

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: indefinitely

Getting user location every n minutes after app goes to background


. The sample code works perfectly but unfortunately there's no timer during background location. This will run indefinitely. Add timer by using this code snippet void applicationDidEnterBackground self.locationManager stopUpdatingLocation UIApplication..

iPhone iOS5 CLGeocoder how to geocode a large (200) set of addresses?


fewer than 4 left to display I will geocode the next 25. This continues until everything is geocoded or in my case indefinitely . If you need to have everything geocoded at once you'll need to chain your geocodings together with delays between each..

UITableView & UIScrollview stop cocos2d animations


time but I did because switching the cocoaFriendlyRendering flag might otherwise cause the semaphore_wait to wait indefinitely freezes rendering . So I just signal it every time. I updated my CCDirectorDisplayLink as follows CCDirectorIOS has the..

Periodic iOS background location updates


updates are generated. How do I modify the above code in order to receive periodic location updates in the background indefinitely Update I'm targeting iOS 7 and there appears to be some evidence that background tasks behave differently Start Location..

Basic iphone timer example


START STOP RESET . The first timer counts down from 2 minutes and then beeps. The second timer counts up from 00 00 indefinitely. I am assuming that all of the code will be written in the methods behind the 3 different buttons but I am completely lost..

what is the best way to play sound quickly upon fast button presses xcode?


do all the work for you so that all the memory is allocated correctly. Otherwise you will eventually run out if you indefinitely keep creating players without releasing them. Since it seems like you're having a rough day.. see below for a big hint...

Prevent caching of .css files in UIWebView loaded from disk


on the iPad but are fetched from a remote server. I've noticed that UIWebView caches the .css file more or less indefinitely and refuses to load the new file whenever I change it. I've once changed the name of the file just to get it to reset but..

How can an iOS app keep a TCP connection alive indefinitely while in the background?


can an iOS app keep a TCP connection alive indefinitely while in the background An iPhone app connecting to a remote server via TCP. The use scenarios are app user sends data..

iPhone SDK Internet connection detection


Is it possible to run application in background forever in iphone?


run as needed in the background . So the first answer is yes the application can run in the background and it will run indefinitely up to battery life . This could be easily checked actually. Anyway it seems to me that this kind of functionality is reserved..

Problem while Working in background and Nstimer?


a cellular radio. Applications can continue to use the standard location services. Although not intended for running indefinitely in the background the standard location services are available in all versions of iOS and provide the usual updates while..

Why might my AudioQueueOutputCallback not be called?


be called and instead drive the enqueueing of buffers based on the data as it is written I can play the audio stream indefinitely reusing and re enqueueing buffers as if they had been explicitly returned to me by the callback. It is that fact that I..

Sound stop playing [duplicate]


AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate self loop indefinitely theAudio setNumberOfLoops 1 theAudio setVolume 1.0 theAudio play theAudio release iphone ios4 memory audio sounds share.. AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate self loop indefinitely theAudio setNumberOfLoops 1 theAudio setVolume 1.0 theAudio play void stopAudio theAudio stop theAudio setCurrentTime 0..

iPhone - Sound overlapping with multiple button presses


AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate self loop indefinitely theAudio setNumberOfLoops 1 theAudio setVolume 1.0 theAudio play theAudio release iphone ios4 memory audio sounds share.. AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate self loop indefinitely theAudio setNumberOfLoops 1 theAudio setVolume 1.0 theAudio play void stopAudio theAudio stop theAudio setCurrentTime 0..

How to keep iphone ios xmpp connection alive while in the background?


after you press enter. This gets you 10 minutes of keeping the chat app open in the background I think . But we want indefinitely and I suspect that the answer lies in the method below. Am I just supposed to reconnect within this method or something..

Managing Core Data iCloud Transaction Logs


the actual database. 1 Do the transaction logs ever get automatically pruned coalesced or will they continue to grow indefinitely eventually numbering in the thousands and taking up many megabytes It seems that the only way to manually purge the transaction..

Is there any way to remove the small bias along the gravity axis in the accelerometer data


sensor fusion Kalman filter comes to mind . Otherwise you cannot remove the bias and the integration error will grow indefinitely. UPDATE You cannot get relative displacement just by integrating the acceleration see my answer to Android accelerometer..

How do I start playing audio when in silent mode & locked in iOS 6?


approaches Found So Far A. Use 'beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler ' with an infinite loop to keep app running indefinitely. Pros Looks like you can make this work in a lot of situations even when the user presses home. Cons This goes against apple..