

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incremental

Core Data causing app to crash while migrating


into pieces so that the application can start up on time. The shutdown issue indicates that you are probably not doing incremental saves while the application is running but instead doing one large save when the application shuts down. Ideally your application..

Should I use interface builder or not?


Key Value Observing with an NSArray


the array changes. Depending on the NSKeyValueObservingOptions you use when adding your observer you can also get the incremental changes that are made ”a cool feature but you may not need it in this case. Note NSArrayController does not exist on iOS...

How does Sencha Touch + PhoneGap perform compared to native apps in terms of speed?


never be better experience than competitor's native app. There are many workarounds for this GC time issue. Such as incremental GC realtime GC and so on. But actually there's no real solution. Because the primitive problem is you don't have control..

Keyboard Scroll on Active Text Field - Scrolling to Out of View?


How can I rotate a UIImageView with respect to any point (other than its center)?


rotatedTransform 60.0 M_PI 180.0 0.0f 0.0f 1.0f imageView.layer.transform rotatedTransform This example does an incremental rotation of 60 degrees about the anchor point. All changes to a layer are animated by default. You can disable this animation..