

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:16

iphone Programming Glossary: indexpath

How to implement re-ordering of CoreData records?


NSFetchedResultsController controller didChangeObject id anObject atIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type newIndexPath NSIndexPath newIndexPath if userDrivenDataModelChange..

Assertion failure in dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:


referring to UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath static NSString CellIdentifier @ Cell UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier.. Cell UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier forIndexPath indexPath if cell nil cell UITableViewCell alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier..

How do I wrap text in a UITableViewCell without a custom cell


function CGFloat tableView UITableView tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSString cellText @ Go get some text for your cell. UIFont cellFont UIFont fontWithName @ Helvetica..

Custom Delete button On Editing in UITableView Cell


tableView UITableView tableView titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return @ Sagar What if I want a custom image instead of the default red button iphone uitableview uitableviewcellstylevalue..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


up as follows UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSString identifier @ identifier UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier identifier.. using tags but I'm not sure this is the best route. I'd like to be able to somehow tag the indexPath onto the control. void buttonPressedAction id sender UIButton button UIButton sender how do I know which.. how do I know which button sent this message processing button press for this row requires an indexPath. What's the standard way of doing this Edit I've kinda solved it by doing the following. I would still..

Expand/collapse section in UITableView


that specific section. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if indexPath.row 0 it's the first row of any section so it would be your custom section header put in.. section. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if indexPath.row 0 it's the first row of any section so it would be your custom section header put in your code to.. would be your custom section header put in your code to toggle your boolean value here mybooleans indexPath.section mybooleans indexPath.section reload this section self.tableView reloadSections NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex..

display image from URL retrieved from ALAsset in iPhone


in a table cell UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath static NSString CellIdentifier @ Cell UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier.. CellIdentifier autorelease here 'asset' represents the ALAsset object asset assets objectAtIndex indexPath.row i am accessing the thumbnail here cell.imageView setImage UIImage imageWithCGImage asset thumbnail.. imageWithCGImage asset thumbnail cell.textLabel setText NSString stringWithFormat @ Photo d indexPath.row 1 return cell iphone image url share improve this question The API has changed the rules slightly..

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


RootViewController void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath ChildViewController detailViewController ChildViewController alloc init Assign self as the delegate..

How to implement re-ordering of CoreData records?


controller if userDrivenDataModelChange return ... void controller NSFetchedResultsController controller didChangeObject id anObject atIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type newIndexPath NSIndexPath newIndexPath if userDrivenDataModelChange return ... void controllerDidChangeContent NSFetchedResultsController..

Assertion failure in dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:


I ran the test and it gave me that error. Here is the code it's referring to UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath static NSString CellIdentifier @ Cell UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier forIndexPath indexPath if cell nil cell UITableViewCell.. NSIndexPath indexPath static NSString CellIdentifier @ Cell UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier forIndexPath indexPath if cell nil cell UITableViewCell alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier here's the error in the output 2012 10 04 20 13..

How do I wrap text in a UITableViewCell without a custom cell


your UITableViewCell will be so do that in your heightForRowAtIndexPath function CGFloat tableView UITableView tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSString cellText @ Go get some text for your cell. UIFont cellFont UIFont fontWithName @ Helvetica size 17.0 CGSize constraintSize CGSizeMake 280.0f MAXFLOAT CGSize..

Custom Delete button On Editing in UITableView Cell


through this question that shows the following code NSString tableView UITableView tableView titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return @ Sagar What if I want a custom image instead of the default red button iphone uitableview uitableviewcellstylevalue share improve this question luvieere..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


UITableViewCells . Each cell contains a UIButton which is set up as follows UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSString identifier @ identifier UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier identifier if cell nil cell UITableView alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault.. method how do I know which button has been pressed. I've considered using tags but I'm not sure this is the best route. I'd like to be able to somehow tag the indexPath onto the control. void buttonPressedAction id sender UIButton button UIButton sender how do I know which button sent this message processing button press for this.. buttonPressedAction id sender UIButton button UIButton sender how do I know which button sent this message processing button press for this row requires an indexPath. What's the standard way of doing this Edit I've kinda solved it by doing the following. I would still like to have an opinion whether this is the standard way..

