

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: increment

Increment the Push notification Badge iPhone


the Push notification Badge iPhone Is it possible to increment the badge value on receiving the notification. OR Should I send the count as payload If i am sending the badge value as.. the notification. OR Should I send the count as payload If i am sending the badge value as 1 every time how could i increment the badge value in the icon of the app if the app is not open. i have used this code but doesn't work. void application..

Objective-C 101 (retain vs assign) NSString


nonatomic retain NSString name and not @property nonatomic assign NSString name I understand that assign will not increment the reference counter as retain will do. But why use retain since name is a member of the todo object the scope of it is..

iphone: Calculating battery life


API allows you to register to receive notifications for changes to the battery level. It only reports a change at 5 increments up or down but you can use a timer and measure the time between two changes or initial battery level and first change ... notification tells you the current state e.g. unplugged charging or full. The second will get triggered whenever a 5 increment is reached. Seems to me that if all you're given is change notifications at 5 changes up or down accuracy is not something..

Adjusting the line to fit our head in imageview


point recognizer locationInView testVw.superview float wChange 0.0 hChange 0.0 wChange point.x prevPoint.x Slow down increment hChange point.y prevPoint.y Slow down increment testVw.bounds CGRectMake testVw.bounds.origin.x testVw.bounds.origin.y testVw.bounds.size.width.. float wChange 0.0 hChange 0.0 wChange point.x prevPoint.x Slow down increment hChange point.y prevPoint.y Slow down increment testVw.bounds CGRectMake testVw.bounds.origin.x testVw.bounds.origin.y testVw.bounds.size.width wChange testVw.bounds.size.height..

Custom UIPickerView with three Components each showing label on Selection Indicator


UIColor clearColor label.shadowColor UIColor whiteColor label.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0 1 Tag cannot be 0 so just increment component number to esnure we get a positive NB update remove Label methods are aware of this incrementation label.tag.. be 0 so just increment component number to esnure we get a positive NB update remove Label methods are aware of this incrementation label.tag component 1 if addlabelView and now for the tricky bit adding the label to the view. kind of a hack to..

Push-Notification Badge auto increment


Notification Badge auto increment I've been implementing the push service to my application and I've been thinking about the application's badge. My app.. sided provider checking for new messages and sending the number as the badge. The question is Is there a way to auto increment the application's badge without having to calculate the badge value server sided and afterwards sending it as a part of..

Basic iphone timer example


timer decrement timer 1 this is your UI tick down and redraw myStopwatch tickDown myStopwatch.view setNeedsDisplay increment timer 2 bump time and redraw in UI If the user hits a button you can reset the counts or start or stop the ticking. To end..

does addSubview increment retain count?


addSubview increment retain count I've tested it and it looks like it does. So my question is does it ALWAYS increment the retain count. So.. addSubview increment retain count I've tested it and it looks like it does. So my question is does it ALWAYS increment the retain count. So everytime I do something like this UIView theView UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRect aFrame autorelease..

Interlocked operations in iOS?


operations in iOS Are there interlocked atomic operations in iOS SDK I need interlocked increment decrement and interlocked comparsion. UPDATE My main problem is waiting for few NSThreads created by main thread main thread..

iPhone: Incrementing the application badge through a local notification


Incrementing the application badge through a local notification is it possible to increment the application badge through a local notification while the app is not running I know how to set the badge but haven't.. through a local notification while the app is not running I know how to set the badge but haven't found any way to increment this value. localNotification.applicationIconBadgeNumber 23 Update I found a far from being perfect solution. You can predict..

Version vs build in XCode 4


139. The next release presumably 4.3 will likely be Build release 4D and the Build number will start over at 0 and increment from there. The iPhone Simulator Version Build numbers are the same way as are iPhones Macs etc. 3.2 7W367a 4.0 8A400 4.1.. request here are the steps to create a script that runs each time you build your app in Xcode to read the Build number increment it and write it back to the app's App Info.plist file. There are optional additional steps if you want to write your version.. Run Script phase you can use the following script DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR agvtool next version all The next version argument increments the build number bump is also an alias for the same thing and all updates Info.plist with the new build number. And if..

Why does this code cause “EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION”?


36 . I also found that dispatch_semaphore_wait and dispatch_semaphore_signal touch the value at aSemaphore 32 to increment and decrement it. This means that the reason it's breaking is because the current value of the semaphore is less than the..

Increment the Push notification Badge iPhone


the Push notification Badge iPhone Is it possible to increment the badge value on receiving the notification. OR Should..

Increment UISlider by 1 in range 1 to 100


UISlider by 1 in range 1 to 100 I am new to iPhone How do I have my UISlider go from 1 to 100 in increments of 1 slider..

Increment UISlider by 0.2 in range 0 to 2.0 [duplicate]


UISlider by 0.2 in range 0 to 2.0 duplicate Possible Duplicate Increment UISlider by 1 in range 1 to 100 I am new to iPhone.. UISlider by 0.2 in range 0 to 2.0 duplicate Possible Duplicate Increment UISlider by 1 in range 1 to 100 I am new to iPhone How do I have my UISlider go from 0 to 2 in increments of 0.2 slider..

Upload an app's update to the app store !


same build. HOw can we do that ....... iphone app store share improve this question You're over thinking this. Increment your version number. Log into iTunes Connect. Click on your application. Click the 'Add Version' button. Go through the..

In App Purchase Crashes on [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment]


enable pro features void provideContent NSString productId if productId isEqualToString kInAppPurchaseCreditProductId Increment currentCredits NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults NSString currentCredits standardUserDefaults..

Return NSArray from NSDictionary


d description marks addObject NSNumber numberWithBool YES else marks addObject NSNumber numberWithBool NO Increment day using offset components ie 1 day in this instance d cal dateByAddingComponents offsetComponents toDate d options 0 offsetComponents..