

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:17

iphone Programming Glossary: indexpathforrowatpoint

Check Uncheck buttons in uitableview's cell


cell of clicked button CGPoint touchPoint sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView tblView NSIndexPath indexPath tblView indexPathForRowAtPoint touchPoint No need to use tag sender will keep the reference of clicked button UIButton button UIButton sender Checking..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


Clicking on UITextField in a UITableViewCell


CGPoint pnt self.tableView convertPoint textField.bounds.origin fromView textField NSIndexPath path self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint pnt self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath path atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES share improve..

How to add checkboxes to UITableViewCell??


CGPoint tapLocation tapRecognizer locationInView self.tableView NSIndexPath tappedIndexPath self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint tapLocation if selectedRowsArray containsObject contentArray objectAtIndex tappedIndexPath.row selectedRowsArray removeObject..

Long press on UITableView


gestureRecognizer CGPoint p gestureRecognizer locationInView self.myTableView NSIndexPath indexPath self.myTableView indexPathForRowAtPoint p if indexPath nil NSLog @ long press on table view but not on a row else NSLog @ long press on table view at row d indexPath.row..

UIGestureRecognizer and UITableViewCell issue


CGPoint swipeLocation gestureRecognizer locationInView self.tableView NSIndexPath swipedIndexPath self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint swipeLocation UITableViewCell swipedCell self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath swipedIndexPath ... share improve this answer..

How to know when UITableView did scroll to bottom in iPhone


point at the bottom of the screen and use this method call when ever the user scrolls scrollViewDidScroll NSIndexPath indexPathForRowAtPoint CGPoint point Test a point near the bottom of the screen and then using the indexPath it returns check if that indexPath..

how do I calculate heightForRowAtIndexPath when the cell is not even constructed yet?


pre load something a bit like this. CGPoint offset self tableView contentOffset NSIndexPath indexPath self tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint CGPointMake 0 offset.y CGFloat preCellOffset self tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath origin .y share improve this..

Detect horizontal panning in UITableView


to determine what cell is being scrolled CGPoint slideLocation recognizer locationInView myTable slidingCell myTable indexPathForRowAtPoint slideLocation if slidingCell.row 0 slidingCell nil else NSLog @ cancel if recognizer.state UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded..

Passing custom data in [UIButton addTarget]


CGPoint buttonOriginInTableView sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView tableView NSIndexPath indexPath tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint buttonOriginInTableView NSData customData myDataSource customDataForIndexPath indexPath do something There is always a way..

Custom UITableViewCell button action?


IBAction myAction id sender CGPoint location sender locationInView self.tableView NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint location UITableViewCell swipeCell self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath NSLog @ Selected row d indexPath.row ........ respect to your tableView . After getting the coordinates tableView can give you the indexPath by using the method indexPathForRowAtPoint . You are good to go after this... Wallah you have not just the indexPath but also the actual cell where the click happened...

Making use of velocityInView with UIPanGestureRecognizer


gesture CGPoint swipeLocation gesture locationInView self.tableView NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint swipeLocation LevelCounterTableCell swipedCell LevelCounterTableCell self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath if gesture..

How to know the UITableview row number


method CGPoint hitPoint sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView self.tableView NSIndexPath hitIndex self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint hitPoint Works with any type of view multi section tables whatever you can throw at it as long as the origin of your sender..

get section number and row number on custom cells button click?


event touches anyObject CGPoint location touch locationInView self.tableView NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint location indexPath contains the index of the row containing the button do whatever it is you need to do with the row data..