

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indicator

Get notification when NSOperationQueue finishes all tasks


has waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished but I don't want to wait synchronously for it. I just want to hide progress indicator in UI when queue finishes. What's the best way to accomplish this I can't send notifications from my NSOperation s because..

Verify receipt for in App purchase


UIViewController. viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear: What is the proper division of labor?


resulting a short freeze of your app. It may be good idea to first show the user an unpopulated view with an activity indicator of some sort. When you are done with your networking which may take a second or two or may even fail who knows you can populate..

iPhone ivar naming convention [duplicate]


However I greatly prefer to not use the _ prefix and have two strong reasons 1 Some people think the _ is a good indicator of private . My take is that NO class local variable should be accessed without a setter getter property and thus they are..

Is there a way to change page indicator dots color


there a way to change page indicator dots color I am newbie to iphone programming I am trying to develop an app which uses page control. My view's background.. uipagecontrol share improve this question We customized the UIPageControl to use a custom image for the page indicator I have listed the guts of the class below... GrayPageControl.h @interface GrayPageControl UIPageControl UIImage activeImage..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


previews with dummy data here just in order to have a previews count that works I want to view the scrollView's scroll indicator for test purposes only I'll hide them later on . My problem is that I can scroll the whole UITableView containing this phVolumePreviewCell..

create uibutton subclass


uibutton subclass I tried to subclass UIButton to include an activity indicator but when i use initWithFrame since i'm subclassing uibutton i'm not using buttonWithType the button doesn't display. Also.. button setTitle @ Older Posts... forState UIControlStateNormal cell addSubview button button release my activityindicatorbutton class #import Foundation Foundation.h @interface ActivityIndicatorButton UIButton UIActivityIndicatorView _activityView..

Pull to Refresh (ios)


to refresh here https github.com leah PullToRefresh . It kind of works however it gets stuck with a spinning activity indicator. Their is also no text to the right of the arrow. What am I doing wrong Thanks iphone objective c ipad ios share improve..

How to display a progress indicator overlay/HUD on iPhone?


to display a progress indicator overlay HUD on iPhone I want to display a progress indicator in a semi transparent box that floats over a table view. In.. to display a progress indicator overlay HUD on iPhone I want to display a progress indicator in a semi transparent box that floats over a table view. In other words when the table contents are being downloaded I want.. basically says don't . I know CALayers can overlap each other so that would be an option but I can't put a progress indicator inside a CALayer can I Should I roll my own progress indicator that animates a CALayer instead of a UIView I'm not interested..

How to use activity indicator view on iPhone?


to use activity indicator view on iPhone An activity indicator view is useful in many applications. Any ideas about how to add activiate and dismiss.. to use activity indicator view on iPhone An activity indicator view is useful in many applications. Any ideas about how to add activiate and dismiss an activity indicator view on iPhone.. activity indicator view is useful in many applications. Any ideas about how to add activiate and dismiss an activity indicator view on iPhone All the methods for this are welcomed here. iphone android activity indicator share improve this question..

Creating a custom UIActivityIndicatorView


view here. I have a list of images with me to create a animated view. iphone objective c cocoa touch ios uiactivityindicatorview share improve this question As you haven't specified the case in which you want to use the activity indicator check.. share improve this question As you haven't specified the case in which you want to use the activity indicator check the below tutorial blog for custom UIActivityIndicatorView iPhone SDK Tutorial Custom UIActivityIndicatorView Custom..

Objective-C: Asynchronously populate UITableView - how to do this?


on this question so I thought I'd ask the community. Basically I have a UITableView and I want to show an activity indicator while its data is loading from my server. Here is some example code of what I'm trying to do I'm using ASIHttpRequest ...

iPhone add icon in status bar (a la Battery Indicator)


add icon in status bar a la Battery Indicator I was wondering if it is possible to add an icon to the iPhone status bar much like the battery and wifi indicator. How..

How do I add a UIActivity Indicator to every Cell and maintain control of each individual indicator


do I add a UIActivity Indicator to every Cell and maintain control of each individual indicator I'm trying to add an activity indicator to certain cells.. in the method didSelectRowAtIndexpath using CGRect CellFrame CGRectMake 260 10 20 20 actindicator UIActivityIndicatorView alloc initWithFrame CellFrame actindicator setHidesWhenStopped NO actindicator setActivityIndicatorViewStyle UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray.. UIActivityIndicatorView alloc initWithFrame CellFrame actindicator setHidesWhenStopped NO actindicator setActivityIndicatorViewStyle UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray actindicator.tag 1 cell contentView addSubview actindicator The catch is I need..

Custom UIPickerView with three Components each showing label on Selection Indicator


UIPickerView with three Components each showing label on Selection Indicator In my app I am trying to make an custom UIPickerView which contains three components days hours and minutes . I have already.. honest might stop working if Apple decides to change the inner workings of the UIPickerView. if self.showsSelectionIndicator if this is the last wheel add label as the third view from the top if component self.numberOfComponents 1 self insertSubview..

