

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:16

iphone Programming Glossary: indexing

Core Data backed UITableView with indexing


Data backed UITableView with indexing I am trying to implement a Core Data backed UITableView that supports indexing eg the characters that appear down the side.. Data backed UITableView with indexing I am trying to implement a Core Data backed UITableView that supports indexing eg the characters that appear down the side and the section headers that go with them . I have no problems at all implementing.. UITableView tableView I also have no problem implementing a UITableView that is backed by Core Data without using the indexing. What I am trying to figure out is how to elegantly combine the two Obviously once you index and re section content you..

How to use the first character as a section name


You should just pass name as the sectionNameKeyPath. See this answer to the question Core Data backed UITableView with indexing . UPDATE That solution only works if you only care about having the fast index title scroller. In that case you would NOT..

How to optimize Core Data query for full text search


last several days pondering the advantages of moving to Core Data but I worry about the lack of control in the schema indexing and querying for an important query. Theoretically an NSPredicate of textField MATCHES '. bfoo. ' would just work but I'm..

sqlite Indexing Performance Advice


rows each containing a word and the ID it matches Any other suggestions Thanks in advance. iphone sqlite search indexing share improve this question There are things you can do to improve the performance of searching for text in sqlite databases...

Determining the magnitude of a certain frequency on the iPhone


to try to type it here and just calculate Xk for a single k corresponding to the frequency of interest. k is just the indexing on the output of the DFT. Mapping k indexes of the DFT output into real frequencies Hz depends on two things Sampling frequency..

How to create sectioned/grouped table view alphabetically


user tapped in the index. The data that that you use to populate an indexed list should be organized to reflect this indexing model . Specifically you need to build an array of arrays. Each inner array corresponds to a section in the table section..

How can I optimize the rendering of a large model in OpenGL ES 1.1?


time in my experience. These tuning steps have worked for me in the past If you're not already you could look at using indexing which might cut down on geometry by eliminating some redundant vertices. The PowerVR GPUs in the iOS devices are optimized..

Core Data VS Sqlite or FMDB…?


are defined by upstream databases hits Core Data's performance is true. But it can be somewhat mitigated by judicious indexing and over fetching. The thing to remember about mobile devices too is that the database size because these are mobile devices..