

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: indeed

UITableView: deleting sections with animation


deleted from that section 0 inserted 0 deleted . Now quickly before you write the obvious answer I assure you I have indeed added and deleted the rows and sections properly from the dataSource. The explanation is lengthy but you will find it below..

UIButton in UITableView cell like “Delete Event”


UIColor redColor button.titleLabel.text @ Foo Bar cell.contentView addSubview button which produces a button indeed. It doesn't look yet how it's supposed to it's obvious I've never dealt with buttons in iPhone yet but is this at least..

How does the iOS app Display Recorder record the screen without using private API?


that WILL get pulled from the AppStore so if you want it you better get it now. UPDATE It appears that this app was indeed pulled from the AppStore. If you were lucky enough to grab a copy before it was pulled that's great. I know that I'm glad..

iOS 6 breaks GeoLocation in webapps (apple-mobile-web-app-capable)


Where to place the “Core Data Stack” in a Cocoa/Cocoa Touch application


core data share improve this question Summary There is no need to create a singleton to manage the Core Data stack indeed doing so is likely to be counter productive. The Core Data stack happens to be created by the application delegate. Importantly..

Creating a unique id for a Core Data program on the iPhone


share improve this question Though i agree with what you said there is an ID mechanism behind core data. ID are indeed managed by Core Data but you can retrieve them with NSManagedObjectID moID managedObject objectID For more informations..

How to add an UIViewController's view as subview


SOLVED: Peculiar problem - iphone application distribution build contains a bug


doesn't reveal the problem. EDIT I solved the problem by doing what MrMage suggested. It turns out that this code is indeed the cause of the error. When running in the debugger the width and height properties of 's' are constantly zero and I can't..

Displaying ppt, doc, and xls in UIWebView doesn't work but pdf does


the 'data' passed to loadData is ok. Meaning my mimetypes are bad And just to make sure my PPT DOC and XLS files are indeed ok to display I created a simple html file with anchor tags to the files. When the html file is displayed in Safari on the..

How can I truncate an NSString to a set length?


a string NSRange stringRange 0 20 NSString myString @ This is a string it's a very long string it's a very long string indeed NSString shortString myString substringWithRange stringRange It seems a little delicate crashes if the string is shorter..

Is it true that one should not use NSLog() on production code?


experienced Objective C programmers iphone objective c nslog share improve this question Preprocessor macros are indeed great for debugging. There's nothing wrong with NSLog but it's simple to define your own logging function with better functionality...

Remove gradient background from UIWebView?


relies on the fact that the gradient effect is applied by imageviews parented to the scroll view and that there is indeed a scrollview underpinning the web view . webView.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor for UIView subView in webView subviews..

iPhone Development - XMLParser vs. libxml2 vs. TouchXML


to stick with SAX. If you're working with small XML files or tiny XML fragments it's often much easier to use DOM. If indeed you decide to go with DOM you've got a few options. libxml2 is a very powerful API written in C. It's mainly for DOM style..

Temporarily Lock or Disable iphone home button


people are saying Why would you want to do this it's a great idea for example for APPS FOR SMALL CHILDREN which is indeed a very large market on the iPhone . If you've ever marketed an app for small children you'll know that instantly parents..

Client/Server GKSessions


huge amount of science has become established regarding doing networking using a normal client server spoke model. And indeed for game programming 99 of the time you definitely need and want a standard client server spoke model. This bears repeating..

How can I use NSError in my iPhone App?


usually do is have my methods that could error out at runtime take a reference to a NSError pointer. If something does indeed go wrong in that method I can populate the NSError reference with error data and return nil from the method. Example id..

Playing many different videos on iphone using AVPlayer


iphone xcode ipad media player avfoundation share improve this question I FINALLY SOLVED IT. The design I had was indeed very poor It had a very bad memory management and so on. What I did was instead of releasing everything I could including..

How to disable iOS System Sounds


BUT I will likely abandon this course since after taking it I realized that it didn't fix my problem. It does indeed mute the sounds but as soon as I plug in to my accessory the system sounds come out at max volume even though the ringer..

Does UIView's addSubview really retain the view?


we would not need them as we would know precisely when these events occur. Moreover adding a subview as you said does indeed retains the view. It does NOT however retain the view controller or the navigation controller. Since the navigation controller..

Why doesn't initWithNibName work for my UIViewController subclass?


question Have you overridden the loadView method in PageViewController What if you NSLog the viewController1.view Indeed in Interface Builder you have to set the file's owner to PageViewController and connect its view to the view you have in..

Strange UIButton behavior: Is that normal?


now guess what I touch the button then drag the finger outside of it untouch the screen and no message is logged. Indeed it would log me that an UIControlEventTouchUpInside event has happened even if my finger is not really above the button...

How to programmatically sense the iPhone mute switch?


switch but I'd like the physical switch to override that. Thanks iphone share improve this question Thanks JPM. Indeed the link you provide leads to the correct answer eventually. For completeness because S.O. should be a source of QUICK answers..

What's the difference between setting an object to nil vs. sending it a release message in dealloc


if it is a property then self.obj nil will in a fact release it for you. Of course you must not forget the self. part Indeed self.obj anyNewValue will indeed release the old memory for you clean everything up magically and set it up with the new..

If you have an IBOutlet, but not a property, is it retained or not?


a retain count of 1 and then autoreleased . And why would they even mention the autorelease if that's not what happens Indeed if anyone actually specifically knows the answer to this question ...... how do you know Did you ask DTS or through testing..

Can we use same icon for multiple ios (ipad/iphone) applications?


a different icon Thanks. iphone ipad ios4 share improve this question There is no such rule as far as I know. Indeed there are apps in the App Store that have the same icon and others with very minor variations e.g. the color tone . Apart..

Core Data: NSCocoaErrorDomain=134040 Only Occurs On Real Phone, Not Simulator


error during save stores objects that failed will be in userInfo So you couldn't save and the userInfo tells you why. Indeed it does. From your question NSUnderlyingException Save partially failed Directory does not exist or is not writable var..

How to build ICU so I can use it in an iPhone app?


platform.h make distclean sh cross_configure.sh using my script i.e. if you are using it the problem should be solved. Indeed without doing this the built libraries contain the offending undefined symbol sergio@sfogliatella nm a . lib libicuuc.a..

AVPlayerItem fails with AVStatusFailed and error code “Cannot Decode”


warned that you cannot assume that you will have 4 pipelines available to you. Another App may be using one or more. Indeed I have seen this happen on an iPad but it was not clear which app was using a pipeline. So there you go it was totally undocumented..

Frustrating UIWebView Delegate Crash issue


share improve this question The issue has nothing to do with the UIWebView rather with your controller class. Indeed MyViewController hotelinf MyViewController alloc initWithNibName @ MyViewController_iPad bundle nil self.view addSubview..