Expand/collapse section in UITableView


of your custom header rows toggle this value and then reload that specific section. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if indexPath.row 0 it's the first row of any section so it would be your custom section header put in your code to toggle your boolean value here mybooleans indexPath.section.. header rows toggle this value and then reload that specific section. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if indexPath.row 0 it's the first row of any section so it would be your custom section header put in your code to toggle your boolean value here mybooleans indexPath.section.. if indexPath.row 0 it's the first row of any section so it would be your custom section header put in your code to toggle your boolean value here mybooleans indexPath.section mybooleans indexPath.section reload this section self.tableView reloadSections NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex indexPath.section withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationFade..

display image from URL retrieved from ALAsset in iPhone


code where I was able to access the thumbnail and place it in a table cell UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath static NSString CellIdentifier @ Cell UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier if cell nil cell UITableViewCell alloc initWithStyle.. initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier autorelease here 'asset' represents the ALAsset object asset assets objectAtIndex indexPath.row i am accessing the thumbnail here cell.imageView setImage UIImage imageWithCGImage asset thumbnail cell.textLabel setText NSString stringWithFormat @ Photo.. i am accessing the thumbnail here cell.imageView setImage UIImage imageWithCGImage asset thumbnail cell.textLabel setText NSString stringWithFormat @ Photo d indexPath.row 1 return cell iphone image url share improve this question The API has changed the rules slightly and you dont get direct file system access to the iPhoto..

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


RootViewController.m #import RootViewController.h @implementation RootViewController void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath ChildViewController detailViewController ChildViewController alloc init Assign self as the delegate for the child view controller detailViewController.delegate..

How to implement re-ordering of CoreData records?


return ... void controller NSFetchedResultsController controller didChangeObject id anObject atIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type newIndexPath NSIndexPath newIndexPath if userDrivenDataModelChange return..

Assertion failure in dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:


Here is the code it's referring to UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath static NSString CellIdentifier @ Cell UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier forIndexPath.. CellIdentifier @ Cell UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier forIndexPath indexPath if cell nil cell UITableViewCell alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier here's..

How do I wrap text in a UITableViewCell without a custom cell


in your heightForRowAtIndexPath function CGFloat tableView UITableView tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSString cellText @ Go get some text for your cell. UIFont cellFont UIFont fontWithName @ Helvetica size 17.0 CGSize constraintSize..

Custom Delete button On Editing in UITableView Cell


following code NSString tableView UITableView tableView titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return @ Sagar What if I want a custom image instead of the default red button iphone uitableview uitableviewcellstylevalue..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


UIButton which is set up as follows UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSString identifier @ identifier UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier identifier if cell nil.. pressed. I've considered using tags but I'm not sure this is the best route. I'd like to be able to somehow tag the indexPath onto the control. void buttonPressedAction id sender UIButton button UIButton sender how do I know which button sent this.. button UIButton sender how do I know which button sent this message processing button press for this row requires an indexPath. What's the standard way of doing this Edit I've kinda solved it by doing the following. I would still like to have an opinion..

Expand/collapse section in UITableView


value and then reload that specific section. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if indexPath.row 0 it's the first row of any section so it would be your custom section header put in your code to toggle.. reload that specific section. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if indexPath.row 0 it's the first row of any section so it would be your custom section header put in your code to toggle your boolean.. of any section so it would be your custom section header put in your code to toggle your boolean value here mybooleans indexPath.section mybooleans indexPath.section reload this section self.tableView reloadSections NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex indexPath.section..

iPhone UITableView - Delete Button


is created on a per item basis in UITableViewCell tableView UITableView aTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath I need to alter the position of the delete button simply to move it around 10px to the left how would I go about doing this.. existing code for creating the cell UITableViewCell tableView UITableView aTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSLog @ cellForRowAtIndexPath #if USE_CUSTOM_DRAWING const NSInteger TOP_LABEL_TAG 1001 const NSInteger BOTTOM_LABEL_TAG.. the section. UIImage rowBackground UIImage selectionBackground NSInteger sectionRows aTableView numberOfRowsInSection indexPath section NSInteger row indexPath row if row 0 row sectionRows 1 rowBackground UIImage imageNamed @ topAndBottomRow.png selectionBackground..

