

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: incrementally

How to create a UIImage from the current graphics context?


the current graphics context. More specifically my use case is a view that the user can draw lines on. They may draw incrementally. After they are done I'd like to create a UIImage to represent their drawing. Here is what drawRect looks like for me now..

iPhone ProgressBar


How to decrypt an encrypted Apple iTunes iPhone backup?


are AuthSignature and AuthData values in the Manifest.plist file although these appear to be rotated as each file gets incrementally backed up suggested they're not that useful as a key unless something really quite involved is being done. There's a lot..

How do I append a new item to a plist?


dictionary object and write it back to the filesystem. If you use an XML plist you could pretty easily parse it and incrementally write to the file but it'd also be quite a bit bigger so it's unlikely to be worth it. If rewriting the plist is taking..

Drawing incrementally in a UIView (iPhone)


incrementally in a UIView iPhone As far as I have understood so far every time I draw something in the drawRect of a UIView the whole..

UITableView: scrolling programmatically the content view


view on the Y axis the height of the contentSize when the view has been fully loaded . The I check the movement done incrementally but not referencing the position of the touch in the table view I have to check it on a top layered UIView that covers it..

Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?


can be infuriating in the common situation where you want to have a view controller 1 starts some function 2 which incrementally 3 creates a more and more complicated artwork and 4 at each step you setNeedsDisplay wrong 5 until all the work is done..