

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:15

iphone Programming Glossary: index.action

No identities were available - administrator request


solve that fault ios iphone xcode certificate share improve this question https developer.apple.com membercenter index.action Go to iOS Provisioning Portal Certificates Left sidebar Distribution tab Check field Provisioning Profiles . If empty next..

Iphone app with device UDID


Is it possible to Test iPhone Application on Actual Device rather than Simulator?


http developer.apple.com iphone with your developer id and password. Then http developer.apple.com iphone manage team index.action and set up your team. http developer.apple.com iphone manage certificates team index.action to create your certificate Download.. iphone manage team index.action and set up your team. http developer.apple.com iphone manage certificates team index.action to create your certificate Download the certificate you just created and double click on it to run Keychain Access and install.. created and double click on it to run Keychain Access and install it. http developer.apple.com iphone manage devices index.action to enter your iPhone's id http developer.apple.com iphone manage bundles index.action create an appID http developer.apple.com..

How to deploy project with iOS base SDK 6.1 to device with iOS 7


share improve this question Find and download old SDK. Older SDKs are found here https developer.apple.com downloads index.action name Xcode I have copied the xcode.app directory as Xcode_4.6.3.app . Now you can test and debug in both xcode versions...

XCode 5 Crashes on AppStore Validation


profile resolves this problem. Here are the steps to do this Log into https developer.apple.com membercenter index.action In Certificates Identifiers Profiles select Provisioning Profiles . Optional select the old profile and then click the delete..

iPhone CodeSign failed


this itunesconnect provisioning portal stuff... Check this link http developer.apple.com iphone manage distribution index.action . There you sould see two important points Create and download your iPhone Distribution Provisioning Profile for App Store..

iPhone: Can a dev other than team agent build an app for distribution


the Distribution Certificate Signing Request Provisioning Profile http developer.apple.com iphone manage distribution index.action . These instructions a re super long but pretty clear and necessary. 3 Pay extra attention to the section Obtaining your.. 4 Now invite other developer s to be part of the team in the Member Center https developer.apple.com membercenter index.action#invitations 5 Back in the iOS Provisioning Portal download the app's Distribution Certificate Certificates Distribution..

Can I develop iPhone applications using C#.NET on Vista?


using Visual Studio and C#.NET on Windows Vista. I tried to download the SDK from http developer.apple.com iphone index.action but the file has a .dmg extension and I don ™t know how to open that file. So can I as .NET developer work and develop against..

Xcode 4.3 for Snow Leopard


Leopard Xcode 4.3 was released some days ago but there's only a version for Lion https developer.apple.com downloads index.action Is Xcode 4.3 compatible with Snow Leopard iphone ios xcode xcode4.3 share improve this question It's unlikely that..