

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incrementing

Creating a unique id for a Core Data program on the iPhone


autoincrement field. I'm not seeing anything like that here but I could just be missing something. I just want an auto incrementing NSInteger field so when I manually add items to the database I will have some form of reference to them. iphone cocoa touch..

Push-Notification Badge auto increment


Rotating image using objective C


improve this question Instead of creating the transformation from the angle that your getting from the touch try incrementing totalRadians by its difference from the new angle and then create the transform from that. void touchesMoved NSSet touches..

Image Array IBAction to view next image in the array


through the images in the array after ever click iphone objective c xcode ios4 share improve this question Your incrementing logic is broken so the first click will do nothing and you can never reach the last image. If you would add a 3.png to your.. be a little more obvious. It might be instructive to step through the code watching what it does at each step. Correct incrementing logic would look something like this void next currentImage if currentImage imageArray.count currentImage 0 UIImage img..

How to measure true FPS performance of OpenGL ES?


chance to get through the render pipeline. OK Knowing this it seems nonsense to remember the start NSTimeInterval and incrementing a frame counter in the run loop then checking at the end if a second has passed and calculate the FPS for the last passed..

How can I display the application version revision in my application's settings bundle?


can use PlistBuddy to add remove or modify any entry in a property list. For example a friend of mine blogged about incrementing build numbers in Xcode using PlistBuddy. Note If you supply just the path to the plist PlistBuddy enters interactive mode..