

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indicating

UITableView: deleting sections with animation


0 NSUInteger indexOfController 0 for each cell controller for ScheduleCellController cellController in section bool indicating whether the cell controller's cell should be removed NSString shouldDisplayString NSString cellController model objectForKey..

How to know when the device is charging? [closed]


a charger is plugged in. There is a property named batteryMonitoringEnabled . batteryMonitoringEnabled A Boolean value indicating whether battery monitoring is enabled YES or not NO . Enable battery monitoring if your app needs to be notified of changes..

libraries to CAPTURE panorama in iOS 6


images Input images. pano Final pano. Then to speed it up if you have them provide regions of interest rects indicating where photos overlap Stitcher stitch InputArray images const std vector std vector Rect rois OutputArray pano You can dig..

iPhone current user location coordinates showing as (0,0)


trying to get the users current latitude and longitude with this viewDidLoad method. The resulting map is correctly indicating the current location however the NSLog consistently shows 2009 09 19 16 45 29.765 Mapper 671 207 user latitude 0.000000..

NSTimeZone: what is the difference between localTimeZone and systemTimeZone?


class there is both localTimeZone and systemTimeZone. I did a test on iphone simulator both return NSTimeZone object indicating the same timezone. What is the difference Which one I should use to find out the timezone setting of the iPhone Thanks My..

NSDateFormatter with 24 hour times


date using NSDateFormatter and dateFromString. It doesn't seem to be able to accept any time hour over 12 though indicating it is not support 24 hour clock. Is there a way to enable 24 hour clock support or a workaround Here is some of my code..

UITableView issue when using separate delegate/dataSource


up with one of three outcomes which can seemingly happen at random When the UITableView loads I get a runtime error indicating I am sending tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath to an object which does not recognize it When the UITableView loads the project..

linkedin connectivity from my native iphone application


to ask to use our authentication. This is called getting a Request Token. LinkedIn replies with an OAuth Token indicating that you can use the authentication system. You send your user to a LinkedIn URL. That URL includes the OAuth Token you..

Obtaining an NSDecimalNumber from a locale specific string?


10.4 mode in addition to being recommended per the documentation it is also the only mode available on the iPhone but indicating to the formatter that I want to generate decimal numbers. Note that I've simplified my example I'm actually dealing with..

Alternative solutions for in-house iPhone enterprise app distribution


either re authenticate every time it launches useful if you want lots of control or it can store a key file locally indicating that it has been authenticated. If it sees the local key file when the app launches it considers itself authenticated and..

Behaviour for significant change location API when terminated/suspended?


location updates in the background was purged and has now been relaunched. In this case the dictionary contains a key indicating that the application was relaunched because of a new location event. Suggesting that you will only receive this call when..

Is it possible to cache resources loaded in an iPhone UIWebView?


around 89K compressed.. which is slow over 3G in some spots and even worse over EDGE. Incoming requests are at least indicating that it accepts compression accept encoding gzip deflate so that's good I suppose. I read this yui study which seems to..

Passing parameters to addTarget:action:forControlEvents


have predefined meaning of their parameters with no parameters action @selector switchToNewsDetails with 1 parameter indicating the control that sends the message action @selector switchToNewsDetails With 2 parameters indicating the control that sends.. with 1 parameter indicating the control that sends the message action @selector switchToNewsDetails With 2 parameters indicating the control that sends the message and the event that triggered the message action @selector switchToNewsDetails event It..

Does the Facebook iOS SDK require the user to authenticate every time they use the app?


will be set. Nothing's happened. Otherwise true values will be set and _facebook isSessionValid should return TRUE indicating good values. Go ahead and make Facebook SDK calls as if they are logged in which they are . If false then call facebook..

when is the dealloc method called?


this question The Apple reference document clearly states Subsequent messages to the receiver may generate an error indicating that a message was sent to a deallocated object provided the deallocated memory hasn ™t been reused yet . You never send..

Crash using Aggregate Operation: “ALL” in a Core Data iOS Application


to Apple's Predicate Programming Guide the ALL aggregate operation is valid but I get the following exception indicating that this is an unsupported predicate Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' reason 'Unsupported..

How can I improve the performance of my custom OpenGL ES 2.0 depth texture generation?


common display element looks to be at the heart of this bottleneck Renderer Utilization in Instruments is pegged at 99 indicating that I'm limited by fragment processing . It currently looks like the following precision mediump float varying mediump..

What describes the Application Delegate best? How does it fit into the whole concept?


the app delegate can be slightly magical if instantiated by UIApplicationMain . The fourth parameter is an NSString indicating the app delegate's class and UIApplicationMain will create one and set it as the delegate of the sharedApplication. This..

iPhone UIWebView local resources using Javascript and handling onorientationChange


it as a resource so I solved it by doing 2 things. Select .js file and in the Detail view unselect the bullseye column indicating it is compiled code In the Groups files view expand the Targets tree and expand the application then go to Copy Bundle Resources..