

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:15

iphone Programming Glossary: indexarray

Problem with Thread and NSTimer


but when it is launched they can't start a NSTimer istruction. Can you help me void detectionMove NSTimer timer int indexArray timer userInfo objectForKey @ arrayIndex intValue do something void callDectectionMove NSNumber arrayIndex NSAutoreleasePool..

how to properly use insertRowsAtIndexPaths?


if switch1.on NSIndexPath path1 NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 1 inSection 0 ALSO TRIED WITH indexPathRow 0 NSArray indexArray NSArray arrayWithObjects path1 nil tblSimpleTable insertRowsAtIndexPaths indexArray withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationRight.. TRIED WITH indexPathRow 0 NSArray indexArray NSArray arrayWithObjects path1 nil tblSimpleTable insertRowsAtIndexPaths indexArray withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationRight What am I doing wrong How can I make this happen easily I dont understand..

reload spefic UITableView cell iOS


3 inSection 2 NSIndexPath indexPath2 NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 4 inSection 3 Add them in an index path array NSArray indexArray NSArray arrayWithObjects indexPath1 indexPath2 nil Launch reload for the two index path self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths..

how to random placement of UIButton and value


self.view addSubview button4 Create an array with the rectangles used for the frames NSMutableArray indexArray NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects NSValue valueWithCGRect CGRectMake 5 219 230 45 NSValue valueWithCGRect CGRectMake 5.. CGRectMake 244 219 230 45 NSValue valueWithCGRect CGRectMake 244 273 230 45 nil Randomize the array NSUInteger count indexArray count for NSUInteger i 0 i count i int nElements count i int n arc4random nElements i indexArray exchangeObjectAtIndex i.. NSUInteger count indexArray count for NSUInteger i 0 i count i int nElements count i int n arc4random nElements i indexArray exchangeObjectAtIndex i withObjectAtIndex n Assign the frames button1.frame NSValue indexArray objectAtIndex 0 CGRectValue..