

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:16

iphone Programming Glossary: indexed

Android equivalent to iphone indexed UITableView


equivalent to iphone indexed UITableView I am porting an iPhone app over to the Android platform. One of the views has a very large list of data and..

Symbolicating iPhone App Crash Reports


file that was generated as part of the build. I have all of these files together inside a single directory that is indexed by spotlight. What now I have tried invoking symbolicatecrash crashreport.crash myApp.app.dSYM and it just outputs the same..

Core Data backed UITableView with indexing


to retrieve things at a given index path. So I am storing my index letters in an NSArray and my indexed content in an NSDictionary. This all works fine for display but I have some real headaches when it comes to adding and deleting..

Advice on speeding up OpenGL ES 1.1 on the iPhone


you ™d be able to light your models per pixel. Reducing the number of vertices needed per triangle When drawing with indexed triangles you should make sure that your indices are sorted for maximum reuse. Running your geometry through Imagination..

sqlite Indexing Performance Advice


of your property in your model that is used for searching. The derived property should be done in a way that it can be indexed. You then express your search in terms of this derived property using binary operators etc. I found doing this reduced our..

iPhone: Changing CGImageAlphaInfo of CGImage


iphone png alpha cgimage cgbitmapcontextcreate share improve this question Yeah I had problems with 8 bit indexed .PNGs. I had to convert it to a more native image to perform graphics operations. I essentially did something like this..

iPhone SDK: accessing indexed color PNG images


SDK accessing indexed color PNG images I'm interested in loading indexed color PNG images in my iPhone application. Once they're loaded I want.. SDK accessing indexed color PNG images I'm interested in loading indexed color PNG images in my iPhone application. Once they're loaded I want to access the images on a per pixel basis. In particular.. Thanks in advance UPDATE I'm able to load the PNG using Quartz2D but for some reason it automatically converts my indexed color 8bit PNG to a 32 bit ARGB PNG. Any thoughts how I might prevent this UPDATE 2 The reason this is important is due..

How to create sectioned/grouped table view alphabetically


a table view configured as an section index See Table View Programming Guide for iOS Populating an Indexed List ... An indexed list is a table view in the plain style that is specially configured through three UITableViewDataSource methods sectionIndexTitlesForTableView.. returns the section index related to the entry the user tapped in the index. The data that that you use to populate an indexed list should be organized to reflect this indexing model . Specifically you need to build an array of arrays. Each inner..

Storing NSAttributedString Core Data


to a Core Data SQL store. I have the property set as a transformable it is optional and it is NOT transient or indexed and the value transformer name is set to default NSKeyedUnarchiveFromData . In the .xcdatamodel and generated the managed..

UILabel touch and get the text where touched


specifically in the section titled A Guided Tour of a UITextInput Implementation . It discusses how you can create indexed positions in text and ask touches what text position they've landed nearest. Apple's references a sample projected called..

Sorting an NSArray like the MPMediaPickerController/iPod Library


Apple's documentation If the application provides a Localizable.strings file for the current language preference the indexed collation object localizes each string returned by the method identified by selector. So make sure you provide a Localizable.strings..

How can I optimize the rendering of a large model in OpenGL ES 1.1?


down on geometry by eliminating some redundant vertices. The PowerVR GPUs in the iOS devices are optimized for using indexed geometry as well. Try using a smaller data type for your vertex information. I found that I could use GLshort instead of..

How do I change the color of the side Alphabet in an indexed UITableView?


do I change the color of the side Alphabet in an indexed UITableView I have a table view with an alphabetical index and am using the side alphabet to get through the list quickly...