Fetching Core Data in the background


fetch is too big so the processing takes 3 seconds delaying pushing the Details View. I need to display an Activity Indicator for the three seconds so i need to put the Fetch in another thread to be able to use the UI for the indicator while the..

Swip from one view to the next view


in the homescreen or the weatherapp. I know that there is a page control in the Interface Builder but it is just an Indicator on what page the user is. Thanks and sorry for my bad english iphone objective c share improve this question Check..

Great UIKit/Objective-C code snippets


active the touch events UIApplication sharedApplication endIgnoringInteractionEvents Show the network Activity Indicator UIApplication sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible YES Hide the network Activity Indicator UIApplication sharedApplication.. endIgnoringInteractionEvents Show the network Activity Indicator UIApplication sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible YES Hide the network Activity Indicator UIApplication sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible NO Prevents.. Activity Indicator UIApplication sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible YES Hide the network Activity Indicator UIApplication sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible NO Prevents iPhone goes into sleep mode UIApplication sharedApplication..

What's the difference between an Detail Disclosure Button and an Disclosure Indicator?


the difference between an Detail Disclosure Button and an Disclosure Indicator What's the difference between an Detail Disclosure Button and an Disclosure Indicator For me both things are the exact.. Button and an Disclosure Indicator What's the difference between an Detail Disclosure Button and an Disclosure Indicator For me both things are the exact same thing just that they look a little bit different. The first is a blue round button.. situation. Does someone have an example when the blue Detaul Disclosure Button is used and when the simple Disclosure Indicator one is used iphone uitableview share improve this question From Apple's iPhone Human Interface Guidelines a must read..

How to create WiFi popup login page


Microsoft 's captive portal detection uses something similar to pre iOS7 behavior its Network Connectivity Status Indicator attempts to contact http www.msftncsi.com . Windows 8 and 8.1 also include support for WISPr . Android 's captive portal..

Show a view over the keyboard


view as subview on window. It will cover keyboard too. Here is a stackoverflow post for the same IPhone Show Wait Indicator UPDATE My code #pragma mark #pragma mark Waiting View void showWaitingView CGRect frame CGRectMake 90 190 32 32 UIActivityIndicatorView.. My code #pragma mark #pragma mark Waiting View void showWaitingView CGRect frame CGRectMake 90 190 32 32 UIActivityIndicatorView progressInd UIActivityIndicatorView alloc initWithFrame frame progressInd startAnimating progressInd.activityIndicatorViewStyle.. Waiting View void showWaitingView CGRect frame CGRectMake 90 190 32 32 UIActivityIndicatorView progressInd UIActivityIndicatorView alloc initWithFrame frame progressInd startAnimating progressInd.activityIndicatorViewStyle UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge..

App Loading and Splash Screen


whole source code here. https github.com jdg MBProgressHUD Hope this helps. This is a Loading View which is Activity Indicator. EDIT You can add your background view into window while your data is being downloaded in background using window addSubview..

how to display UIActivityIndicatorView BEFORE rotation begins


to display UIActivityIndicatorView BEFORE rotation begins I'd like to display an activity indicator BEFORE the work undertaken by willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation.. a noticeable delay. Rather than re architect my app to cope with this uncommon case I'd rather just show the UIActivityIndicatorView while the app generates a cache and updates the display. The problem is or seems to be that the display is not updated.. duration and the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation duration method. So asking iOS to show UIActivityIndicator view in willRotate method doesn't actually affect the display until after the willAnimateRotation method. The following..

Change width and colour of scroll bar in UITableView, iphone


in UITableView iphone I could only find if one wants to display scroll bar or not using tableView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator YES NO but how can I customize the scroll bar for colour width and if possible other features Any help will be greatly appreciated... You can set only style of scroll indicators The style of the scroll indicators. @property nonatomic UIScrollViewIndicatorStyle indicatorStyle Styles Scroll Indicator Style The style of the scroll indicators. You use these constants to set the.. The style of the scroll indicators. @property nonatomic UIScrollViewIndicatorStyle indicatorStyle Styles Scroll Indicator Style The style of the scroll indicators. You use these constants to set the value of the indicatorStyle style. typedef..

Cant Get the activity indicator to show on iPhone app


the image. I want to show an activity indicator while doing this. So I have void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad activityIndicator UIActivityIndicatorView alloc initWithActivityIndicatorStyle UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray activityIndicator.frame CGRectMake.. show an activity indicator while doing this. So I have void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad activityIndicator UIActivityIndicatorView alloc initWithActivityIndicatorStyle UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray activityIndicator.frame CGRectMake 0.0 0.0 40.0.. this. So I have void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad activityIndicator UIActivityIndicatorView alloc initWithActivityIndicatorStyle UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray activityIndicator.frame CGRectMake 0.0 0.0 40.0 40.0 activityIndicator.center self.view.center..