

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indices

Arguments in @selector


returns an NSMethodSignature object for you to be passed to NSInvocation . Also to note with setArgument atIndex the indices for arguments to be passed to the method set as the selector start at index 2. From the docs Indices 0 and 1 indicate the..

How can swap Row at fromIndex to toIndex in UITableView?


self.MyArray.count 1 return NO return YES Process the row move. This means updating the data model to correct the item indices. void tableView UITableView tableView moveRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath fromIndexPath toIndexPath NSIndexPath toIndexPath here..

Advice on speeding up OpenGL ES 1.1 on the iPhone


Reducing the number of vertices needed per triangle When drawing with indexed triangles you should make sure that your indices are sorted for maximum reuse. Running your geometry through Imagination Technologies PVRTTriStrip tool would probably be..

Skybox OpenGL ES iPhone and iPad


are three relevant arrays the vertex positions the texture coordinates that go with each vertex location a list of indices referring to vertex positions that defines the geometry In my code I've used 24 vertices treating each face of the cube..

Getting a Maya Model into the iPhone


so list of vertices list of texture coordinates list of normals list of faces and the list of faces references the indices in the other three lists in the same order. For example one line might look like f 16 4 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 meaning the first..

NSArray of int[]


0 printf d n level 1 should print 2 To start with you'll have NUM_LEVELS levels in your case 50 so stick that many indices 0..49 into your mutable array as NSNumber objects NSMutableArray levelIndices NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity NUM_LEVELS..

GLSL: Built-in attributes not accessible for iPhone Apps?


stuff on the iPhone. I have to write a Shader for Phong Lighting. I got as far as declaring my geometry vertices indices calculating etc. and passing the respective arguments as attributes to the shader written in GLSL . Using these attributes..

iPhone OpenGL ES texture unit


the following glUniform1i texture1Index 0 glUniform1i texture2Index 1 where texture1Index and texture2Index are the indices of the appropriate uniforms for your shader. The 0 and 1 correspond to the texture units we bound the textures to earlier..

Incorrect number of objects getting added to mutable array


snippet we can observe that I have inserted using the index location to that of table view section values indices . When I save according to section index values of table view the values are getting printed properly.But I am getting crash..