

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incur

Speeding up page transitions in jQuery Mobile 1.1 for iPhone apps built with PhoneGap?


up page transitions in jQuery Mobile 1.1 for iPhone apps built with PhoneGap Page transitions in JQM 1.1 still incur a 1 2 second delay on iPhones which compromises the user experience. Has anyone figured out how to make the page transitions..

Core Data: does a fetch have to make a trip to persistent store?


NSArray ObjsWithName context executeFetchRequest requestForOne #do some work with the obj# Does the fetch in the loop incur a trip to the persistent store every time Or those fetches will only be performed in coredata's row cache EDIT I've written..

How do I create a mutable array of CGImageRefs?


memory constraints invoking this method forces that data to be loaded back into memory. Reloading the image data may incur a performance penalty. If you feel comfortable with mixing C and Objective C you can use a std vector for storing the CGImageRef...

Is MonoTouch a viable platform for iPhone development?


We're starting a new project for the iPhone and keeping the entire stack in C# would be great but we don't want to incur the risk of being turned down from the Apple store because of MonoTouch. I've read about several games that currently use..

Repeating background image in native iPhone app


groupTableViewBackgroundColor viewFlipsideBackgroundColor Because the are used globally across all iPhone apps you incur the double edged sword of an OS update updating the look and feel of your application giving it a fresh new look that may..

CFNetwork / NSURLConnection leak


NSURLConnection leak Running instruments on the device I intermittently incur a memory leak of exactly 3.5 KB in CFNetwork the responsible frame being HostLookup_Master HostLookup.... I have read a..

Sending SMS in background from iPhone 4


Alternative solutions for in-house iPhone enterprise app distribution


the future. Also since the action of authenticating devices is not processor or data intensive you will likely never incur a cost if you build this on Google AppEngine as you will never go over the free quotas and you will gain the stability and.. your application code. You could also make this information manually configurable within the application but then you incur an IT cost when setting up the application on each device and if you already are going to set up a configuration management..

Blob Data Type?


app's memory use too unless you have figured out a way to stream data from the database to the video decoder . It will incur extra I O use more power and performance will generally go to hell as you store more items in the database. If you are mixing..

Line spacing and paragraph alignment in CoreText


of text. However when I set the first letter of the 1st paragraph to a bold larger font than the rest of the text I incur 2 issues both visible in the attached image The spacing underneath the first line is too big I understand that this is because..

Multiple Views within one XIB - iPhone SDK


use less memory at first. Then when the view changes you can load the XIB containing the new view lazily. This will incur a minor hitch when opening a view for the first time. If you're really trying to optimize memory use you can also unload.. memory use you can also unload the previous view when switching views but I wouldn't recommend this as this will incur a hitch every time you switch views instead of just the first time you switch to any given view. share improve this answer..