sender NSUInteger section indexPath section NSUInteger row indexPath row if section 0 self.chosenWOD self.benchmarkGirls..

Update UIProgressView in UICollectionViewCell for download file


cell This is the button to start the download IBAction addDocument id sender self.directCellPath self.myCollectionView indexPathForCell UICollectionViewCell sender superview superview NSManagedObject document self.magDocument objectAtIndex self.directCellPath.row..

UITableViewCell Custom accessory - get the row of accessory


How can I keep track of the index path of a button in a table view cell?


cell UITableViewCell button.superview UITableView tableView UITableView cell.superview NSIndexPath indexPath tableView indexPathForCell cell Or shorter IBAction clickedButton id sender NSIndexPath indexPath UITableView sender.superview.superview indexPathForCell..

Table View scroll when text field begin editing iphone


UITableViewCell cell UITableViewCell textField superview superview self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath tableView indexPathForCell cell atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle animated YES iphone keyboard uitableviewcell uitableviewcontroller..

Accessing UITextField in a custom UITableViewCell


Implement the following method void textFieldDidEndEditing UITextField textField NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForCell CustomCell textField superview superview this should return you your current indexPath From here on you can switch your.. CustomCell cell CustomCell textField superview superview self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath self.tableView indexPathForCell cell atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle animated YES And finally you can handle textViewShouldReturn in a.. in a similar way BOOL textFieldShouldReturn UITextField textField NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForCell CustomCell textField superview superview switch indexPath.section case kMandatorySection I am testing to see if this is..

UITableView and keyboard scrolling issue


textField UITableViewCell cell UITableViewCell textField superview superview tView scrollToRowAtIndexPath tView indexPathForCell cell atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES That's it. No calculations at all. share improve this answer..

UITextView inside UITableView


this method is called every time you touch in the textView provided it's editable NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForCell textView.superview.superview i know that looks a bit obscure but calling superview the first time finds the contentView..

How to detect a swipe-to-delete gesture in a customized UITableviewCell?


UIDatePicker in UITextField in UITableView realtime update


to by either tag ging it or by getting the superview which would be a UITableViewCell instance and then calling indexPathForCell method on the UITableView . And on a side note return label.text df release is wrong as the method will return prior to..

Custom UITableViewCell button action?


In my cellForRowAtIndexPath method and my method is IBAction myAction id sender NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForCell MyCustomCell sender superview NSLog @ Selected row is d indexPath.row Any tips Thanks. iphone objective c ios uitableviewcell..

Showing UIMenuController loses keyboard


UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan ConvoMessageCell cell ConvoMessageCell gesture view NSIndexPath indexPath self.tblConvo indexPathForCell cell UIMenuController theMenu UIMenuController sharedMenuController cell becomeFirstResponder theMenu setTargetRect CGRectMake..

How to deal with non-visible rows during row deletion. (UITableViews)


boolValue if shouldDisplay UITableViewCell theCell cellController myCell NSIndexPath cellPath self.tableView indexPathForCell theCell NSLog cellPath description if cellPath nil cellsToRemove addObject cellPath self.tableView beginUpdates tableGroups..