

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indicate

How to restart app if it unexpectedly shutdown


method of your application delegate contains the key UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey to indicate that your application was launched because of a location event. My opinion is Skype is relaunched with remote notifications..

How do I use a UISegmentedControl to switch views?


share improve this question The simplest approach is to have two views that you can toggle their visibility to indicate which view has been selected. Here is some sample code on how it can be done definitely not an optimized way to handle the..

How can I animate the movement of a view or image along a curved path?


using a CAKeyframeAnimation. For example I've used the following code to animate an image of a view into an icon to indicate saving as can be seen in the video for this application First of all import QuartzCore header file #import QuartzCore QuartzCore.h..

What happens if I don't retain IBOutlet?


as retain you've still got a valid reference to your textfield. Perhaps a more concrete example would be useful to indicate why you should use a retaining property I'm going to make some assumptions about the context in which you're working I'll..

Arguments in @selector


indices for arguments to be passed to the method set as the selector start at index 2. From the docs Indices 0 and 1 indicate the hidden arguments self and _cmd respectively you should set these values directly with the setTarget and setSelector..

Is there way to limit MKMapView maximum zoom level?


events and if the region is wider than your maximum region set it back to the max region with setRegion animated to indicate to your user that they can't zoom out that far. Here's the methods void mapView MKMapView mapView regionWillChangeAnimated..

Creating NSDecimal


I would go around trying to reverse engineer how the structs hold values. The underscores on the fields in the struct indicate that these are private and subject to change. I don't imagine that a lot of changes occur in the low level NSDecimal functions..

How does one get UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() to work with iPhone OS SDK < 3.2


OS 3.2 iPhone OS 3.2 can only be run on iPad . So if you can use UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM the result will always be to indicate an iPad. If you include this code and target OS 3.1.3 the most recent iPhone iPod Touch OS in order to test your iPhone..

iPad Web App: Detect Virtual Keyboard Using JavaScript in Safari?


the height or scrollheight of any of the DOM elements and I have found no proprietary events or properties which indicate whether the keyboard is visible. javascript iphone ipad safari web applications share improve this question I found..

ABAddressBook ABSource and ABSourceType


typedef int ABSourceType When I query for the default source type I do get 1 which would appear to indicate that the default type is kABSourceTypeExchange which would be correct as this is what I have in my Settings. I do not know..

Behaviour for significant change location API when terminated/suspended?


method of your application delegate contains the key UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey to indicate that your application was launched because of a location event. Upon relaunch you must still configure a location manager..

How to check programatically if an App is installed?


UIApplication canOpenURL url will tell you if a certain url will or will not open. So testing if fb will open will indicate that there is an app installed which registered fb which is a good hint for the facebook app. check whether facebook is..

Getting current device language in iOS?


the header information from NSLocale.h NSArray preferredLanguages NS_AVAILABLE 10_5 2_0 note that this list does not indicate what language the app is actually running in the NSBundle mainBundle object determines that at launch and knows that information..

iOS: Device orientation on load


string UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft string string UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight string array This will indicate that your application supports Portrait home button at the bottom landscape left and landscape right. Then in your UIViewControllers..

iphone+Difference between nil,NIL and null


in Foundation collections since they cannot store nil values. In the case of dictionaries objectForKey returns nil to indicate that a given key has no corresponding object in the dictionary i.e. the key hasn ™t been added to the dictionary. If you..

Why does test iAd for barebones project not display? [duplicate]


issue. Sorry to ask like this iphone objective c ipad iad share improve this question Your error message doesn't indicate this in particular but it's important to know that in May 2011 when this answer was written iAds are US only so as long..

Are the Core Image filters in iOS 5.0 fast enough for realtime video processing?


Image filter case you can set up so performance will certainly vary with more complex operations. This would seem to indicate that Core Image cannot do live processing fast enough to match the iPhone's camera rate on the iPhone 4 running iOS 5 but..

Version vs build in XCode 4


improvements additions to functionality Revision A patch number for bug fixes Then the Build is used separately to indicate the total number of builds for a release or for the entire product lifetime. Many developers start the Build number at 0..

how can i detect the touch event of an UIImageView


is the way to go. You'll also want to look at a few more things Override canBecomeFirstResponder and return YES to indicate that the view can become the focus of touch events the default is NO . Set the userInteractionEnabled property to YES. The..