

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:15

iphone Programming Glossary: index.php

Accessing Web Service from iPhone


Skipping the 'CompressResources' build step for XCode iPhone apps


so alpha ed textures show fringing at smaller mip levels. The iphone png format is described here http modmyi.com wiki index.php Iphone_PNG_images . In short Skip the CgBI chunk Skip the zlib headers Swap BGR to RGB channel order Edit It appears it..

Display CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert on iPhone Lock Screen


NULL 0 kCFUserNotificationPlainAlertLevel err dict CFRelease dict ... See http iphonedevwiki.net index.php CFUserNotification for all dialog description keys for iPhone OS 3.1. Note that while it will show on the lock screen the..

Objective-C categories in static library


project then in any class we can use logSelf category method self logSelf And more blogs on theme http t machine.org index.php 2009 10 13 how to make an iphone static library part 1 http blog.costan.us 2009 12 fat iphone static libraries device and.html..

UIView “suck” animation


I'd like to use the UIView sucking transition view is sucked into a point referenced here http iphonedevwiki.net index.php UIViewAnimationState#Using_suckEffect The method above however uses private APIs which makes it next to useless for an App..

iPhone simple commercial barcode reader via camera [duplicate]


Is there an augmented reality framework that works on iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone 7?


AES interoperability between .Net and iPhone?


The error I get is Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. The .Net code is from http blog.realcoderscoding.com index.php 2008 07 dot net encryption simple aes wrapper The iPhone code uses the sample code from http nootech.wordpress.com 2009..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


dev's I definitely consider it to be from the horse's mouth . Class Website http www.stanford.edu class cs193p cgi bin index.php Lecture 08 is related to an assignment to build a UINavigationController based app that has multiple UIViewControllers pushed..

How to use FLAC in iPhone application?


iPhone - having a Ripple effect on a UIImageView


UIScollview with paging enabled (like a simple image gallery)


Thank You iphone xcode uiscrollview gallery uipagecontrol share improve this question Follow http blog.proculo.de index.php url archives 180 Paging enabled UIScrollView With Previews.html UIScrollView image photo viewer with paging enabled and..

Local storage for iPhone app


above. This can be a good solution but I don't think it is a good fit for your project. http www.techotopia.com index.php An_Example_SQLite_based_iOS_4_iPhone_Application Property List Property lists are very easy to implement within a project..

Beginner guide to OpenGLES on iPhone


question Simon Maurice has some great tutorials on the very first steps. Take a look http www.cocoachina.com wiki index.php title Category 3aSimon_Maurice_iPhone_OpenGL_ES . Do them from the beginning and you'll have a good sense of the basics...

USB communication between iPad and Mac or PC


from iOS device. The data should be wrapped. Here is a brief reference from theiphonewiki http theiphonewiki.com wiki index.php title Usbmux . What I can provide is the sample code for connect to usbmuxd. struct sockaddr_un endpoint size_t size _usbMuxSocket..

How do I create a SQLite database in monotouch for iPhone? [closed]


http docs.xamarin.com ios advanced_topics system.data EntityFramework for Mono http www.taimila.com entify index.php don't know if it is still in development Vici Cool Storage Here is a nice blog post about it http blog.activa.be index.php.. don't know if it is still in development Vici Cool Storage Here is a nice blog post about it http blog.activa.be index.php 2010 02 vici coolstorage orm on monotouch made simple and Vici's page http viciproject.com wiki projects coolstorage home..

Iphone App store - Verifying paid customer


it will allow for a tiered service structure which is exactly what it seems you're talking about. http www.ilounge.com index.php news comments apple intros in app purchase micro transaction service Also for piracy issues there is apparently a simple..

NSURLConnection delegate method


You need to use the new NSURLConnectionDataDelegate protocol. I found some exemples here http blog.kemalkocabiyik.com index.php 2012 02 fetching data with getpost methods by using nsurlconnection And if you can read portuguese http www.quaddro.com.br..

MySQL C API libraries for iPhone