How to display multiple columns in a UITableView?


contain 3 labels and in function UITableViewCell tableView UITableView aTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath static NSString DetailCellIdentifier @ DetailCell UITableViewCell cell aTableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier DetailCellIdentifier..

display image from URL retrieved from ALAsset in iPhone


and place it in a table cell UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath static NSString CellIdentifier @ Cell UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier if.. reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier autorelease here 'asset' represents the ALAsset object asset assets objectAtIndex indexPath.row i am accessing the thumbnail here cell.imageView setImage UIImage imageWithCGImage asset thumbnail cell.textLabel setText.. setImage UIImage imageWithCGImage asset thumbnail cell.textLabel setText NSString stringWithFormat @ Photo d indexPath.row 1 return cell iphone image url share improve this question The API has changed the rules slightly and you dont..

Is it possible to refresh a single UITableViewCell in a UITableView?


Thanks in advance. iphone objective c uitableview uitableviewcell share improve this question Once you have the indexPath of your cell you can do something like self.tableView beginUpdates self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObjects.. you can do something like self.tableView beginUpdates self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObjects indexPathOfYourCell nil withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationNone self.tableView endUpdates In Xcode 4.6 and higher self.tableView.. self.tableView endUpdates In Xcode 4.6 and higher self.tableView beginUpdates self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths @ indexPathOfYourCell withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationNone self.tableView endUpdates You can set whatever your like as animation..

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


@implementation RootViewController void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath ChildViewController detailViewController ChildViewController alloc init Assign self as the delegate for the child view controller..

Access UITableView cell and swipe between them from DetailView using XCode 4


this question One way to go about this is to pass the sorted datasource array to the DetailViewController and the indexpath through the prepareForSegue method. RootTableViewController.h void prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender..

Getting bad access while deleting cell and reloading table view


indexPath NSMutableArray dictionary contents objectAtIndex indexPath.row NSLog @ Dictionary @ dictionary NSLog @ indexpath @ indexPath NSLog @ at index d obj @ indexPath.row dictionary NSString nameDetails dictionary valueForKey @ VideoName guid..

How to convert NSIndexpath into NSInteger or simply int?


to convert NSIndexpath into NSInteger or simply int I need to convert a nsindexpath var into NsInteger or simply an int. e.g int rowIndex mGoogleBaseTable selectedRow mGoogleBaseTable is a NSTable type in..

How to preserve the index path value in the table view in iPhone?


the previous state accessory mark will be displayed. SO how can i preserve the state which means store or save the indexpath value. Without using AppDelegate method so How can i achieve this Here my sample code is void tableView UITableView tableView..

Update UITableViewCell without reload


So here's my situation I have a UITableView where each cell has some buttons. In the cellForRowAtIndexPath I set the indexpath of the row so when the a button is clicked I know what row was clicked. One of the buttons is a delete button and when pressed..

UITableView with dynamic cell heights — what do I need to do to fix scrolling down?


tableView UITableView tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSString text get tweet text for this indexpath return self heightForTweetCellWithString text I'm displaying the actual tweet cell using the algorithm in the PragProg book..

How to detect touches on UIImageView of UITableViewCell object in the UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle style


that detailtextLabel to create my table. Now I need to detect touches on the UIImageView and also should know the indexpath cell in which the imageView was clicked. I tried using cell.textLabel.text @ Sometext NSString path NSBundle mainBundle..